Fundamentals of Bayesian Inference
1. Probability and Inference
(1) General notation for statistical inference (1.1–1.2)
(2) Bayesian inference (1.3-1.4)
(3) Probability as a measure of uncertainty (1.5–1.7)
(4) Some useful results from probability theory (1.8)
(5) Computation and software (1.9)
Introduction to R
Slides: Rintro.pdf
References: http://cran.wustl.edu/doc/manuals/R-intro.pdf
1. Sec 1.12 Exercise: 1, 3, 5. (10 points each)
2. Programming (20 points):
Movie DVDs owned by students
The variable Dvds in the student dataset contains the number of movie DVDs owned by students in the class.
a) Construct a histogram of this variable by use of the hist command.
b) Summarize this variable by the summary command.
c) Use the table command to construct a frequency table of the individual values of Dvds that were observed. If one constructs a barplot of these tabled values by use of the command
one will see that particular response values are very popular. Is there
any explanation for these popular values for number of DVDs owned?
3. Reading Assignment: Chapter 1 of textbook, An Introduction to R.