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Assignment 5 Serverless Data Processing Solution

To avoid any additional charges for resource consumption - Delete any AWS service, storage, database after fulfilling the assignment submission requirements


This assignment will help you learn some key services of AWS platform. In this assignment, you are required to work on AWS Lambda/SQS/SNS
Plagiarism Policy:

    • This assignment is an individual task. Collaboration of any type amounts to a violation of the academic integrity policy and will be reported to the AIO.

    • Content cannot be copied verbatim from any source(s). Please understand the concept and write in your own words. In addition, cite the actual source. Failing to do so will be considered as plagiarism and/or cheating.

    • The Dalhousie Academic Integrity policy applies to all material submitted as part of this course. Please understand the policy, which is available at:
Assignment Rubric - based on the discussion board rubric (McKinney, 2018)

Excellent (25%)
Proficient (15%)
Marginal (5%)
Unacceptable (0%)
Problem # where

All required tasks are
Some tasks are
Incorrect and
Part A
highlights tasks
completed, which


are disjoint in

However, missed

some tasks in

between, which

created a


All parts of the given
Most of the given
Most of the given
Incorrect and
Part B

tasks are correct
tasks are correct
tasks are incorrect.

However, some
The submission

portions need minor
requires major


The submission
The submission
The submission
There is no novelty
Part A

contains novel
lacks novel
does not contain

contribution in key
contributions. There

segments, which is a
are some evidence of

clear indication of
novelty, however, it
However, there is

is not significant
an evidence of


some effort.

The written or
The written or
The written or
Failed to prove the
Part B

graphical materials,
graphical materials,
graphical materials,
clarity. Need proper

and developed
and developed
and developed

applications provide
applications do not
applications fail to
knowledge to perform

a clear picture of the
show clear picture of
prove the clarity.
the tasks.

concept and
the concept. There is

highlights the clarity.
room for
knowledge is


McKinney, B. (2018). The impact of program-wide discussion board grading rubrics on students’ and faculty satisfaction. Online Learning, 22(2), 289-299.
Fall 2021

This assignment has 2 parts. Part A is related to background study and report writing. Part B is related to coding, development, and testing
Part A.    Explore & Build a Use Case:

Read an overview of AWS Kinesis, and check how it works. Now, build a use case based on a hypothetical scenario, where you can use AWS Kinesis, and any other required AWS service(s). The use case should be unique (not copied from online sources/ friends/ colleagues), and it should reflect your understanding of AWS or any other cloud services.

You need to write about your hypothetical scenario and the use case in two paragraphs (less than 1 page). In addition, you need to provide a block diagram or activity diagram or workflow of the use case. Two things are very important in this assignment (1) Novelty and (2) Use of the appropriate service
Part A - Submission requirement:
A pdf file with the use case, graphical representation, and citation (if any).

Part B. Use AWS Lambda-SQS-SNS:
take screenshots at every step and submit as part of the PDF:

    a. Alice and Bob work at HalifaxDine, which is an online food delivery service. They receive orders online. Alice delivers the food, and Bob prepares it.

    b. The customers’ orders are added to a Queue (standard SQS) –
        ◦ Assume a program is sending random food order messages to HalifaxDine

        ◦ This message simulates how a customer places an order to an online store. (You can ignore, price/tax etc)

        ◦ The program should randomly pick food quantity and food item names from a list, create a message body, and send to HalifaxDine

    c. Bob periodically (every 5 minutes) checks, if there is any order in the Queue.
    d. If message is available, it is assumed Bob has prepared the food, and then a notification service
(SNS) is triggered which sends the details to Alice’s email (Your email in this case)

Simulated Customer

Program  Standard Queue
Foods list    Random selection

Lambda Poll



Alice’s Email = Your DAL Email

Part C - Submission requirement:

Submit screenshots of every steps. Please do not exclude any steps. Include all screenshots as part of a PDF file. In addition, provide the program/scripts in gitlab.

Fall 2021

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