Q1 – Written question (5 marks)
Provide a simple example of a system in an unsafe state, where the processes could finish without entering a deadlock. Show the state, and two sequences of execution: one leading to a deadlock and the other leading to the completion of all processes.
Hint: you should not need more than 3 processes and one resource type (with multiple instances).
Q2 – Written question (5 marks)
In a system consisting of four processes and five resource types, the current allocation and maximum needs are as follows:
0 0 x 1 2
What is the smallest value of ‘x’ that can keep the system in a safe state? Once you find the ‘x’ value, find a safe execution order using the Safety Algorithm we discussed in the lecture. Include a step-by-step walk-through of the Safety Algorithm.
Q3 - Programming question (20 marks)
Write a program that implements the Banker’s Algorithm. Your program will determine whether there is a safe execution sequence for a given set of processes, and a request. The process information will be provided in a configuration file, specified as a command-line argument. The configuration file will contain the number of processes (numProc), the number of resource types (numResourceTypes), currently available resources (available), current resource allocation for all processes, the maximum resources required by each process, and a request (request) by process ‘i’. For instance, the example we discussed during lectures, can be translated into the following configuration file (config1.txt):
numProc = 5
numResourceTypes = 3
available = <3 3 2
CPSC 457: Assignment 4 1
request 1 = <1 0 2
The last line represents a request by process #1 for resources (1,0,2). If you run your program on the above configuration file, the output should look as follows:
$ ./banker config1.txt
Grant request <1 0 2 from P1.
Sequence: P1, P3, P0, P2, P4.
If the request can be granted, your program needs to output a possible execution sequence, as above. If the request cannot be granted, the output of your program should look like this:
$ ./banker config2.txt
Reject request <1 0 2 from P1.
Reason: request would result in unsafe state.
If the request cannot be granted, the program should output the reason for rejection. Possible reasons for rejecting a request include:
request would result in an unsafe state,
request is invalid (exceeding declared max for process), not enough resources available.
You are free to use the banker.cpp code in the Appendix 1 as a starting point. If you do, all you have to do is implement the Banker::isSafe() method.
You should submit 3 files for this assignment:
Answers to the written questions combined into a single file, called either report.txt or report.pdf. Do not use any other file formats.
Your solutions to Q3 in files called banker.c or banker.cpp.
Since D2L will be configured to accept only a single file, you will need to submit an archive, eg.
assignment4.tgz. To create such an archive, you could use a command similar to this:
$ tar czvf assignment4.tgz report.pdf banker.cpp
General information about all assignments:
All assignments must be submitted before the due date listed on the assignment. Late assignments or components of assignments will not be accepted for marking without approval for an extension beforehand. What you have submitted in D2L as of the due date is what will be marked.
Extensions may be granted for reasonable cases, but only by the course instructor, and only with the receipt of the appropriate documentation (e.g. a doctor's note). Typical examples of reasonable cases for an extension include: illness or a death in the family. Cases where extensions will not be granted include situations that are typical of student
CPSC 457: Assignment 4 2
life, such as having multiple due dates, work commitments, etc. Forgetting to hand in your assignment on time is not a valid reason for getting an extension.
After you submit your work to D2L, make sure that you check the content of your submission. It's your responsibility to do this, so make sure that you submit your assignment with enough time before it is due so that you can double-check your upload, and possibly re-upload the assignment.
All assignments should include contact information, including full name, student ID and tutorial section, at the very top of each file submitted.
Assignments must reflect individual work. Group work is not allowed in this class nor can you copy the work of others. For further information on plagiarism, cheating and other academic misconduct, check the information at this link: http://www.ucalgary.ca/pubs/calendar/current/k-5.html.
You can and should submit many times before the due date. D2L will simply overwrite previous submissions with newer ones. It’s better to submit incomplete work for a chance of getting partial marks, than not to submit anything.
Only one file can be submitted per assignment. If you need to submit multiple files, you can put them into a single container. The container types supported will be ZIP and TAR. No other formats will be accepted.
Assignments will be marked by your TAs. If you have questions about assignment marking, contact your TA first. If you still have questions after you have talked to your TA then you can contact your instructor.
Appendix 1 – banker.cpp for Q9
Student Name:
Student Number:
Class: CPSC 457 Fall 2017
Instructor: Pavol Federl
Copyright 2017 University of Calgary. All rights reserved.
#include <iostream
#include <fstream
#include <sstream
#include <stdlib.h
#include <algorithm
using namespace std;
class Banker
int numProc; // the number of processes
CPSC 457: Assignment 4 3
int numResources;
the number of
int * available;
number of available instances of each resource
int ** max;
the max demand of each process, e.g., max[i][j] = k
means process
i needs at most k instances
of resource j
int ** allocation;//
number of resource instances already allocated
int ** need;
number of resource instances needed by each process
/* Initializing the vectors and matrixes for the Banker's Algorithm.
Takes ownership of all arrays.
@param avail The available vector
@param mThe max demand matrix
@param alloc The allocation matrix
@param pThe number of processes
@param rThe number of resources
Banker (int * avail, int ** m, int ** alloc, int p, int r) { numProc = p;
numResources = r;
Setup the available vector, the max matrix, and the
allocation matrix
available = avail;
max = m;
allocation = alloc;
Initialize the need matrix need = new int*[numProc];
for (int i = 0; i < numProc; i++) need[i] = new int[numResources];
/* Destroy the vectors and matrixes
~Banker() {
numProc = 0;
numResources = 0;
Free all allocated memory space delete[] available;
for (int i = 0; i < numProc; i++)
delete[] need[i]; delete[] max[i]; delete[] allocation[i];
delete[] need; delete[] max; delete[] allocation;
Check whether
it is safe to grant
the request
@param pid
The process that is
making the request
@param req
The request
@param sequenceOrReason The safe
execution sequence returned
by the algorithm or
reason for rejection
CPSC 457: Assignment 4 4
@return Whether granting the request will lead to a safe state.
bool isSafe (int pid, int * req, string & sequenceOrReason) { sequenceOrReason = "Not implemented yet.";
return false;
int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {
ifstream config;
// Configuration
// The configuration file name
int numProc;
// The number of
int numResources;
// The number of
sequenceOrReason; // The execution sequence returned by
// the Banker's Algorithm
int i,
j, index;
// Indices for the vectors and matrixes
int pid;
// The ID of the
process that is making the
// request
// The request vector in string format
Read in the config file name from the commanda-line arguments if (argc < 2) {
cout << "Usage: banker <config file\n"; return 0;
else {
conffile = argv[1];
Open the file
// Get
of process and the number of
line, var,
equal; // strings
for parsing lines
in cfg. file
getline(config, line);
equal numProc;
// Get the
getline(config, line);
iss var equal numResources; // Get the number of resources iss.clear();
Create the available vector, the max matrix, and the allocation
matrix according to the number of processes and the number of
int * available = new int[numResources]; int ** max = new int*[numProc];
int ** allocation = new int*[numProc];
for (int i = 0; i < numProc; i++)
max[i] = new int[numResources];
allocation[i] = new int[numResources];
// Get the available vector
CPSC 457: Assignment 4 5
getline(config, line);
replace(line.begin(), line.end(), '<', ' '); // Remove "<" and "" replace(line.begin(), line.end(), '', ' '); iss.str(line);
iss var equal;
for (j = 0; j < numResources; j++) // Read in the "available" vector iss available[j];
Get the max matrix and the allocation matrix for (i = 0; i < numProc; i++)
getline(config, line);
replace(line.begin(), line.end(), '<', ' '); replace(line.begin(), line.end(), '', ' ');
iss var;
index = atoi(&var.at(1)); // Get the process ID
if (index < 0 || index = numProc)
cerr << "Invalid process ID: " << var << endl; return 0;
Get the number of resources allocated to process "index". for (j = 0; j < numResources; j++)
iss allocation[index][j];
Get the max allocation to process "index".
for (j = 0; j < numResources; j++)
iss max[index][j];
// Get the request vector
int * request = new int[numResources];
getline(config, line);
reqStr = line.substr(line.find('<'),
line.find('') - line.find('<') + 1);
replace(line.begin(), line.end(), '<', ' '); replace(line.begin(), line.end(), '', ' '); iss.str(line);
iss var pid equal;
for (j = 0; j < numResources; j++) // Read in the "request" vector iss request[j];
Check the request using the Banker's algorithm. Banker * banker = new Banker(
available, max, allocation, numProc, numResources); if (banker - isSafe(pid, request, sequenceOrReason))
cout << "Grant request " << reqStr << " from P" << pid << ".\n" << "Sequence: " << sequenceOrReason << ".\n";
cout << "Reject request " << reqStr << " from P" << pid << ".\n" << "Reason: " << sequenceOrReason << "\n";
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