Users are seldom perfect. It is our job as programmers to catch mistakes and correct them to prevent crashing the program. The table below illustrates common functions you will use for error handling and working with user in the CS 16X series.
Design (Recitation)
You will design solutions to each of the functions outlined in the table. Make sure to include a Understanding the Problem section and a Testing section in your design. Please consult the design syllabus for additional information. Tips for designing this assignment:
• Don’t worry about functions to start
• Treat each function as a mini program
• Design the solution to each problem using loops, conditionals and what you know about strings
• Could be helpful to put each solution on a notecard to simulate a function
• During week 3 you do not need to know about functions to successfully design solutions to each problem
(50 pts) Implementation
Implement each function in the table. You are not permitted to use any built in functions. You may use the string library and string type but you are not permitted to use any of the other helper functions found in that library.You are encouraged to use the ASCII chart.
• Each function is worth 3 points.
• You will receive 2 points by default.
• All functions must follow the outlined naming conventions, input and output values shown below in the table. Failure to do so will result in a zero for that function.
Function Name
Output (Return
int lower_bound
Indicates if the
int upper_bound
provided number is in
int test_value
the specified range
string num
Indicates if a given
string is an integer
string num
Indicates if a given
string is a float
char letter
Indicates if a given
character is a capital
int num
Indicates if a given
number is even
int num
Indicates if a given
number is odd
int num1
Tests num1 against
int num2
num2 and returns -1 if
num1 < num2, returns
0 if num1 == num2,
returns 1 if num1 >
float num1
Tests if num1 and
float num2
num2 are equal to
float precision
each other within a
certain precision
string sentence
Indicates if the
provided string
contains numbers
string sentence
Indicates if the
provided string
contains letters
string sentence
Indicates if substring
string sub_string
exists in sentence
string sentence
Provides the number
of words in a given
string sentence
Capitalizes all letters
in a given string and
leave all non-letter
characters unchanged
string sentence
Makes all letters
lowercase in a given
string prompt
Takes a prompt from
the user as a string
literal, checks if input
is a valid integer,
returns the provided
string prompt
Takes a prompt from
the user as a string
literal, checks if input
is a valid float, returns
the provided float
(35 pts) Testing
Main() will serve as the location where you test your functions. For each function you must show each return option is reachable. For example, is_int() should be run twice: once to show that it can successfully identify a string as an int and return true; once to show that is can successfully identify the string is not an int and return false. You must label your tests, indicating what you are testing, the value you are providing, the expected output and the actual output. If the expected output matches the actual output, the program should print “PASS” for the test and “FAIL” otherwise. Your print out should be readable. 28 points come from the actual tests (one for each return). The remaining 7 points comes from clean output (how readable the print statements are).
(15 pts)Program Style/Comments
In your implementation, make sure that you include a program header and function headers in your program, in addition to proper indentation/spacing and other comments. Below is an example header to include. Make sure you review the style guidelines for this class, and begin trying to follow them, i.e. don’t align everything on the left or put everything on one line!
http://classes.engr.oregonstate.edu/eecs/winter2018/cs161-001/assignments/161_style_guideline. pdf
• Function:
• Description:
• Parameters:
• Pre-Conditions:
• Post-Conditions:
(10 points) Extra Credit (Choose One)
Option 1:
The above functions solve problems you will likely face in future assignments.One method for reusing these functions is to copy and paste them into each assignment. A better way is to make this set of functions into a library which you can include in future assignments but this is a concept we do not usually cover until CS 162.
Using the link below for reference, create your own library from these functions by separating your assignment into three files: helper_functions.h, helper_functions.cpp, and assignment3.cpp Include the helper_functions.h in your assignment3.cpp and compile using the following line:
g++ assignment3.cpp helper_functions.cpp -o assignment3
Resources (start on slide 7):
Option 2:
Testing is a very important part of programming. Fully test your is_int and is_float functions. Test as many inputs as you can imagine. See how you can break your functions and if you do how are you going to fix it. Use the following hints to get you started:
• What happens if you have multiple digits?
• What happens if there is a sign at the beginning/end?
• What happens if it is a string with letters and numbers?
• What if you don’t supply digits after a dot?
Record your tests cases the same way you did in main.
Electronically submit your C++ program (.cppfile, not your executable) by the assignment due
date, using TEACH.
Make sure you demo Assignment #3 within two weeks of the due date to receive full credit. If you go outside the two week limit without permission, you will lose 50 points. If you fail to show up for your demo without informing anyone, then you will automatically lose 10 points.