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Assignment 2 Websites Redesign Solution

The audit should include (you may refer to assignment 1 auditing aspects)

    • Website goals and users personas

    • Website architecture and mapping

    • Usability principles considerations

    • Errors and heuristic violations

    • Accessibility considerations

    • User interface design

    • Design responsiveness over di erent devices

The redesign should include

    • Website restructure, mapping and information grouping

    • Correcting heuristic violations

    • Improving navigation design

    • Improving visual design aesthetics

    • Improving design responsiveness


    • Website audit report in .PDF le format. Use the provided LNC template, 8 pages max., including screenshots, diagrams, wireframe sketches and any supporting visuals.

        ◦ Partial design prototype of the website, 3 pages minimum. Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript only.

        ◦ 15 minutes presentation (PPT or Keynote), with design prototype demo Presentation cover should include the Group # and names.
    • Submit nal materials as one compressed le at Camino/Assignment 2, File name should be the Group #.

    • All project documents including, Report, Presentation and prototype should be submitted by Tuesday, June 5 at 8:00 AM.

Groups Presentations Schedule

    • Group 1 - 5: Tuesday, June 5

    • Group 5 - 9: Thursday, June 7

Grade Weight

25% of  nal class grade, distributed as follows:

    • Report 10

    • Prototype 10

    • Presentation 05

Assessment Criteria

    • Report thoroughness and auditing depth and quality,

    • Report formatting using the LNCS template,

    • Appropriate use of related terminology and scienti c writing,

    • Design aesthetics and principles.

    • Creativity.

    • Presentation quality and techniques.

Web Usability - COEN 163 | 2018 | Amir Attia

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