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Assignment 2 Solution

In this assignment, you will write a java program which will check whether an input year is a leap year or not. You will write the program inside the IDE and submit the .java file only.

1. Ask the user for a year input (positive integer - should be between 1500 and 2019, inclusive).

2. If the year input is not between 1500 and 2019, do not check for leap year, rather print that this year cannot be checked.

3. Take a year input from the user (should be between 1500 and 2019)

4. If the input year is a leap year, print that year is a leap year; otherwise, print that the year is not a leap year.

5. Point of thought: how will you handle centurial years, i.e., years ending in 00, e.g., 1900, 1800, 1700, 2000 etc.?

    Gain experience in input taking using the scanner class in Java.
    Gain experience in if/else selection statement in Java.

File/Project Naming

Your project/file should be named “N#_assign2”/ “”.
Test Your Program

    Once the code is typed, you will compile+run (execute) your code.
    You will input the year integer.
    See the output given by your code.

Sample Output

Your output should look like this:

    What year do you want to test? (make sure it's between 1500 and 2017): 1400

      This year cannot be checked. Try again!

    What year do you want to test? (make sure it's between 1500 and 2017): 2018

       This year cannot be checked. Try again!

    What year do you want to test? (make sure it's between 1500 and 2017): 2016

    Yes, 2016 is a leap year!
    What year do you want to test? (make sure it's between 1500 and 2017): 1900

    Nope, 1900 is NOT a leap year!

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