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Assignment 2 Solution

Instructions: Submit two files only: writeup.pdf and Only question 1 and 4.2 are programming questions; written answers are expected for all other questions. For all questions, show all your work, including intermediate steps.

1 Linear Regression [20 pts]

Using any programming language, implement linear least square regression (i.e., with no polynomial terms) with the penalty term wT w. Download the dataset called from the course webpage, which contains the training data and labels for each fold. The input and output spaces are continuous (i.e., x 2 Rd and y 2 R). Find the best by 10-fold cross validation. Draw a graph that shows the euclidean error as

increases from 0 to 4 in increments of 0.1.

2 Maximum Likelihood and Maximum a Posteriori Estimates [20 pts]

2.1 MLE [10 pts]

Consider the probability density function below:

P (x) = 3 xe x2

where is a parameter and x is a positive real number. Suppose you get m i.i.d samples xi drawn from this distribution. Show how one can compute the maximum likelihood estimate for based on these samples.

2.2 MAP [10 pts]

Consider the gamma probability density function below:

P ; (x) = x 1e x


Show that the gamma distribution is a conjugate prior of the exponential distribution P (x) = e x.

Find the maximum a posteriori estimate (MAP) of as a function of and .

3 Generative vs Discriminative Models [20 pts]

In class, we learned that when X = hX1; X2; : : : ; Xni where each Xi is distributed normally, and Y is Boolean, then logistic regression is the discriminative equivalent of Naive Bayes.

Prove that P (Y jX) takes the logistic form when X is a vector of boolean variables, i.e., logistic regression is also the discriminative counterpart of a Naive Bayes classifier over boolean features.

4 Support Vector Machines [40 pts]

4.1 Constrained Optimization [20 pts]

Consider the following optimization problem, with variable x 2 R.

minimize x2 + 1

subject to (x 2)(x 4) 0

What is the optimal point x and optimal value p of this constrained optimization problem?

State the Langrangian and the dual function g( ).
State the Langrange dual optimization problem. Find the dual optimal point and the dual optimal value d . Does strong duality hold? Explain your answer.

4.2 SVM with Kernels [20 pts]

The Ionosphere dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository contains radar data that was collected by a system in Goose Bay, Labrador. Received signals were processed using an autocorrelation function whose arguments are the time of a pulse and the pulse number. There were 17 pulse numbers. Instances in this dataset are described by 2 attributes per pulse number, corresponding to the complex values returned by the function resulting from the complex electromagnetic signal. The prediction is either g=“good” or b=“bad”. Download the dataset called ionosphere.csv from the course webpage.

Use your favourite machine learning toolkit to compare the performance of the SVM using each of the following kernels — linear, polynomial and radial basis. The polynomial and radial basis kernels each take parameters. The hyper-parameter C controls the tradeoff between training error and margin. Experiment with various combinations of the hyper-parameter C = f1; 10; 100g and the kernel parameters.

Explain your procedures and report the training accuracy performance. Which kernel performed the best?

What does this say, if anything, about the data?


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