Starting from:


Assignment 2: Ray Tracing Solution

Flag and parameters

-s <INT>
Number of camera rays per pixel (default=1, should be a power of


-l <INT>
Number of samples per area light (default=1)

-t <INT>
Number of render threads (default=1)

-m <INT>
Maximum ray depth (default=1)

Image (.png) file to save output to in windowless mode

Width and height in pixels of output image (if windowless) or of

-r <INT> <INT>
GUI window

-p <x> <y> <dx>
Used with the -f flag to render a cell

Load camera settings file (mainly to set camera position when


-a <INT> <FLOAT>
Samples per batch and tolerance for adaptive sampling

Enable hemisphere sampling for direct lighting

Print command line help message

Moving the camera (in edit and BVH mode)


Left-click and drag

Right-click and drag

Zoom in and out

Reset view

Keyboard commands


Mesh-edit mode (default)

BVH visualizer mode

Descend to left/right child (BVH viz)

Move up to parent node (BVH viz)

Start rendering

Save a screenshot

Decrease/increase area light samples
- +

Decrease/increase camera rays per pixel
[ ]

Decrease/increase maximum ray depth
< >

Toggle cell render mode

Toggle uniform hemisphere sampling

Dump camera settings to file

Cell render mode lets you use your mouse to highlight a region of interest so that you can see quick results in that area when fiddling with per pixel ray count, per light ray count, or ray depth.

Ray Generation and Scene Intersection

Task 1: Filling in the sample loop

Fill in PathTracer::raytrace_pixel() in pathtracer.cpp. This function returns a Spectrum corresponding to the integral of the irradiance over this pixel, which you will estimate by averaging over ns_aa samples.

The inputs to this function are integer coordinates in pixel space. You should generate ns_aa random rays through this pixel using camera->generate_ray() (which you will implement in Task

    2) and evaluate their radiance with trace_ray(). Notes:

PathTracer owns a gridSampler, which has a method you can use to get random samples in $[0,1]^2$ (see sampler.h/cpp for details).

The width and height of the pixel buffer are stored in sampleBuffer.w and sampleBuffer.h. You will most likely want to pass a location to the camera that has been scaled down to $[0,1]^2$ coordinates.

When ns_aa == 1, you should generate your ray through the center of the pixel, i.e., $(x+.5,y+.5)$.

Remember to be careful about mixing int and double types here, since the input variables have integer types.

Task 2: Generating camera rays

Fill in Camera::generate_ray() in camera.cpp. The input is a 2D point you calculated in Task 1.

Generate the corresponding world space ray as depicted in this slide.

The camera has its own coordinate system. In camera space, the camera is positioned at the origin, looks along the $-z$ axis, has the $+y$ axis as image space "up". Given the two field of
view angles hFov and vFov, we can define a sensor plane one unit along the view direction with its bottom left and top right corners at

Vector3D(-tan(radians(hFov)*.5), -tan(radians(vFov)*.5),-1)

Vector3D( tan(radians(hFov)*.5),    tan(radians(vFov)*.5),-1)

respectively. Convert the input point to a point on this sensor so that $(0,0)$ maps to the bottom left and $(1,1)$ maps to the top right. This is your ray's direction in camera space. We can convert this vector to world space by applying the transform c2w. This vector becomes our r.d (don't forget to normalize it!!). The r.o parameter is simply the camera's position pos. The ray's minimum and maximum $t$ values should be the nClip and fClip camera parameters.

Tasks 1 and 2 will be tricky to debug before implementing part 3, since nothing will show up on your screen!

Task 3: Intersecting Triangles

Fill in both Triangle::intersect() methods in triangle.cpp. You are free to use any method you choose, but we recommend using the Moller Trumbore algorithm. Make sure you understand the derivation of the algorithm: here is one reference.

Remember that not every intersection is valid -- the ray has min_t and max_t fields defining the valid range of t values. If t lies outside this range, you should return false. Else, update max_t to be equal to t so that future intersections with farther away primitives will be discarded.

Once you get the ray's $t$-value at the intersection point, you should populate the Intersection *isect structure in the second version of the function as follows:

t is the ray's t  -value at the hit point.

n is the surface normal at the hit point. Use barycentric coordinates to interpolate between n1, n2, n3 , the per-vertex mesh normals.

primitive points to the primitive that was hit (use the this pointer).

bsdf points to the surface bsdf at the hit point (use get_bsdf() ).

Task 4: Intersecting Spheres

Fill in both Sphere::intersect() methods in sphere.cpp. Use the quadratic formula. There is also a helper function Sphere::test() that you might want to implement and use. As with Triangle::intersect(), set r.max_t in both routines and fill in the isect parameters for the second version of the function. For a sphere, the surface normal is a scaled version of the vector pointing from the sphere's center to the hit point.

Now the spheres should appear in dae/sky/CBspheres_lambertian.dae:

Reference: Berkeley course -

Additional info

This result was generated using the following command and took 2194.49 seconds to render.
./pathtracer -t 8 -r 480 320 ../dae/sky/CBdragon.dae

Bounding Volume Hierarchy

Task 5: Constructing the BVH

Implement the function BVHAccel:construct_bvh() inside bvh.cpp. The BVHAccel class itself only contains a BVHNode *root . Each node contains a bounding box bb , left and right children

    l and r , and a pointer vector<Primitive *> *prims to a list of actual scene primitives. For interior nodes, l and r are non- NULL , and for leaf nodes, prim is non- NULL .

The starter code creates a one-node BVH by storing all nodes directly into a leaf node. You may notice that any .dae files with even mildly complicated geometry take a very long time to "render," even with only the simple normal shading. Even a BVH constructed with simple heuristics will perform much better (taking ray intersection complexity from linear to log, for those who care).

Some important utility functions for you to note:

    l. Primitive::get_bbox() returns the bounding box of a primitive.

    m. BBox::expand() expands a bounding box to include the function argument, which can either be a Vector3D or another BBox .

    n. Check out the Vector3D members variables inside a BBox : min, max, extent , where

extent = max-min .

We recommend that you first attempt BVH construction with some the following simple (but slightly inefficient) recursive function:

    l. Compute the bounding box of the primitives in prims in a loop.

    m. Initialize a new BVHNode with that bounding box.

    n. If there are at most max_leaf_size primitives in the list, this is a leaf node. Allocate a new Vector<Primitive *> for node's primitive list (initialize this with prims ) and return the


    o. If not, we need to recurse left and right. Pick the axis to recurse on (perhaps the largest dimension of the bounding box's extent).
    p. Calculate the split point you are using on this axis (perhaps the midpoint of the bounding box).
    q. Split all primitives in prims into two new vectors based on whether their bounding box's
centroid's coordinate in the chosen axis is less than or greater than the split point. ( p-

is a quick way to get a bounding box centroid for Primitive

Implement the function BBox::intersect() inside bbox.cpp, using the simple ray-aligned-plane intersection equation here and the ray-aligned-box intersection method here. Note that this function returns an interval of t values for which the ray lies inside the box.

Task 7: Intersecting BVHAccel

Using the previous two parts, implement the two BVHAccel::intersect() routines inside bvh.cpp. The starter code assumes that root is a leaf node and tests the ray against every single primitive in the tree. Your improved method should implement this recursive traversal algorithm.


You can safely return false if a ray intersects with a BBox but its t interval has an empty intersection with the ray's interval from min_t to max_t .

In the version with no isect parameter, you can safely return true after a single hit. However, the other version must return the closest hit along the ray, so it needs to check every BBox touched by the ray.

If all primitives update r.max_t correctly in their own intersection routines, you don't need to worry about making sure the ray stores the closer hit in BVHAccel::intersect() since it will be taken care of automatically.

Once this part is complete, your intersection routines should be fast enough to render any of our scene files in a matter of seconds (with normal shading only), even ones like dae/meshedit/maxplanck.dae with tens of thousands of triangles:

Or dae/sky/CBlucy.dae, with hundreds of thousands of triangles:

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