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Assignment 2, Programming Part Solved

Summary: In this assignment, you will implement a sequential language model (an LSTM) and an image classifier (a Vision Transformer).

In problem 1, you will use built-in PyTorch modules to implement an LSTM and perform language modelling on wikitext and run some LSTM configurations.Download the LSTM embedding file from here and place it in ./data folder.

In problem 2, you will implement various building blocks of a transformer, including LayerNorm (layer normalization) and the Attention mechanism for vision Transformer and build an image classfier on CIFAR10.

In problem 3 , you will run the different transformer architectures and compare their performance to a simple CNN network.

The Wikitext-2 dataset comprises 2 million words extracted from the set of verified “Good” and “Featured” articles on Wikipedia. See this blog post for details about the Wikitext dataset and sample data. The dataset you get with the assignment has already been preprocessed using OpenAI’s GPT vocabulary, and each file is a compressed numpy array containing two arrays:tokens containing a flattened list of (integer) tokens, and sizes containing the size of each document.

You are provided a PyTorch dataset class ( named Wikitext2 in the utils folder. This class loads the Wikitext-2 dataset and generates fixed-length sequences from it. Throughout this assignment, all sequences will have length 256, and we will use zero-padding to pad shorter sequences.

In practice though, you will work with mini-batches of data, each with batchsize B elements. You can wrap this dataset object into a, which will return a dictionary with keys source, target, and mask, each of shape (B, 256).

- Do not distribute - CIFAR10 dataset The CIFAR-10 dataset consists of 60000 32x32 colour images in 10 classes, with 6000 images per class. There are 50000 training images and 10000 test images.You are provided a PyTorch dataset class ( named CIFAR10 from the torchvision and have the train, valid and test splits given. Throughout this assignment, the shape of CIFAR10 data is (Batch, Channels, Height, Width)

For students using Google Colab to complete their assignments, a cell with this command is available in the main.ipynb notebook.

If the tests on Gradescope fail: as a rule of thumb, x corresponds to the value in your assignment (e.g. the value returned by your function), and y is the expected value.

Coding instructions You will be required to use PyTorch to complete all questions. Moreover, this assignment requires running the models on GPU (otherwise it will take an incredibly long time); if you don’t have access to your own resources (e.g. your own machine, a cluster), please use Google Colab (the notebook main.ipynb is here to help you). For some questions, you will be asked to not use certain functions in PyTorch and implement these yourself using primitive functions from torch; in that case, the functions in question are explicitly disabled in the tests on Gradescope.

Problem 1

Implementing an LSTM (13pts) In this problem, you will be using PyTorch’s built-in modules in order to implement an LSTM. The architecture you will be asked to implement is the following:

w1   304
w2   4731
w3   8406
w4   614
w5     0



 log p(w2 | w1:1)

log p(w3
| w1:2)

log p(w4
| w1:3)

log p(w5
| w1:4)

log p(w6
| w1:5)

In the file lstm, you are given an LSTM class containing all the blocks necessary to create this model. In particular, self.embedding is a nn.Embedding module that converts sequences of token indices into embeddings, self.lstm is a nn.LSTM module that runs an LSTM over a sequence of vectors, and self.classifier is a 2-layer MLP responsible for classification. To do : Points per question

    1. (5 pts)Using the different modules described above, complete the forward() function. This function must return the log-probabilities (not the logits) of the next words in the sequence, as well as the final hidden state of the LSTM.

    2. (4 pts)Complete the loss() function, that returns the mean negative log-likelihood of the entire sequences in the minibatch (and also averaged over the mini-batch dimension). More precisely, for a single sequence in the mini-batch

T   N
L(θ; w1:T +1) = −

log p(wt+1 = i | w1:t; θ)1(i = wt+1),


t=1 i=0

where w are the predictions made by the model, and 1(i = wt+1) is the indicator function which equals 1 if i = wt+1, and 0 otherwise. Note that here T might be smaller than 256 (called sequence length in the code), because the sequence might be zero-padded; you may use mask for this. The loss function directly takes the log-probabilities as input (e.g. returned by the forward function).

Training language models Unlike in classification problems, where the performance metric is typically accuracy, in language modelling, the performance metric is typically based directly on the cross-entropy loss, i.e. the negative log-likelihood (N LL) the model assigns to the tokens. For word-level language modelling it is standard to report perplexity (PPL), which is the exponentiated average per-token NLL (over all tokens):

exp    T M

    • M

− log p(wt(j) | w1(j), ...., wt(−j)1; θ)  ,

t=1 j=1

where t is the index with the sequence, and j indexes different sequences. The purpose of this question is to perform model exploration, which is done using a validation set. As such, we do not require you to run your models on the test set.

    3. (2 pts)Run the 6 configurations listed in run .For each of these experiments, plot learning curves (train and validation) of perplexity and loss over epochs. Figures should have labeled axes and a legend and an explanatory caption

    4. (2 pts)Among the 6 configurations, which hyperparameters + optimizer would you use if you were most concerned with wall-clock time? With generalization performance?

Problem 2

Implementing a Vision Transformer (29pts) While typical RNNs “remember” past informa-tion by taking their previous hidden state as input at each step, recent years have seen a profusion of methodologies for making use of past information in different ways. The transformer1 is one such fairly new architecture which uses several self-attention networks (“heads”) in parallel, among other architectural specifics. Implementing a transformer is a fairly involved process – so we provide

    • See for more details.

 most of the boilerplate code and your task is only to implement the multi-head scaled dot-product attention mechanism, as well as the layernorm operation.

Implementing Layer Normalization (5pts): You will first implement the layer normalization (LayerNorm) technique that we have seen in class. For this assignment, you are not allowed to use the PyTorch nn.LayerNorm module (nor any function calling torch.layer norm).

As defined in the layer normalization paper, the layernorm operation over a minibatch of inputs x is defined as

layernorm(x) =
x − E[x]

weight + bias

Var[x] + ϵ

where E[x] denotes the expectation over x, Var[x] denotes the variance of x, both of which are only taken over the last dimension of the tensor x here. weight and bias are learnable affine parameters.

    1. (5pts) In the file vit solution, implement the forward() function of the LayerNorm class. Pay extra attention to the lecture slides on the exact details of how E[x] and Var[x] are computed. In particular, PyTorch’s function torch.var uses an unbiased estimate of the variance by default, defined as the formula on the left-hand side





Var(X)unbiased =

i=1 (Xi − X)2
Var(X)biased =

i=1 (Xi − X)2

n − 1


whereas LayerNorm uses the biased estimate on the right-hand size (where X here is the mean estimate). Please refer to the docstrings of this function for more information on input/output signatures.

Implementing the attention mechanism (17pts): You will now implement the core module of the transformer architecture – the multi-head attention mechanism. Assuming there are m attention heads, the attention vector for the head at index i is given by:

[q1, . . . , qm] = QWQ + bQ

[k1, . . . , km] = KWK + bK[v1, . . . , vm] = V WV + bV

Ai = softmax

hi = Aivi

A(Q, K, V ) = concat(h1, . . . , hm)WO + bO

Here Q, K, V are queries, keys, and values respectively, where all the heads have been concate-nated into a single vector (e.g. here K ∈ RT ×md, where d is the dimension of a single key vector, and T the length of the sequence). WQ, WK , WV are the corresponding projection ma-trices (with biases b), and WO is the output projection (with bias bO). Q, K, and V are de-termined by the output of the previous layer in the main network. Ai are the attention values, which specify which elements of the input sequence each attention head attends to. In this ques-tion, you are not allowed to use the module nn.MultiheadAttention (or any function calling

 torch.nn.functional.multi head attention forward). Please refer to the docstrings of each function for a precise description of what each function is expected to do, and the expected in-put/output tensors and their shapes.

    2. (4pts)The equations above require many vector manipulations in order to split and combine head vectors together. For example, the concatenated queries Q are split into m vectors [q1, . . . , qm] (one for each head) after an affine projection by WQ, and the hi’s are then concatenated back for the affine projection with WO. In the class MultiHeadedAttention, implement the utility functions split heads() and merge heads() to do both of these oper-ations, as well as a transposition for convenience later. For example, for the 1st sequence in the mini-batch:

y = split heads(x) → y[0, 1, 2, 3] = x[0, 2, num heads * 1 + 3] x = merge heads(y) → x[0, 1, num heads * 2 + 3] = y[0, 2, 1, 3]

These two functions are exactly inverse from one another. Note that in the code, the number of heads m is called self.num heads, and the head dimension d is self.head size. Your functions must handle mini-batches of sequences of vectors, see the docstring for details about the input/output signatures.

    3. (8pts)In the class MultiHeadedAttention, implement the function get attention weights(), which is responsible for returning Ai’s (for all the heads at the same time) from qi’s and ki’s.Concretely, this means taking the softmax over the whole sequence. The softmax is then

exp(xτ )
[softmax(x)]τ =

i exp(xi)

    4. (2pts)Using the functions you have implemented, complete the function apply attention() in the class MultiHeadedAttention, which computes the vectors hi’s as a function of qi’s, ki’s and vi’s, and concatenates the head vectors.

apply attention({qi}mi=1,{ki}mi=1,{vi}mi=1) = concat(h1, . . . , hm).

    5. (3pts)Using the functions you have implemented, complete the function forward() in the class MultiHeadedAttention. You may implement the different affine projections however

you want (do not forget the biases), and you can add modules to the init () function. How many learnable parameters does your module have, as a function of num heads and head size?

The ViT forward pass (6pts): You now have all building blocks to implement the forward pass of a miniature Vit model. You are provided a module PostNormAttentionBlock which corresponds to a full block with self-attention and a feed-forward neural network, with skip-connections, using the modules LayerNorm and MultiHeadedAttention you implemented before.

In this part of the exercise, you will fill in theVisionTransformer class in vit solution This module contains all the blocks necessary to create this model. In particular, get patches() is a module responsible for converting images in to token which are then converted into embeddings

- Do not distribute - (using input and positional embeddings), self.layers is a nn.ModuleList containing the different Attention Block layers, and self.classifier is a linear layer responsible for classification.

    6. (2pts)Implement the function get patches() which converts the image in to a sequence of patches based on the given patch size.

    7. (1pts) By taken inspiration from the PostNormAttentionBlock, implement the PreNormAt-tentionBlock. You can look at the implementation of the forward function of the PostNorm block to complete the forward function in PreNormAttentionBlock. See the figure below for a comparison of the post-norm and pre-norm.

Figure 1: Image from Ruibin Xiong et al On Layer Normalization in the Transformer Architecture

    8. (2pts)In the class VisionTransformer, complete the function forward() using the different modules described above.

    9. (1pts)Complete the loss() function, that returns the cross entropy of the mini-batch.

Problem 3

Training ViT models (22pts) You will train each of the following architectures using an optimization technique and scheduler of your choice. For reference, we have provided a feature-complete training script (run exp that uses the AdamW optimizer. You are free to modify this script as you deem fit. You do not need to submit code for this part of the assignment. However, you are required to create a report that presents the accuracy and training curve comparisions as specified in the following questions.

- Do not distribute - Note: For each experiment, closely observe the training curves, and report the best validation accuracy score across epochs (not necessarily the validation score for the last epoch)

Configurations to run: At the top of the runner file (run exp, we have provided 6 ex-periment configurations for you to run. Together, these configurations span several choices of neural network architecture, optimizer, and weight-decay parameters. Perform the following analysis on the logs.

    1. (4pts)You are asked to run 7 experiments with different optimizers, and hyperparameters set-tings. These parameter settings are given to you at the top of the runner file (run exp For each of these experiments, plot learning curves (train and validation) of accuracy over both epochs and wall-clock time. Figures should have labeled axes and a legend and an explanatory caption.

    2. (3pts)Make a table of results summarizing the train and validation performance for each experiment, indicating the architecture and optimizer.2 Sort by architecture, then number of layers, then optimizer, and use the same experiment numbers as in the runner script for easy reference. Bold the best result for each architecture. The table should have an explanatory caption, and appropriate column and/or row headers. Any shorthand or symbols in the table should be explained in the caption.

    3. (2pts)Among the first 6 configurations, which hyperparameters + optimizer would you use if you were most concerned with wall-clock time? With generalization performance?

    4. (3pts)Between the experiment configurations 1-4 at the top of run exp, only the optimizer changed. What difference did you notice about the four optimizers used? What was the impact of weight decay, momentum, and Adam?

    5. (3pts)Compare experiments 6 and 7. Which model did you think performed better (PreNorm or PostNorm)? Why?

    6. (3pts)In configurations 1- 7, you trained a transformer with various hyper-parameter settings. Given the recent high profile transformer based models, are the results as you expected? Speculate as to why or why not. How do they compare with CNN architectures given below.

Val Accuracy
Test Accuracy
Num Parameters





    7. (2pts)For each of the experiment configurations above, measure the average steady-state GPU memory usage (nvidia-smi is your friend!). Comment about the GPU memory footprints

2You can also make the table in LaTeX; for convenience you can use tools like LaTeX table generator to generate tables online and get the corresponding LaTeX code.

- Do not distribute - of each model, discussing reasons behind increased or decreased memory consumption where applicable.

    8. (2pts)Comment on the overfitting behavior of the various models you trained, under different hyperparameter settings. Did a particular class of models overfit more easily than the others? Can you make an informed guess of the various steps a practitioner can take to prevent overfitting in this case?

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