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Assignment 1 Wedding Invitations Solution


Mark and Karina are getting married! They need some help getting everything ready in time and decided to hire you to create the invitations. The couple has high expectations on this work since this is going to be the biggest day of their lives and something they dreamed about for many years. Be professional, thoughtful, and creative while designing these invitations!


This invitation will be in the half-fold formation, meaning it will fold in half, providing a front panel, two inner panels (left and right), and a back panel, just like a standard greeting card. 两个文件一个里面一个外面

To do this in Photoshop, create two separate files. One will contain the back and front panels and the other will contain the left and right inner panels. Look at the illustration below to see how this looks, and use the order of these panels as shown. You must follow this order (i.e. back and then front in the first document) so that it would print out and fold properly – although you don't have to print it out.


Each of the 4 panels must be 5 ½" wide by 6" tall. The resolution must be 300ppi.

Hint: when creating the two documents in Photoshop, it may help to use the Gridlines (View Grid or View Show Gridlines) and/or Rulers (View Rulers) to help you see the halfway point where one panel ends and the next panel begins in that sheet. You may also add a rectangle shape to cover half the document as you work but remove/hide it before submitting.

必须是5.5 wide 6 tall 所以说一个文件是 11 wide 6 tall

Overall Requirements

Photoshop must be used. Do not use Illustrator, GIMP, etc.

Save the files as PSDs early on and continue saving regularly so you don’t

lose any work! Make backups on other drives/email to be safe.

Create two Photoshop files: one for the inner panels and one for the front

and back panels.

You must provide 2 PSD files and 4 rendered JPG images.
Use the following filename format for the Photoshop files:
o invitation_username_inner.psd
o invitation_username_outer.psd

Use the following filename format for the JPG files:
o invitation_username_inner.jpg

o invitation_username_outer_pink.jpg

o invitation_username_outer_blue.jpg

o invitation_username_outer_purple.jpg

在转化成图像之前 确保特效是全部打开的

When saving the outer page as a JPG, make sure you have the correct recolouring effect visible (and the other colour effects hidden) corresponding to the version being saved (i.e. only the blue petal

effect visible when saving the "_blue" JPG).

Keep all layers separated and give them appropriate names. Do not merge

layers or add multiple elements within the same layer.

It is recommended that you create folders/groups in Photoshop to hold the

layers of each panel. For example, in the outer document have one folder for 使用文件夹
Back panel layers and a second folder for Front panel layers. This is not
required but suggested as it helps keep things organized together.
Only use copyright-free pictures. Pexels ( and Unsplash

( are great resources for this!

Keep track of the URLs of any images you take from these sites so that you

can easily reference them without having to re-find them later.
Each panel must be 5 ½" wide by 6" tall.
The invitations are intended to be printed so use a resolution of 300ppi.

Follow the file and folder name conventions as mentioned in here. Marks 网址给记下
will be removed if the names are not correct (including incorrect case).

Choose appropriate colours, fonts, and other design styles.

Add a white paint fill in the background layer of the outer page if it isn't

already white. The inner page will have a picture as the background.
When asked to create a mask, you must use a mask and not destructive
alternatives like erasers. 让你使用mask 就给我使用mask
You may resize/resample images as needed but ensure they remain

proportional. The woman and man are already sized so that they are

proportional to one another so be careful if changing their sizes.

Page Requirements

Back page

Create a clipping mask for the back page design based on the given layer information. You may size and position each of these components of this clipping mask as you desire to make it look professional.
The background image is the provided picture of Mark and Karina walking on the beach.

Insert a heart (use the shape tool) for one of the foreground layers.

Write the text “Together Forever” as other foreground layer(s).

Include the following RSVP message. This should not be part of the clipping mask.
Kindly RSVP by the thirty first day of March, two thousand nineteen.

Front page

Include one of the following invitation phrases:

You are cordially invited to the wedding of Mark O’Connor and

Karina Chowdhury

Mr. and Mrs. O’Connor and Mr. and Mrs. Chowdhury request your presence at the union of their children Mark and Karina

Mark O’Connor and Karina Chowdhury invite you to join them in the ceremony and reception of their marriage

You are invited to the ceremony of the holy matrimony between Mark O’Connor and Karina Chowdhury

Together with their families, Mark O’Connor and Karina Chowdhury request your presence on their special day

Display the provided picture of the flowers at the bottom of the front page. It may be positioned even below the bottom of the page and cut off the jar region; only the top half of the flowers needs to be visible.

Mark and Karina want to have 3 different versions of the invitation, which are all identical except the colour of the flower petals.

One version will use the original flower colour and the other two versions will need to be adjusted using the Selective Color tool.

After applying one colour modification on the flower petals, click back on the flowers image layer and create another Selective Color layer. This way the second effect won't overwrite the first one since they will be on separate layers (click the little eye icon to show/hide these colour effects, and ensure only one is visible at a time).

Use the following outline for the flower colours:

Blue petals for invitations to Mark’s family.
Purple petals for invitations to Karina’s family.

Original pink petals for everyone else.

Inner pages


Find an appropriate background image that will span the entire bottom of the inner pages (across both pages). Remember to only use the copyright-free image sites and record the URL for later use for the references.

Add the provided image of Karina and create a mask to remove the background around her. The picture of her should be added on the inner left page, overlaid on the background image.

Add the provided image of Mark and create a mask to remove the background around him. The picture of him should be added on the inner right page, overlaid on the background image.

Add the following verse text and reference anywhere on the inner pages. You may style it however you like to make it look elegant, fancy, or catchy.

And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13

Include all the key details from the following texts. Paraphrase/shorten the points to show the important details without excessive words.

The wedding will be held on the fifteenth day of June, two thousand nineteen.

Ceremony at three o’clock at First Baptist Church.

Reception will follow at six o’clock at the RidgeView Golf Club.


Go through this document again and verify that you completed the assignment exactly as instructed.

You must upload the 6 completed files to via FTP. a. Use WinSCP, FileZilla, or another FTP program.

Login to your web space on Panther using your UWO login information. Refer to Lab 1 if you need a reminder.

When logged in, click into "public_html" and into "cs2033" (these should have been set up during Lab 1)

Create a subfolder in cs2033 called "wedding"

Transfer the 6 files (2 PSD and 4 JPG) into this wedding folder.

Verify that all the files uploaded properly.

Open the following link (replacing username with your Western username):

You should see the 6 files listed there. If you don't, retry the previous step to upload them.

Click on each file listed there to make sure they open properly. The JPGs should open in the browser and the PSDs should download to your computer. If that worked for all your files, then you can proceed to the final step! If not, check the file permissions in the FTP program and check that all your files are still openable from your computer. If something went wrong during the rendering process, you may have to re-render and re-upload them.

Submit the link on OWL.

Navigate into the CS2033 Assignment 1 page in OWL.

Copy the link of your Panther wedding folder into the submission text box (replacing username with your Western username):

Hit Enter a couple times to create empty lines after the link.

Write the word REFERENCES:

Add each of the image references below that for all images used in the invitation. This includes the pictures given to you (flowers, man, woman, and beach) and the image you found for the inner page background.

Submit the assignment on OWL. Do not just save it and leave. Ensure that it is submitted! Check your email right away and look for the automatic OWL email verifying your submission. Keep this email in case of any discrepancy.