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ASSIGNMENT 03 Solution

This assignment contains several small problems.
    • You will need the code provided here:

    • Please include screenshots of your output in your report and remember to submit your source code.

PART 1 – Introduction to Sorting, 26 points

-    Use this array of integer for the problems 1A, 1B, and 1C:    9 5 7 8 3 2 4 7 6 1

    • Each of these problems is worth 3 points.

    A. Show the contents of the array each time a selection sort

    B. Show the contents of the array each time an insertion sort
    C. Show the contents of the array each time a Shell sort

changes it while sorting the array into ascending order.

changes it while sorting the array into ascending order.

changes it while sorting the array into ascending order.

    D. --- 2 points --- Suppose you want to find the largest entry in an unsorted array of n entries. Algorithm A searches the entire array sequentially and records the largest entry seen so far. Algorithm

B sorts the array into descending order and then reports the first entry as the largest. Compare the time efficiency of the two approaches.

    E. --- 15 points --- Consider an n by n array of integer values. Write an algorithm to sort the rows of the array by their first value.

Implement your algorithm.

The code for this problem is provided in the archive. Your output must be identical to the output to the right.

PART 2 – Queues, Deques, and Priority Queues, 9 points

    A. --- 3 points --- After the following statements execute, what are the contents of the queue?

QueueInterface<String> myQueue = new LinkedQueue<>(); myQueue.enqueue("Jane"); myQueue.enqueue("Jess"); myQueue.enqueue("Jon"); myQueue.enqueue(myQueue.dequeue()); myQueue.enqueue(myQueue.getFront()); myQueue.enqueue("Jim");

String name = myQueue.dequeue(); myQueue.enqueue(myQueue.getFront());

Updated: 7/18/2019 10:56 AM

    B. --- 3 points --- After the following statements execute, what are the contents of the queue?

DequeInterface<String> myDeque = new LinkedDeque<>();




String name = myDeque.removeFront(); myDeque.addToBack(name); myDeque.addToBack(myDeque.getFront()); myDeque.addToFront(myDeque.removeBack()); myDeque.addToFront(myDeque.getBack());

    C. --- 3 points --- After the following statements execute, what are the contents of the priority queue? Assume that the alphabetically earliest string has the highest priority.

PriorityQueueInterface<String> myPriorityQueue = new




String name = myPriorityQueue.remove(); myPriorityQueue.add(name); myPriorityQueue.add(myPriorityQueue.peek()); myPriorityQueue.add("Jose"); myPriorityQueue.remove();

    D. --- 15 points --- Use a circular doubly linked chain to implement the ADT deque.

In a doubly linked chain, the first and last nodes each contain one null reference, since the first node has no previous node and the last node has no node after it. In a circular doubly linked chain, the first node references the last node, and the last node references the first. Only one external reference is necessary—a reference to the first node—since you can quickly get to the last node from the first node.

The code for this problem is provided in the archive. Your output must be identical to the output to the right.

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