Starting from:


Assignment 6 Solution

1. Setup:

This assignment continues the modeling of our application example, the Canny Edge Detector, as a proper system-level specification model which we can then use to design our SoC target implementation. Now we will refine the previous model with a suitable structural hierarchy inside the design-under-test (DUT) block.

Again, we will use the same setup as for the previous assignments. Start by creating a new working directory, so that you can properly submit your deliverables in the end.

mkdir hw6

cd hw6

For functional validation, create again a symbolic link to the video frames, as follows:

ln –s ~eecs222/public/video video

As in the previous assignments, you have again the choice of using either SpecC or SystemC for your modeling and estimation. Both SLDLs are equally suitable for this assignment.

As starting point, you can use your own SLDL model which you have created in the previous Assignment 5. Alternatively, you may start from the provided solution for Assignment 5 which you can copy as follows:

cp ~eecs222/public/

cp ~eecs222/public/cannyA5_systemc_ref.cpp Canny.cpp

You may also want to reuse the simple Makefile from the previous assignment:

cp ~eecs222/public/MakefileA5SpecC ./ cp ~eecs222/public/MakefileA5SystemC ./


Again, depending on whether you choose SpecC or SystemC for your modeling, rename the corresponding file into the actual Makefile to be used by make.

Refining the model with structural hierarchy in the DUT Step 1: Create an additional level of hierarchy in the DUT

The original canny function consists of a sequence of function calls to five functions, namely gaussian_smooth, derivative_x_y, magnitude_x_y, non_max_supp, and apply_hysteresis. In the previous model, these are all local methods in the DUT. In contrast, we will now wrap those into separate blocks (child behaviors or modules, respectively) by themselves.

The expected instance tree of the Platform block should then look like this:

Platform platform

|------ DataIn din

|------ DUT canny

|------ Gaussian_Smooth gaussian_smooth

|------ Derivative_X_Y derivative_x_y

|------ Magnitude_X_Y magnitude_x_y

|------ Non_Max_Supp non_max_supp

\------ Apply_Hysteresis apply_hysteresis \------ DataOut dout

If you are using SpecC, then the Canny behavior should be a sequential composition of its children. For communication, the child behaviors should be connected by ports directly mapped to connecting variables (which will be of IMAGE or similar type). Be sure to use only port directions in or out, not inout (inout ports would lead to problems later in the design process).

If you are using SystemC, then the Canny module should be a concurrent composition of its children (where each child will have its own thread). For communication, the child modules should be connected by ports mapped to connecting channels (which will be of sc_fifo<IMAGE or similar type, and should have a buffer size of 1 element). Be sure to use suitable ports with directions sc_fifo_in or sc_fifo_out. Also, since some intermediate images in the Canny algorithm are generated by one function and then used by multiple others, you may need to duplicate some channel instances.

After this level of hierarchy has been added, you should compile and simulate your model to ensure functional correctness.


Step 2: Create an additional level of hierarchy in the Gaussian Smooth block

The Gaussian Smooth component consists of several steps that we will wrap into separate children blocks, namely Receive_Image, Gaussian_Kernel, BlurX, and BlurY. The instance tree of the new DUT should then look like this:

DUT canny

|------ Gaussian_Smooth gaussian_smooth

|------ Receive_Image receive

|------ Gaussian_Kernel gauss

|------ BlurX blurX

\------ BlurY blurY

|------ Derivative_X_Y derivative_x_y |------ Magnitude_X_Y magnitude_x_y |------ Non_Max_Supp non_max_supp \------ Apply_Hysteresis apply_hysteresis

As in the previous step, create this hierarchy level with appropriate interconnections consisting of port-mapped variables (SpecC) or port-mapped sc_fifo channels (SystemC), and use the same style of execution order, namely sequential composition (SpecC) or concurrent composition (SystemC).

Complete this step by validating that your refined model still compiles, simulates, and generates the correct output images. Ensure also that your code still compiles cleanly without any errors or warnings.

Step 3: Visualize the structural hierarchy of your model

For both SpecC and SystemC, we have tools available that can analyze and visualize the hierarchical structure and connectivity of the model. These tools can generate a simple ASCII-chart of the instance tree or a graphical image of the model structure and port mapping.

For SpecC, use the sir_tree and scchart tools provided by the System-on-

Chip Environment (SCE), as follows:

source /opt/sce/bin/setup.csh

scc Canny -sc2sir -vv

sir_tree –blt Canny.sir

scchart Canny.sir

For SystemC, use the tree and visual tools provided by the Recoding Infrastructure for SystemC (RISC), as follows:

source /opt/pkg/risc_v0.5.0/bin/setup.csh

tree Canny.cpp

visual Canny.cpp


3. Submission:

For this assignment, submit the following deliverables: or Canny.cpp


As before, the text file should briefly mention whether or not your efforts were successful and what (if any) problems you encountered.

To submit these files, change into the parent directory of your hw6 directory and run the ~eecs222/bin/ script. As before, note that the submission script will ask for both the SystemC and SpecC models, but you need to submit only the one that you have chosen for your modeling.

Again, be sure to submit on time. Late submissions will not be considered!

To double-check that your submitted files have been received, you can run the ~eecs222/bin/ script.

For any technical questions, please use the course message board.


Rainer Dömer (EH3217, x4-9007,


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