Hackerrank Link: https://www.hackerrank.com/cs2810-ooaia-a8
Problem Statement
The student secretary Mr.Takeshi Kovacs, of a college fest "Dazzling Festi-val of Science", has a big task of allotting coordinators in di erent domains. However, he is afraid that the work may not be e ciently done when two peo-ple become friends or a couple. While he can never exclude this possibility, he frames few rules for coordinators so that they are less likely to be best buddies.
Their age di ers by at least 3 years
They are of the same gender ;)
They have di erent mother tongue
They have same CGPA (Since they are more likely to have competition between them)
So, to allocate any two coordinators, Mr.Kovacs has to make sure they sat-isfy at least one among the above rules. Find out the maximum number of coordinators he can select, given all this information.
Input Format
The rst line consist of number of testcases (T). The rst line of each testcase contain number of coordinators (N). Next, there will be N rows containing four space separated data-
Mother tongue language
Output Format
For each test case in the input, print the maximum number of eligible coordi-nators.
Number of testcases, T 100
Number of coordinators, N 500
CGPA (non-negative integer), C 10
Age (positive integer), A 100
Gender (Character), S 2 fM; F g
Mother tongue (String), M
Sample Testcase
19 M Marathi 8
17 M Telugu 10
20 M Telugu 5
19 F Telugu 6
16 M Bengali 8
27 F Telugu 8
19 M Telugu 9
17 M Marathi 8
22 M Marathi 7
17 M Telugu 9
18 F Bengali 9
23 M Bengali 7
Design submission format
For the design submission on Moodle, please submit tar.gz le named as your roll number.