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Homework #5: JSON, NoSQL, and AsterixDB Solution

Assignment Details

In this homework, you will be writing SQL++ queries over the semi-structured data model implemented in [AsterixDB]( Asterix is an Apache project on building a DBMS over data stored in JSON files.

Mondial Dataset

You will run queries over the [Mondial database](, a geographical dataset aggregated from multiple sources.

As is common in real-world aggregated data, the Mondial dataset is "messy"; the schema is occassionally inconsistent, and some facts may conflict.

We have provided the dataset in ADM format, converted from the XML format available online, for use in AsterixDB.

A. Setting up AsterixDB (0 points)

1. Download and install AsterixDB in your home VM:

- If you don't yet have the Virtual Machine, [download]( it and go through the setup. You can get the Vmware player/workstation for your system for [free as a student](

- Download [this zip file]( containing the AsterixDB code and unzip it somewhere in your home directory.

*Note: If you are installing it on your own machine, note that AsterixDB requires Java 8; Java 9 will not work.*

2. Obtain the starter files for hw5 through git pull upstream master. All of them are JSON data files, you can inspect them using your favorite text editor.

3. Start the server. Go to the [Asterix documentation website]( and follow the instructions listed under "Option 1: Using NC Services." Follow the instructions under “Quick Start”.


If you use the home VM, `` is located in `<directory that you unzipped the file above/opt/local/bin`. You can start Asterix by first going to the `bin` directory and then run `JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0/jre sudo ./` (or `start-sample-cluster.bat` on windows, you might see a few extra windows pop up when it starts, you can ignore those).

Running the script might seemingly perform nothing. But if it works then you should be able to open the web interface in your browser, by visiting `http://localhost:19001` as described in the website.

In the web interface, select:

- Query language SQL++

- Output format JSON (lossless) (You might see things like "int64" printed out as a result of choosing this option. That is just the type of the key.)

4. Copy, paste, and edit the `<path to mondial.adm` text below in the Query box of the web interface. The right value of `<path to mondial.adm` for you will be the location of the mondial file in your starter-code folder. e.g., `/home/auser/cse414-netid/hw/hw4/starter-code/mondial.adm`. Remember you can use the print working directory command `pwd` to get the current path where your terminal is. After inserting the correct path into the string below, then press Run:




--USE hw5;

/* The "USE" statement imports the hw5 dataverse namespace, so that you don't have to specify "hw5.table" for every table in the hw5 dataverse.

Explicit references, as in the following code, are also fine. */


CREATE TYPE hw5.worldType AS {auto_id:uuid };



(("path"="<path to mondial.adm"),("format"="adm"));

/* Edit the absolute path above to point to your copy of mondial.adm. */

/* Use '/' instead of '\' in a path for Windows. e.g., C:/414/hw/hw5/mondial.adm. */



5. Alternatively, you can also use the terminal to run queries rather than the web interface. After you have started Asterix, put your query in a file (say `hw5-q1.sqlp`), then execute the query by typing the following command in terminal:


curl -v --data-urlencode "statement=`cat hw5-q1.sqlp`" --data pretty=true http://localhost:19002/query/service



This will print the output on the screen. If there is too much output, you can save it to a file


curl -v --data-urlencode "statement=`cat hw5-q1.sqlp`" --data pretty=true http://localhost:19002/query/service output.txt



You can now view `output.txt` using your favorite text editor.

6. Run, examine, modify these queries. They contain useful templates for the questions on the homework: make sure you understand them.


-- return the set of countries





-- return each country, one by one (see the difference?)

SELECT y as country FROM x, y;




-- return just their codes, and their names, alphabetically

-- notice that -car_code is not a legal field name, so we enclose in ` … `

SELECT y.`-car_code` as code, as name

FROM x, y order by;




-- this query will NOT run...

SELECT as province_name, as city_name

FROM x, y, y.province z, u


-- ...because some provinces have a single city, others have a list of cities; fix it:


SELECT as province_name, as city_name

FROM x, y, y.province z,

CASE WHEN is_array( THEN






-- same, but return the city names as a nested collection;

-- note correct treatment of missing cities

-- also note the convenient LET construct (see SQL++ documentation)


SELECT as province_name, (select from cities u)

FROM x, y, y.province z

LET cities = CASE WHEN is missing THEN []

WHEN is_array( THEN





7. To shutdown Asterix, simply run `` in the terminal. If you are using the home VM, this script is located in

`<directory that you unzipped the file above/opt/local/bin` (or `opt\local\bin\stop-sample-cluster.bat` on windows). If you are using the VM, go to the `bin` directory and then run `JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0/jre sudo ./` to shut down Asterix.

### B. Problems (100 points)

**For all questions asking to report free response-type questions, please leave your responses in comments**

Use only the `mondial.adm` dataset for problems 1-9. For problems 10-12 we will ask you to load in extra datasets provided in starter code.

1. Retrieve all the names of all cities located in Peru, sorted alphabetically. Name your output attribute ``city``. [Result Size: 30 rows of `{"city":...}`]

2. For each country return its name, its population, and the number of religions, sorted alphabetically by country. Report 0 religions for countries without religions. Name your output attributes ``country``, ``population``, ``num_religions``. [Result Size: 238 rows of `{"num_religions":..., "country":..., "population":...}` (order of keys can differ)]

3. For each religion return the number of countries where it occurs; order them in decreasing number of countries. Name your output attributes ``religion``, ``num_countries``. [Result size: 37 of `{"religion':..., "num_countries":...}` (order of keys can differ)]

4. For each ethnic group, return the number of countries where it occurs, as well as the total population world-wide of that group. Hint: you need to multiply the ethnicity’s percentage with the country’s population. Use the functions `float(x)` and/or `int(x)` to convert a `string` to a `float` or to an `int`. Name your output attributes ``ethnic_group``, ``num_countries``, ``total_population``. You can leave your final `total_population` as a `float` if you like. [Result Size: 262 of `{"ethnic_group":..., "num_countries":..., "total_population":...}` (order of keys can differ)]

5. Compute the list of all mountains, their heights, and the countries where they are located. Here you will join the "mountain" collection with the "country" collection, on the country code. You should return a list consisting of the mountain name, its height, the country code, and country name, in descending order of the height. Name your output attributes ``mountain``, ``height``, ``country_code``, ``country_name``. [Result Size: 272 rows of `{"mountain":..., "height":..., "country_code":..., "country_name":...}` (order of keys can differ)]


Hint: Some mountains can be located in more than one country. You need to output them for each country they are located in.

6. Compute a list of countries with all their mountains. This is similar to the previous problem, but now you will group the mountains for each country; return both the mountain name and its height. Your query should return a list where each element consists of the country code, country name, and a list of mountain names and heights; order the countries by the number of mountains they contain, in descending order. Name your output attributes ``country_code``, ``country_name``, ``mountains``. The attribute ``mountains`` should be a list of objects, each with the attributes ``mountain`` and ``height``. [Result Size: 238 rows of `{"country_code":..., "country_name":..., "mountains": [{"mountain":..., "height":...}, {"mountain":..., "height":...}, ...]}` (order of keys can differ)]

7. Find all countries bordering two or more seas. Here you need to join the "sea" collection with the "country" collection. For each country in your list, return its code, its name, and the list of bordering seas, in decreasing order of the number of seas. Name your output attributes ``country_code``, ``country_name``, ``seas``. The attribute ``seas`` should be a list of objects, each with the attribute ``sea``. [Result Size: 74 rows of `{"country_code":..., "country_name":..., "seas": [{"sea":...}, {"sea":...}, ...]}` (order of keys can differ)]

8. Return all landlocked countries. A country is landlocked if it borders no sea. For each country in your list, return its code, its name, in decreasing order of the country's area. Note: this should be an easy query to derive from the previous one. Name your output attributes ``country_code``, ``country_name``, ``area``. [Result Size: 45 rows of `{"country_code":..., "country_name":..., "area":...}` (order of keys can differ)]

9. For this query you should also measure and report the runtime; it may be approximate (warning: it might run for a while) . Find all distinct pairs of countries that share both a mountain and a sea. Your query should return a list of pairs of country names. Avoid including a country with itself, like in (France,France), and avoid listing both (France,Korea) and (Korea,France) (not a real answer). Name your output attributes ``first_country``, ``second_country``. [Result Size: 7 rows of `{"first_country":..., "second_country":...}`]

10. Create a new dataverse called hw5index with `CREATE DATAVERSE hw5index;`, then run the following commands:


USE hw5index;


`-car_code`: string,

`-area`: string,

population: string


CREATE DATASET country(countryType)

PRIMARY KEY `-car_code`;

CREATE INDEX countryID ON country(`-car_code`) TYPE BTREE;

LOAD DATASET country USING localfs

(("path"="<path to country.adm"),("format"="adm"));


This created the type `countryType`, the dataset `country`, and a `BTREE` index on the attribute `-car_code`, which is also the primary key. Both types are OPEN, which means that they may have other fields besides the three required fields `-car_code`, `-area`, and population.

Create two new types: `mountainType` and `seaType`, and two new datasets, `mountain` and `sea`. Both should have two required fields: `-id` and `-country`. Their key should be autogenerated, and of type `uuid` (see how we did it for the mondial dataset). Create an index of type `KEYWORD` (instead of `BTREE`) on the `-country` field (for both `mountain` and `sea`). Turn in the complete sequence of commands for creating all three types, datasets, and indices (for `country`, `mountain`, `sea`).

Recall from lecture that asterix only allows creating index at top level collection, hence we provide the country, sea, etc collections individually even though their data is already included in mondial.

11. Re-run the query from 9. (“pairs of countries that share both a mountain and a sea”) on the new dataverse `hw5index`. Report the new runtime. [Result Size: 7 rows of `{"first_country":..., "second_country":...}`]

12. Modify the query from 11. to return, for each pair of countries, the list of common mountains, and the list of common seas. Name your output attributes ``first_country``, ``second_country``, ``mountain``, ``sea``. [Result Size: 7 rows of `{"mountains":[{"mountain":...}, ...], "seas":[{"sea":...}, ...], "first_country":..., "second_country":...}`]

## Submission Instructions

Write your answers in a file for each question: `hw5-q1.sqlp`, ... `hw5-q12.sqlp`, and place them in the `submission` folder. Leave your runtime and other responses in comments.

**Important**: To remind you, in order for your answers to be added to the git repo,

you need to explicitly add each file:


$ git add hw5-q1.sqlp ...


**Again, just because your code has been committed on your local machine does not mean that it has been

submitted -- it needs to be on GitLab and tagged!**

Use the same bash script ` hw5` in the root level directory of your repository that

commits your changes, deletes any prior tag for the current lab, tags the current commit,

and pushes the branch and tag to GitLab.

If you are using the home VM or Mac OSX, you should be able to run the following:


$ ./ hw5


Like previous assignments, make sure you check the results afterwards to make sure that your file(s)

have been committed.