Starting from:


PROJECT 1 Solution

You work in the Human Resources Department at Anderson Consulting, a firm in the banking industry. The HR department is preparing a presentation to provide information about appropriate job attire to all first-year associates.


The content for the presentation has been drafted, and your supervisor would like you to finalize the presentation. To clarify the information, you will add some new content, rearrange the order of the slides, and add some slide notes. To make the presentation more appealing and effective, you will format text and add graphics.

·         Download the following file from the SAM website:

o    NP_PPT2013_T1_P1a_FirstLastName_1.pptx

·         Open the file you just downloaded and save it with the name:

o    NP_PPT2013_T1_P1a_FirstLastName_2.pptx

o    Hint: If you do not see the .pptx file extension in the Save file dialog box, do not type it. PowerPoint will add the file extension for you automatically.

·         To complete this Project, you will also need to download and save the following support files from the SAM website:

o    support_NP_P13_T1_P1a_group.jpg

o    support_NP_P13_T1_P1a_woman.jpg

o    support_NP_P13_T1_P1a_man.jpg

o    Hint: Opening an image may alter its file size. If you open an image support file, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.

·         With the file NP_PPT2013_T1_P1a_FirstLastName_2.pptx still open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in the presenter notes on Slide 1. If the presenter notes do not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.


1.            On Slide 1 (no title), add the title text Dress Smart and apply a text shadow.

2.            On Slide 1 (“Dress Smart”), add Look the Part as the subtitle text. Change the font size of the subtitle to 32 pt., and apply bold.

3.            Add a new Slide 2 using the Two Content layout. Add The Power of Clothes as the slide title. Apply the font color Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (6th column, 5th row in the Theme Colors palette) to the title text.

4.            On Slide 2 (“The Power of Clothes”), in the content placeholder on the left, add the following bulleted list items:



Change the font size of this text to 32 pt.  

5.            On Slide 2, in the content placeholder on the right, insert the picture file support_NP_P13_T1_P1a_group.jpg available for download from the SAM website. Resize the picture to a height of 3.5”. (Hint: If necessary, move the picture up after re-sizing so that the entire picture fits within the slide.)

6.            On Slide 2, add the following speaker note:

The way we dress impacts the way people react to and treat us.

7.            On Slide 3 (“Business dress codes are based on…”), convert the bulleted list to a SmartArt image using the layout Vertical Block List (2nd column, 1st row in the Convert to SmartArt gallery).

8.            On Slide 4, (“Your attire influences the impression of…”), use Format Painter to copy the font formats of the word “boss” to the words “clients” and “co-workers”.

9.            Move Slide 5 (“Exercise Good Judgment”) so that it becomes the new Slide 10.

10.         On the new Slide 5 (“FAQs”), format the bulleted list as a numbered list. Add How do I create the look? as the third numbered item.

11.         On Slide 6, (“Business Professional for Women”), in the content placeholder on the left, create the following multi-level bulleted list:

Business suit

Jacket and skirt/pants

Dress and jacket

Tailored shirt or blouse

Closed toe and low-heel shoes

Minimal jewelry

12.         On Slide 6, in the content placeholder on the right, insert the picture file support_NP_P13_T1_P1a_woman.jpg available for download from the SAM website.  Resize the picture to a height of 4.0”. (Hint: Move the picture up after re-sizing so that the entire picture fits within the slide.)

13.         On Slide 7 (“Business Professional for Men”), change the slide layout to Two Content. Using the content placeholder, insert the picture file support_NP_P13_T1_P1a_man.jpg available for download from the SAM website. Resize the picture to a height of 4.0”. (Hint: If necessary, move the picture up after re-sizing so that the entire picture fits within the slide.)

14.         On Slide 9 (“Business Casual for Men”), delete the content placeholder on the right.

15.         Check the Spelling in the presentation to identify and correct any spelling errors. (Hint: You should find and correct at least 2 spelling errors.)


In Slide Sorter view, your presentation should look like the Final Figure below. Save your changes, close the presentation, and exit PowerPoint. Follow the directions on the SAM