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Assignment 4 Solution

The purpose of the assignment is to implement a Convolution Neural Network (ConvNet)  from the scratch  and train  it for image classification.  If you are not convinced and are wondering- “Why do we have to write the backward pass when frameworks in the real world, such as Torch7, compute  them for you automatically  and  efficiently?”,  please read  this  blog post,  I share the same opinion.


The implementation tasks for the assignment are divided into two parts:


1. Implementing  the  forward  and  backward  propagation   of different  type  of Layers  (e.g.

Linear, ReLU, etc.)  and


2. Creating  a framework for adding and interconnecting outputs  and gradients  of adjacent

Layers using the chain rule.


To train  such a network a loss function (also called criterion ) also needs to be defined. For implementation, Lua  and  Torch7  are to be used.   For  parsing  command  line arguments  the package xlua is to be used.  To visualize an image, the image package is to be used.  The nn, optim  or any other  package other  than  the  torch,  image, xlua and  math  package cannot be used for any of the tasks in this assignment.  All tensors should be of type double.


Bellow you will find the details of tasks required for this assignment.


1. Creating the Linear Layer: Create a file Linear.lua. Here, define a torch class Linear

having the state  variables:


(a)  output which is a matrix  of size (batch  size × number of output neurons)


(b)  W  which is a matrix  of size (number  of output neurons × number of input  neurons) (c)  B which is a matrix  of size (number  of output neurons × 1)

(d)  gradW being the same size is W

(e)  gradB also being the same size as B and


(f )  gradInput which has to be the same size as input.


The Linear class should also have the following member functions:


(a)         init((no. of  input neurons), (no. output neurons )) which should allocate the desired memory for the state  variables and appropriately initialize them.


(b)  forward(input ) computes  and returns  the output of the layer and also saves it in the state  variable output.


(c)  backward(input, gradOutput ), computes and updates the state variables gradInput,

gradW and gradB and also returns  gradInput.


2. Creating  the ReLU Layer: Create  a file ReLU.lua. It should contain  a class ReLU

which has the following state  variables:


(a)  output which is the same size as input  and


(b)  gradInput which is also of the the same size as input.


The ReLU class should implement the following member functions,


•    init() which may be empty


• forward(input ) that  computes  the output of the layer and also updates  the state variable output  and


• backward(input, gradOutput ) that  computes  and  returns  the  gradient  of the Loss with respect to the input to this layer, updates  the corresponding state variable gradInput and also returns  it.


3. Creating the Framework:  Create  a file called Model.lua.  It  should  define a class called Model which will provide the framework for adding different layers to the ‘model’ and would allow us to forward and back propagate  through  the various layers contained in that  model. The class must contain  the following state  variables and functions:


(a)  Layers which is a list (Lua table)  storing  the objects of the different layers added to the model.


(b)  isTrain (optional)   which  should  be  set  to  true  when  the  model  is training  and false otherwise.  This is useful for modules where the forward passes differ between training  and  testing  (e.g.  Dropout,  etc.).   This  is only required  if you implement such a module.


The member functions are:


(a)  forward(input ): here input is a Torch  tensor and this function returns  the output also in form of a Torch  tensor.  Note the output that  it returns  is the output of the last  Layer  contained  in this  model.   Inputs  should be  always considered as batches.

(b)  backward(input, gradOutput ): sequentially  calls the backward  function for the Layers  contained  in the  model (to  finally compute  the  gradient of the  Loss with respect to the parameters of the different Layers contained  in the model) using the chain rule.


(c)  dispGradParam():  sequentially print the parameters of the network with the Layer closer to output displayed  first.  The  output format  is a 2D matrix  for each Layer with space separated  elements.


(d)  clearGradParam():  makes the  gradients  of the  parameters to 0 for every Layer and is required before back-propagation of every batch.


(e)  addLayer(Layer class object ) is used  to  add  an  object  of type  Layer  to  the

Layers table.


The  Model can have other  variables  and  functions  in addition  to  the  ones mentioned above is required.


4. The  Loss-function:  Create  a  file Criterion.lua.  The  file should  contain  the  class Criterion implementing the cross-entropy  loss function.  The class has no state  variables and should contain  the following member functions:


• forward(input, target ) which takes  an  input of size (batchsize)  × (number  of classes) and target which a 1D tensor  of size (batchsize).   This function computes the average cross-entropy  loss over the batch.


• backward(input, target ) computes  and  returns  the  gradient  of the  Loss with respect to the input to this layer.  More Info.


5. Training:  For training  your network,  we provide the CIFAR-10 dataset which has 10 different  classes.   The  same can  be downloaded  from our  Kaggle competition  website. You will find a tr data.bin  which contain  the  training  images.  The  data  is in the  form (number  of instances)  × (number  of channels)  × (height)  × (width).   The  data  has 3 channels(RGB)  and both  height and width are 32 pixels each.  There  are 50,000 images in the  training  set.   The  labels for the  training  set  is contained  in tr labels.bin  which is a 1D tensors.   The  ‘.bin’ file can be loaded using ‘torch.load’.   You may want  to use cross-validation  to choose the best model. The te data.bin  contains  the test  data.


6. Functions  for saving a trained  model to as a binary  file(s) and  loading a model from a binary  file. You are free to design their  way of saving and loading models.  All files that are required to be saved should be saved inside the folder named bestModel.





You are encouraged to upload your prediction  results to the Kaggle website to get a real time update  about  the  performance  of your  model on the  hold-out  test  set.   Here you can  also compare your model’s performance as compared to that  of others in our class.


1. You need to implement a Lua script checkModel.lua. The script takes following arguments:

(a)  -config which is the /path/to/modelConfig.txt


(b)  -i which is the /path/to/input.bin


(c)  -ig which is the /path/to/gradOuput.bin


(d)  -o which is the /path/to/output.bin


(e)  -ow which is the /path/to/gradWeight.bin (f )  -ob which is the /path/to/gradB.bin  and (g)  -og which is the /path/to/gradInput.bin

The file modelConfig.txt has the following format: (No. layers)

(Layer description)

(Layer description)



(Layer weights path) (Layer bias path)



(Layer description)  varies for the two mandatory layers as:


• Linear Layer:  ‘linear’ (i/p  nodes) (o/p  nodes)


• ReLU layer:  ‘relu’


The  (Layer  weights path)  is a path  to a Lua table  saved as a ‘.bin’ file.  The  table  has as many entries as there are Linear layers in the network and each entry contains the 2D weight tensor of that layer.  The (layer bias path)  line has similar information  for bias.


An example  of ‘modelConfig.txt’  is included  in the  assignment  folder.  The  arguments

(a),(b)  and (c) are inputs  to the script.


The ‘input.bin’ is a 4D torch tensor.  The ‘gradOutput.bin’ contains gradients with respect to the output of the model. These are randomly chosen values to test the implementation and  not  actually  calculated  against  a loss.  For  this  evaluation,  the  batch-size  is to be taken  as the number of data  points provided in the sample ‘input.bin’.


The  arguments  (d),(e),(f ) and  (g) are to be saved by the  script.   The  ‘gradWeight.bin’ and ’gradB.bin’ are lua tables having same format as the tables containing sample W and B. The ‘output.bin’  is the tensor containing  output of the model. Each entry should have its corresponding gradW and gradB tensor.  The ‘gradInput.bin’ is gradient of the Loss with respect to the ‘’ to the model. ‘’ should be used to save the bin files. (Remember  to reset the gradient values to zero before you back propagate).

2. You also need to implement a script ‘checkCriterion.lua’  taking the following arguments: (a)  -i /path/to/input.bin

(b)  -t /path/to/target.bin

(c)  -og /path/to/gradInput.bin


The  arguments  (a)  and  (b)  are inputs  and  (c) is the  output.  The  ‘input.bin’  contains a 2D tensor.  The ‘target.bin’  contains  a 1D tensor  having same first dimension as that

‘input.bin‘.  The number of classes is same as that  of the second dimension of ‘input.bin’ and  indexed  from 1.   The  script  should  compute  the  average  loss for given input  and target  and print in console.  The  script  should also save ‘gradInput.bin’ which contains gradient of loss w.r.t input.


3. Implement a script ‘trainModel.lua’  which takes arguments:


• -modelName (model name),  should create a folder with ‘model name’ and save the model in that  folder.

• -data  /path/to/train.bin, location of the training  data.   It is the same data  that  is provided in the assignment but  stored in the specified location.

• -target  labels, location of the target.


The script trains a model having the performance of the bestModel on the data provided. The training  time should not exceed 12 hours.


4. Finally, implement a script ‘testModel.lua’ which takes args ‘-modelName (modelName)’

and  ‘-data  path/to/test.bin’.  The  file test.bin  is a 4D tensor  with  same dimension  as

‘train.bin’.  The script should load the model saved in ‘(model name)’ folder and run it on the test  data  and save the predictions  as 1D tensor named ‘testPrediction.bin’ in PWD. We will evaluate  bestModel and the model saved in part  (3).


The folder structure for the assignment should contain,


• src:  Folder containing  all the codes.


• bestModel:  Folder for saving files of best model.


• checkModel.lua:  For evaluating  model implementation.


• checkCriterion.lua:  For evaluating  criterion implementation.


• trainModel.lua:  For training  and saving the trained  model.


• testModel.lua:  For testing  model accuracy.



Marking Scheme


Implementing  the framework is compulsory.  The input to such a framework is to be considered as batches.   All implementation should be optimized  with the Linear Algebra considering the input  to be a batch.  For instance  if the batch  size 100, then  implementations which loop over the input  tensor 100 times for computing  output and gradients  would be penalized.

The credits for different objectives are as follows,


1. Correctly  implementing  Linear layer class and integrating with framework:  25 marks

2. Correctly  implementing  ReLU layer class and integrating with framework:  10 marks


3. Correctly implementing multiple Linear and ReLU layers and integrating with framework:

15 marks


4. Correctly  implementing  Criterion  class: 10 marks


5. Accuracy  of the  best  model:  0-40 marks.   If a model get accuracy  of more than  70%, the full 40 marks will be awarded.   (In order to achieve high accuracy  one may need to implement other  types of Layer classes such as Convolution  etc.  and integrate  with the framework.)

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