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Homework 4: Functional Programming Solution

Read this rst. A few things to bring to your attention:

Important: If you have not already done so, please request a Flux Hadoop account. Instructions for doing this can be found on Canvas.

Start early! If you run into trouble installing things or importing packages, it’s best to nd those problems well in advance so we can help you.

Make sure you back up your work! I recommend, at a minimum, doing your work in a Dropbox folder or, better yet, using git.

A note on grading: overly complicated solutions or solutions that suggest an incomplete grasp of key concepts from lecture will not receive full credit.

Instructions on writing and submitting your homework.

Failure to follow these instructions will result in lost points. Your homework should be written in a jupyter notebook le. I have made a template available on Canvas, and on the course website at Winter2019/STATS507/hw_template.ipynb. You will submit, via Canvas, a .zip le called, where X is the homework number. So, if I were to hand in a le for homework 4, it would be called Contact the instructor or your GSI if you have trouble creating such a le.

When I extract your compressed le, the result should be a directory, also called yourUniqueName_hwX. In that directory, at a minimum, should be a jupyter notebook le, called yourUniqueName.hwX.ipynb, where again X is the number of the current homework. Feel free to de ne supplementary functions in other Python scripts, but be sure to include them in your compressed directory if you use them. In short, I should be able to extract your archived le and run your notebook le on my own machine by opening it in jupyter and clicking, for example, Cells-Run all. Importantly, please ensure that none of the code in your submitted notebook le results in errors. Errors in your code cause problems for our auto-grader. Thus, even though we frequently ask you to check for errors in your functions, you should not include in your submission any examples of your functions actually raising those errors.

Please include all of your code for all problems in the homework in a single Python notebook unless instructed otherwise, and please include in your notebook le a list of any and all people with whom you discussed this homework assignment. Please also include an estimate of how many hours you spent on each of the sections of the assignment.

These instructions can also be found on the course web page at http://www-personal. Please direct any questions to either the instructor or your GSI.

STATS507: Data Analysis in Python

Iterators and Generators (4 points)

In this exercise, you’ll get some practice working with iterators and generators. Note: in this problem, the word enumerate is meant in the sense of returning elements, not in the sense of the Python function enumerate. So, if I say that an iterator enumerates a sequence a0; a1; a2; : : : , I mean that these are the elements that it returns upon calls to the __next__ method, not that it returns pairs (i; ai) like the enumerate function.

De ne a class Fibo of iterators that enumerate the Fibonacci numbers. For the purposes of this problem, the Fibonacci sequence begins 0; 1; 1; 2; 3; : : : , with the n-th Fibonacci number Fn given by the recursive formula Fn = Fn 1 + Fn 2. Your solution should not make use of any function aside from addition (i.e., you should not need to use the function fibo() de ned in lecture a few weeks ago). Your class should support, at a minimum, an initialization method, a __iter__ method (so that we can get an iterator) and a __next__ method. Note: there is an especially simple solution to this problem that can be expressed in just a few lines using tuple assignment.

We can generalize the Fibonacci sequence by following the same recursive procedure Fn = Fn 1 +Fn 2, but using a di erent choice of initial two values for F0 and F1. For example, if we take F0 = 2 and F1 = 1, then we obtain the Lucas numbers, which are closely related to the Fibonacci numbers ( Lucas_number). De ne a class GenFibo of iterators that enumerate generalized Fibonacci numbers. Your class should inherit from the Fibo class de ned in the previous subproblem. The initialization method for the GenFibo class should take two optional arguments that specify the values of F0 and F1, in that order, and their values should default so that F = GenFibo() results in an enumerator equivalent to the one that would have been created if you had called F = Fibo() (i.e., GenFibo() should produce an iterator over the Fibonacci numbers).

De ne a generator primes that enumerates the prime numbers. Recall that a prime number is any integer p 1 whose only divisors are p and 1. Note: you may use the function is_prime that we de ned in class (or something similar to it), but such solutions will not receive full credit, as there is a more graceful solution that avoids declaring a separate function or method for directly checking primality. Hint: consider a pattern similar to the one seen in lecture using the any and/or all functions.

This one is good practice for coding interview questions. The Ulam numbers are a sequence u1; u2; u3; : : : of positive integers, de ned in the following way: u1 = 1, and u2 = 2. For all n 2, un is the smallest integer that is expressible as a sum of two distinct terms from earlier in the sequence in exactly one way. See the Examples sec-tion of the Wikipedia page for an illustration: Ulam_number. De ne a generator ulam that enumerates the Ulam numbers. Hint: it will be helpful to try and break this problem into smaller, simpler subproblems. In particular, you may nd it helpful to write a function that takes a list of integers t and one additional integer u, and determines whether or not u is expressible as a sum of two distinct elements of t in exactly one way.

STATS507: Data Analysis in Python

List Comprehensions and Generator Expressions (4 points)

In this exercise you’ll write a few simple list comprehensions and generator expressions. Again in this problem I use the term enumerate to mean that a list comprehension or generator expression returns certain elements, rather than in the sense of the Python function enumerate.

1. Write a list comprehension that enumerates the sequence 2n 1 for n = 1; 2; 3; : : : ; 20.

For ease of grading, please assign this list comprehension to a variable called pow2minus1.

The Lazy Caterer’s sequence is a sequence of numbers that counts, for each n = 0; 1; 2; : : : , the largest number of pieces that can be cut from a disk with at most n cuts (’s_sequence). The n-th number in this sequence is given by pn = (n2 + n + 2)=2, where n = 0; 1; 2; : : : . Write a generator expression that enumerates the Lazy Caterer’s sequence. For ease of grading, please assign this generator expression to a variable called caterer. Hint: you may nd it useful to de ne a generator that enumerates the non-negative integers.

Write a generator expression that enumerates the tetrahedral numbers. The n-th tetrahedral number (n = 1; 2; : : : ) is given by Tn = n+23 , where xy is the binomial coe cient



For ease of grading, please assign this generator expression to a variable called tetra. Hint: you may nd it useful to de ne a generator that enumerates the positive integers.

Map, Filter and Reduce (3 points)

In this exercise, you’ll learn a bit about map, lter and reduce operations. We will revisit these operations in a few weeks when we discuss MapReduce and related frameworks in distributed computing. In this problem, I expect that you will use only the functions map, filter and functions from the functools and itertools modules, along with the range function (and similar list-related functions) and a sprinkling of lambda expressions.

Write a one-line expression that computes the sum of the rst 10 even square num-bers (starting from 4). For ease of grading, please assign the output of this expression to a variable called sum_of_even_squares.

Write a one-line expression that computes the product of the rst 13 primes. You may use the primes generator that you de ned above. For ease of grading, please assign the output of this expression to a variable called product_of_primes.

Write a one-line expression that computes the sum of the squares of the rst 31 primes. You may use the primes generator that you de ned above. For ease of grad-ing, please assign the output of this expression to a variable called squared_primes.

Write a one-line expression that computes a list of the rst twenty harmonic numbers.

Recall that the n-th harmonic number is given by Hn = k=1 1=k. For ease of grading, please assign the output of this expression to a variable called harmonics.

STATS507: Data Analysis in Python

Write a one-line expression that computes the geometric mean of the rst 12 tetra-hedral numbers. You may use the generator that you wrote in the previous problem. Recall that the geometric mean of a collection of n numbers a1; a2; : : : ; an is given by (Qni=1 ai)1=n. For ease of grading, please assign the output of this expression to a variable called tetra_geom.

Fun with Polynomials (4 points)

In this exercise you’ll get a bit of experience writing higher-order functions. You may ignore error checking in this problem.

Write a function make_poly that takes a list of numbers (ints and/or oats) coeffs as its only argument and returns a function p. The list coeffs encodes the co-e cients of a polynomial, p(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + + anxn, with ai given by coeffs[i]. The function p should take a single number (int or oat) x as its argu-ment, and return the value of the polynomial p evaluated at x.

Write a function eval_poly that takes two lists of numbers (ints and/or oats), coeffs and args. coeffs encodes the coe cients of polynomial p, and your function should return the list of numbers (ints and/or oats) representing the result of evaluating the polynomial p on each of the elements in args, in order. You should be able to express the solution to this problem in a single line (not including the function de nition header, of course). Your function should make use of make_poly from the previous part to receive full credit.