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The purpose of this assignment is to give you some practice writing and evaluating sort algorithms.

Implement the attached IntSorter interface for the following algorithms:

A bubble sort example is attached for illustrative purposes.

Interfaces implemented and code compiles (25 points)
Insertion Sort (5 points)
3 points for proper sort behavior.
1 point for reasonable number of moves.
1 point for reasonable run time.
Selection Sort (5 points)
3 point for proper sort behavior.
1 point for reasonable number of moves.
1 point for reasonable run time.
Merge Sort (7 points)
5 points for proper sort behavior.
1 point for reasonable number of moves (note: for Merge Sort, "moves" should be the number of times a value is moved into the temporary array).
1 point for reasonable run time.
Explanation (4 points): test your code with arrays of different sizes. Include a file with these answers called "explanation.txt" in your submission.
What are the outputs for number of moves?
What are the outputs for runtime?
How do your results compare to your understanding of these algorithms?
If they are different, why do you think this is?
Grader's discretion (4 points): reasonable code style / understandable code / proper implementation 

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