You will code Heapsort, an Anagram checker, and three binary search treealgorithms.
This is a shorter than usual because you may need more time to get your environment setup (you need Linux).Your code must run on the department Linux machines (1D43). If you have a separate Linux installation that you want to use, ssh over to the department machines to make sure nothing breaks or just go visit them.
SSH Instructions:
In Putty/MobaXTerm/WinSCP/Bitvise/… or just plain SSH to l-1d43-XY.cse.sc.eduon port 222
first character is a lowercase L
XY=01 | 02 | … | 36
If you’re off campus, you will need to have Duo 2 Factor Authentication setup.
From a non-lab Linux machine can ssh -p 222 <username@l-1d43-XY.cse.sc.edu
Create an account on Github, if you haven’t already.
Go to this URL: https://classroom.github.com/a/tv_3kuxq Accept the Assignment
Follow the second link to the assignment.
Click on “Clone or download”
Copy the link
(if you’re remoting into the Linux labs, login and then switch to your ssh connection here) <navigate to wherever you want to work
git clone <the url
The assignment repositories are private, so you’ll need to login.
git config --global --editand edit the file (you probably did this already)
You can run the scoring function that builds and runs the tests for you and prints the score for you by running the following command (cdinto the cloned directory first):
python3 score.py
You should see, “SCORE= 0” before you get any work done (one basic test will pass and, well, welcome to Git(Hub) if you’ve never been here before).
You can run the unit tests directly without using the score function (not necessary) with the following command, also from the downloaded directory.
cd program-2-<username
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
Question 1: Implement Heap Sort (algs.h)
You should use std::priority_queue (already #included from <queue)
See: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/priority_queue
See: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/queue/priority_queue/priority_queue/
My implementation, including a closing brace, is 5 lines. DRTW
Question 2: Implement an Anagram Checker (algs.h)
Your function, given two strings, should return true if two strings could be anagrams of one another or false otherwise
You can assume all strings are composed of characters ‘A’..’Z’
Your answer must run in O(m+n+k) time, where m and n are lengths of the two strings and k is the number of characters in the character set (26, here). This means:
You cannot sort the strings with a typical sort
You cannot traverse the strings more than a fixed number of times (you can do this by visiting each string character exactly once)
A helper function is a good idea here (to convert characters to something…)
Question 3: Implement num_nodes(tree.h)
It returns the number of nodes in the tree
Question 4: Implement has_duplicate_val(tree.h)
It returns true if the tree has duplicate values/keys in it, false otherwise
Question 5: Implement trees_identical(tree.h)
It returns true if the two trees, passed as pointer parameters are the same in structure and node values, false otherwise.
Test as above, one last time all five tests should pass.
Committing (backup and submission)
When I’m done or want to backup (git is for version control) I just git add .
git commit -m “<some message” // “final submission” makes sense if you’re done git push origin master
We will grade the last submission up to the deadline (the very last submission until we won’t accept it anymore, possibly with a late penalty).
No need to submit code to dropbox.