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HomeWork 02 Solution

Part 1 50pts

In this part you will write a function that plots the graph of a given function

int fTheFunction(int x, int functionNumber). f is a hidden function that takes an integer and returns an integer. There are 5 such functions that your function is going to be tested with.

Your function should plot x and y axis lines also.

First function is f(x)=2*x and its graph is in the sample output below.


int fTheFunction(int x,int functionNumber)

void drawFunction(int xAxis,int yAxis,int functionNumber);

Sample Usage

result = fTheFunction(x,functionNumber ) (x=4; functionNumber=1; result=8) drawFunction(xAxis,yAxis,functionNumber); (xAxis=40 ; yAxis=40 ; functionNumber=1)


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Part 2

In this part you will write a function to draw a simple car that contains two stacked rectangles and two circles as wheels.


Write a function that draws rectangle.


Write a function that draws two circles near each other.


Write a function to draw a car using two functions above.


void drawRectangle(int width,int height, int startingPoint, int printLastLine);

void drawDoubleCircle(int radius, int startingPoint , int whellDistance);

void drawCar();

Sample Usage

drawRectangle (width,height, startingPoint, printLastLine); ( width:10, height:40, startingPoint:11, printLastLine:0) drawDoubleCircle(radius, startingPoint ,whellDistance);

( radius:4, startingPoint:7 whellDistance:12)

drawCar(); (Output of this function as below)

Return Value


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