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11‑14 Assignment ‑ DB and Authenfication

There is a dataset in the cse383 database that contains school information.

The data is:








You are to create a PHP application called lab11­14.php that:

Requires the user to authenticate.

Use sessions to keep store the authenticated user name. Only if the user is not in the session variable would you prompt the user for their credentials.

User data is stored in a table called users:


user ­ user name

password ­ hash value of the password created using the password_hash function in php

Once authenticated the php program will display a table with all records in the SchoolData table. The table should have the following information:

School name which should also be a hyperlink to the school url.

Number of Undergraduates.

Median Salary

Once that is working, add a filter option that will limit the schools output based on the Median10YearEarnings. Make sure to validate that the input provided is actually a number.

A sample solution (­14.php) is available to better describe what you should achieve.


Do this work in your git working copy and make sure the code is submitted to the gitlab repository. All work is to be done in the same file called lab11­14.php

11-14 Assignment - DB and Authentication

Users are already populated in the users database. Test users include:

test, test

test1, test1

user passwords are hashed using the password_hash function. You should use the password_verify function to verify the password.

Submit links to your working solution and to your gitlab in canvas.


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