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Assignment 3: Selection statements and Loops SOlution


1. Write a program that calculates how many digits a number contains:

Enter a number: 374

The number 374 has 3 digits

You may assume that the number has no more than four digits.

Write a program that finds the largest and smallest of four integers entered by the user:
Enter four integers: 21 43 10 35

Largest: 43

Smallest: 10

Use as few if statements as possible.

Using the switch statement, write a program that converts a numerical grade into a letter grade:
Enter numerical grade: 84

Letter grade: B

Use the following grading scale: A=90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, D=60-69, F=0-59.

Print an error message if the grade is larger than 100 or less than 0.

Write pseudocode to solve the given problems.

Write C program to solve the above problems. Name your file Lab3_YourName.c

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