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Assignment No. 3 Solution

Note 1 This assignment is to be done individually

Note 2 You can discuss the assignment with others, but copying code is prohibited.

Due date: as indicated in Connex.

This assignment is worth 1% of your total course mark.

Submit electronically via Connex the file hw3.sml with your solutions.


After completing this assignment, you will have experience:

Learn to use higher-order functions

Learn to use map, filter, foldl

Learn to use currying

Your task, should you choose to accept it

You will write several SML functions. Many will be very short because they will use other higher-order functions. You may use functions in ML’s library; the problems point you toward the useful functions and often require that you use them. The sample solution is about 120 lines, including the provided code. Many solutions are 1-liners.

Write a function only_capitals that takes a string list and returns a string list that has only the strings in the argument that start with an uppercase letter. Assume all strings have at least 1 character. Use List.filter, Char.isUpper, and String.sub to make a 1-2 line solution.

Write a function longest_string1 that takes a string list and returns the longest string in the list. If the list is empty, return "". In the case of a tie, return the string closest to the beginning of the list. Use foldl, String.size, and no recursion (other than the implementation of foldl is recursive).

Write a function longest_string2 that is exactly like longest_string1 except in the case of ties it returns the string closest to the end of the list. Your solution should be almost an exact copy of longest_string1. Still use foldl and String.size.

Write functions longest_string_helper, longest_string3, and longest_string4 such that:

longest_string3 has the same behavior as longest_string1 and longest_string4 has the same behavior as longest_string2.

longest_string_helper has type (int * int - bool) - string list - string

(notice the currying). This function will look a lot like longest_string1 and longest_string2 but is more general because it takes a function as an argument.

longest_string3 and longest_string4 are defined with val-bindings and partial applica-tions of longest_string_helper.

Write a function longest_capitalized that takes a string list and returns the longest string in the list that begins with an uppercase letter (or "" if there are no such strings). Use a val-binding and the ML library’s o operator for composing functions. Resolve ties like in problem 2.

Write a function rev_string that takes a string and returns the string that is the same characters in reverse order. Use ML’s o operator, the library function rev for reversing lists, and two library functions in the String module (browse the module documentation to find the most useful functions.)

The next two problems involve writing functions over lists that will be useful in later problems.

Write a function first_answer that has type (’a - ’b option) - ’a list - ’b. Notice that the 2 arguments are curried. The first argument should be applied to elements of the second argument in order, until the first time it returns SOME v for some v and then v is the result of the call to first_answer. If the first argument returns NONE for all list elements, then first_answer should raise the exception NoAnswer. Hints: Sample solution is 5 lines and does nothing fancy.

Write a function all_answers of type (’a - ’b list option) - ’a list - ’b list option (notice the 2 arguments are curried). The first argument should be applied to elements of the second argument. If it returns NONE for any element, then the result for all_answers is NONE. Else the calls to the first argument will have produced SOME lst1, SOME lst2, ... SOME lstn and the result of all_answers is SOME lst where lst is lst1, lst2, ..., lstn appended together (the order in the result list should be preserved). Hints: The sample solution is 8 lines. It uses a helper function with an accumulator and uses @. Note all_answers f [] should evaluate to SOME [].

The remaining problems use these type definitions, which are inspired by the type definitions an ML interpreter would use to implement pattern matching:

datatype pattern = Wildcard | Variable of string | UnitP | ConstP of int | TupleP of pattern list | ConstructorP of string * pattern

datatype valu = Const of int | Unit | Tuple of valu list | Constructor of string * valu

Given valu v and pattern p, either p matches v or not. If it does, the match produces a list of string * valu pairs; order in the list should be preserved. The rules for matching should be unsurprising (they are the same as in ML):

Wildcard matches everything and produces the empty list of bindings.

Variable s matches any value v and produces the one-element list holding (s,v). UnitP matches only Unit and produces the empty list of bindings.


ConstP 17 matches only Const 17 and produces the empty list of bindings (and similarly for other integers).

TupleP ps matches a value of the form Tuple vs if ps and vs have the same length and for all i, the i-th element of ps matches the i-th element of vs. The list of bindings produced is all the lists from the nested pattern matches appended together.

ConstructorP(s1,p) matches Constructor(s2,v) if s1 and s2 are the same string (you can compare them with =) and p matches v. The list of bindings produced is the list from the nested pattern match. We call the strings s1 and s2 the constructor name.

Nothing else matches.

This problem uses the pattern datatype but is not really about pattern-matching. A function g has been provided to you. These functions can be written in one line of code.

In an ML comment, describe in a few English sentences the arguments that g takes and what g computes (not how g computes it, though you will have to understand that to determine what g computes). You do not write code for this sub-problem. Search for the comment: Description of g: and write your comment there.

Use g to define a function count_wildcards that takes a pattern and returns how many Wildcard patterns it contains. See the test cases to illustrate what it does.

Use g to define a function count_wild_and_variable_lengths that takes a pattern and returns the number of Wildcard patterns it contains plus the sum of the string lengths of all the variables in the variable patterns it contains. Use String.size. We care only about variable names; the constructor names are not relevant.

Use g to define a function count_some_var that takes a string and a pattern (as a pair) and returns the number of times the string appears as a variable in the pattern. We care only about variable names; the constructor names are not relevant.

Write a function check_pat that takes a pattern and returns true if and only if all the variables appearing in the pattern are distinct from each other (i.e., use different strings). The constructor names are not relevant. Hints: The sample solution uses two helper functions. The first takes a pattern and returns a list of all the strings it uses for variables. Using foldl with a function that uses append is useful in one case. The second takes a list of strings and decides if it has repeats. List.exists may be useful. Sample solution is approximately 18 lines. These are hints, it is not rquired to use foldl and List.exists, but they might make it easier.

Write a function match that takes a valu * pattern and returns a (string * valu) list option, namely NONE if the pattern does not match and SOME lst where lst is the list of bindings if it does. Note that if the value matches but the pattern has no patterns of the form Variable s, then the result is SOME []. Remember to look above for the rules for what patterns match what values, and what bindings they produce. Hints: Sample solution has one case expression with 7 branches. The branch for tuples uses all_answers and Sample solution is approximately 20 lines. These are hints: We are not requiring all_answers and here, but they make it easier.

Write a function first_match that takes a value and a list of patterns and returns a (string * valu) list option, namely NONE if no pattern in the list matches or SOME lst where lst is the list of bindings for the first pattern in the list that matches. Use first_answer and a handle-expression. Notice that the 2 arguments are curried. Hints: Sample solution is 2 lines.


These are the bindings your program should generate:

val only_capitals = fn : string list - string list

val longest_string1 = fn : string list - string

val longest_string2 = fn : string list - string

val longest_string_helper = fn : (int * int - bool) - string list - string

val longest_string3 = fn : string list - string

val longest_string4 = fn : string list - string

val longest_capitalized = fn : string list - string

val rev_string = fn : string - string

val g = fn : (unit - int) - (string - int) - pattern - int

val count_wildcards = fn : pattern - int

val count_wild_and_variable_lengths = fn : pattern - int

val count_some_var = fn : string * pattern - int

val first_answer = fn : (’a - ’b option) - ’a list - ’b

val all_answers = fn : (’a - ’b list option) - ’a list - ’b list option

val check_pat = fn : pattern - bool

val match = fn : valu * pattern - (string * valu) list option

val first_match = fn : valu - pattern list - (string * valu) list option


Solutions should be:

Correct. We might use more tests than the ones provided. It will be run using SML/NJ.

In good style, including indentation and line breaks


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