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7th homework assignment

1.) Write a program to display all comments in a C program. 
The program is typed in at the keyboard, and the output displayed on the screen. 
It can also be tested on files by redirecting the standard input. 
Don't forget to handle quoted strings properly. 
Furthermore, only comments that start with /* and end with */ need to be accounted for.
Implement the program in C, name the file comment.c (3.0%)

2.) Write a program in C to find the factorial of a given number using pointers. 
The program is supposed to prompt the user to put in a number. 
The calculation of the factorial is supposed to be carried out in a function that takes the memory address of the factorial as an argument. 
The program returns the factorial of the inputted number. Put the program in a file named factorial.c (3%)

The assignment is due next Friday, Oct. 29th, 11:59PM.
You need to submit 2 .c files (comments.c and factorial.c with the corresponding C code using submit2 (Please DO NOT submit compiled executables)! 
Furthermore, the C code needs to compile without any warnings (use -Wall, otherwise the TAs will not consider it)!

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