Starting from:


Machine Problem #4 Solution

Note: The assignment will be auto-graded. It is important that  you do not use additional libraries, or change the provided functions’ input  and output.


Part 1:  Setup


•  Remote connect to an EWS machine.


ssh (netid)



•  Load python  module, this will also load pip and virtualenv


module load python/3.4.3



•  Reuse the virtual  environment from mp1.


source ~/cs446sp_2018/bin/activate



•  Copy mp4 into your svn directory,  and change directory  to mp4.


cd ~/(netid)

svn cp . cd mp4



•  Install  the requirements  through  pip.


pip install -r requirements.txt



•  Create  data  directory  and download the data  into the data  directory.


mkdir data

wget --user (netid) --ask-password \\ secure/  -O data/



•  Unzip assignment4


unzip data/ -d data/



•  Prevent svn from checking in the data  directory.









svn propset svn:ignore data .


Part 2:  Exercise

When collecting datasets, it is very often that  we will have to clean the dataset. For example,

we may want to remove gray-scale images as its image statistics is very different than  color- images.  We can easily identify  them,  as can be seen in Fig. 1, however, we would like to automate process.




Figure 1: The left images are color images, the right images are gray-scale image.



One of the  main  difficulties is that  gray-scale  images may  be saved in three  channels and JPEG  format.  Due to the JPEG  compression, we can no longer just  check if the RGB channels  are identical  for all pixels.  Therefore,  in this  exercise we will build  a system  to classify between gray-scale and color images using a SVM!

We illustrate  the overall pipeline of the system in Fig. 2. We will implement each of the blocks.

In , the overall program  structure is provided for you.





Figure 2: High-level pipeline






Reading in  data.


In  utils/io we will fill in one function  for reading  in the  dataset.  The dataset consists of the directory of images stored in jpg format, and txt files indicating the filename of the image and label.


There  are three  txt  files,  train lab.txt ,  val lab.txt ,  test lab.txt , each indi- cate the images and labels for the corresponding  dataset split.

The txt  format is in comma separated  format.  The columns are file name, label. For example:





The image file “0000.jpg” has the label “1”, meaning the image is a color image. Hint:  skimage provides helpful functions to read in images.

•  Data processing. In  utils/data we will fill in 3 functions for extracting feature.   The  feature  extraction  process involves simple image manipulation, such as mean removal, and element-wise operations.  More details are provided in the function docstring.


Hint:  skimage provides helpful functions to extract  image features.


•  Linear model implementation.  In  models/linear , we will implement an abstract base class for linear  models, then  we will extend  it  to linear  regression. The models will support  the following operations:


–  Forward operation.  Forward  operation  is the  function  which takes  an input and  outputs  a score.   In this  case,  for linear  models,  it  is F  = w| x + b.   For simplicity, we will redefine x = [x, 1] and w = [w, b], then  F = w| x.


–  Loss  function. Loss function takes in a score, and ground-truth label and out- puts a scalar.  The loss function indicates how good the models predicted score fits to the ground-truth. We will use L to denote the loss. Note: Here we implement a modified SVM. (i.e . we include  the  bias-term  in the  margin;  In practice,  no observable difference in performance and easier to implement).


–  Backward operation. Backward operation  is for computing  the gradient of the loss function  with respect  to the model parameters.  This is computed  after  the forward operation  to update  the model.


–  Predict operation The  prediction  operation  is a function  which takes  a score as input  and outputs  a prediction  in {−1, 1}.


•  Optimization


–  Gradient descent:  In  models/train eval , we will implement gradient descent.  Gradient descent is an optimization  algorithm,  where the model adjusts the parameters in direction  of the negative gradient of L


Repeat  until convergence:




w(t) = wt−1 − η∇L(t−1)


The above equation  is referred as an update  step,  which consists of one pass of the forward and backward  operation.

–  Quadratic Programming:   We can also optimize  a SVM by formulating  it  as a quadratic   program.    We  will use a  generic  QPsolver,  cvxopt, for solving this quadratic  program.  In the written  assignment 4, we have formulated  a hard-svm as a quadratic  program.  In this assignment, we will reformulate a soft-svm. Recall that  a soft-svm


C        2           |



2 kwk

+ · X ξ(i)    s.t.  y(i) (w| x(i) ≥ 1 − ξ(i) ), ξ(i) ≥ 0  , ∀(x(i), y(i) ) ∈ D




Again, we will use the same quadratic  programming  form.





z| P z + q| z


subject to             Gz ≤ h



In  train eval , we will code up the matrix  for P, q, G, h. Hint:  Write  it out on paper!


•  Running Experiments.  In , experiment  with  different  features,  weights initialization and learning rate.  We will not grade the file, feel free to modify it.

To run





•  Things to think about.  Here is list  of things  to think  about,  you do not  have to hand in anything  here.


–  Which optimization method  is better,  gradient descent or QP solver?


–  What  kind of features will be helpful?


–  What happens if we set C = 0? What happens to the train,  validation and testing accuracy?




Part 3:  Writing Tests

In we have provided  basic test-cases.   Feel free to write more.  To test  the code,







Part 4:  Submit

Submitting the code is equivalent to committing  the code. This can be done with the follow



svn commit -m "Some meaningful comment here."



Lastly, double check on your browser that  you can see your code at

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