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Lab 2 Solution

Section Readings: 1.2

Problem 1. (Closest Pair Distance) Write a Point2D client ClosestPairDistance that takes an integer value N from the command line, reads N points (each de ned by a pair of double values) from standard input, and prints the distance separating the closest pair of points.

java ClosestPairDistance 100 < points.txt


Problem 2. (Intersecting Intervals) Write an Interval1D client IntersectingIntervals that takes an integer value N from the command line, reads N intervals (each de ned by a pair of double values) from standard input, and prints the number of intervals that intersect.

java IntersectingIntervals 100 < intervals.txt 4023

Problem 3. (Circular Shift) A string s is a circular shift of t if it matches when the characters are circularly shifted by any number positions; eg, ACTGACG is a circular shift of TGACGAC, and vice versa. Detecting this condition is important in the study of genomic sequences. Write a program CircularShift that prints true if two strings s and t speci ed on the command line are circular shifts of one another, and false otherwise. Hint: The solution is a one-liner with indexOf(), length(), and string concatenation.

java CircularShift TGACGAC ACTGACG true

java CircularShift TGACGAC GACGAC false

java CircularShift TGACGAC TGACGAC true

Problem 4. (Instrumented Binary Search) Write a program InstrumentedBinarySearch that uses a Counter to count the total number of keys examined during all searches and then prints the total after all searches are complete. Hint: Create a Counter in main() and pass it as an argument to rank().

java InstrumentedBinarySearch tinyW.txt < tinyT.txt


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