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Assignment 3: Simple Haskell programs Solution

For this assignment, you will create a Haskell module containing several
function and type definitions.


Create a Haskell module named Project. This will typically be in a file named

To define a module in Haskell, put the following code in the first line:

module Project where

In your module, define the following data types exactly as shown:

data Tree a = Leaf a | Fork (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data BST a = Tip | Bin (BST a) a (BST a) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

Additionally, define the following functions:

- cart :: [a] - [b] - [(a,b)]

Find the Cartesian product of two lists. The resulting list will contain
pairs of elements taken from the two lists, starting with the first element
of the first list paired with each element of the second list, in order,
and proceeding from there.

For example, cart [1,2,3] ['a','b'] returns
[(1,'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'a'), (3, 'b')]

- stddev :: [Double] - Double

Calculate the standard deviation of a list of numbers. This is the square
root of the mean squared differences between each number and the
mean of all numbers.

Neither the mean nor the standard deviation are defined for an empty list
of numbers. You will not need to handle that case.

For example, the mean of [1,1,1,5] is 2. The squared differences between
each number and 2 are [1,1,1,9], the mean squared difference is 3, and
its square root is 1.732....

You should use the sqrt function. Recall that (^) raises a number to a

You may use the standard length function, but recall that it returns an Int.
To convert an Int to a Double, you may use fromIntegral.

- height :: Tree a - Int

Find the longest path from the root to the leaf, counting only Fork nodes.
That is, the height of Leaf 'x' is 0 and the height of
Fork (Fork (Leaf 'a') (Leaf 'b')) (Leaf 'c') is 2.

You may find the standard function max helpful.

- minLeaf :: Ord a = Tree a - a

Return the minimum element in the tree; i.e., an item in a Leaf which is
less than or equal to every other element.

You may find the standard function min helpful.

- inorder :: Tree a - [a]

Return a list containing the elements of the tree in left-to-right order.

inorder (Fork (Fork (Leaf 5) (Leaf 1)) (Leaf 7)) should return [5,1,7]

- contains :: Ord a = a - BST a - Bool

Assuming that the tree is a binary search tree, determine whether the
element is present in the tree.

If t = Bin (Bin Tip 'a' Tip) 'b' Tip, then contains 'a' t == True
and contains 'c' t == False.

A BST is a binary search tree if, for every Bin l a r, all elements in l
are less than or equal to a and all elements in r are greater than or
equal to a.

Your implementation should not examine every node in the tree. If the tree
is not a true binary search tree, contains will be incorrect for some

So, if bad_tree = Bin (Bin Tip 'c' Tip) 'b', then contains 'c' bad_tree
should be False.

- insert :: Ord a = a - BST a - BST a

Return a new BST containing the element and all the elements in the old
BST. If the old BST is a binary search tree, the new BST must be as well.
Note that a binary search tree never contains duplicate elements.

If t = Bin (Bin Tip 'a' Tip) 'b' Tip, then insert 'c' t might be
Bin (Bin Tip 'a' Tip) 'b' (Bin Tip 'c' Tip).

You are not required to balance the tree.

- delete :: Ord a = a - BST a - BST a

Return a new BST containing all elements in the old BST that are not the
specified element. If the old BST is a binary search tree, the new BST
must be as well.

If t = Bin (Bin Tip 'a' Tip) 'b' Tip, then delete 'b' t == Bin Tip 'a' Tip.

You are not required to balance the tree.

While it is not necessary to provide type signatures for these functions, it
will help prevent you from writing code that is too specific. If your insert
function, for example, only works with BSTs containing integers, then it will
not pass all test cases.

To submit your project, hand in only the Project.hs file.

Testing your code

You can use ghci to try out your functions. Simply load ghci with your project

ghci Project.hs

and you will be able to evaluate expressions

Additionally, this file contains some test cases you may use to check your work.
Passing these tests is necessary but not sufficient to show your code correct.

To use this file, copy it to the same directory as your module and invoke ghci
with this command:

runghc hw3.lhs

This will interpet this file and run the test cases given below.

Alternately, you may compile the test cases with this command:

ghc hw3.lhs

This will create an executable named "hw3" that will run the tests. You
will need to recompile each time you modify your Project.

Note that hw3.lhs refers to the types and functions defined in your Project
module, so it won't compile unless all the definitions are there. If you wish
to test a partially written module, you can add dummmy definitions for any
functions you haven't written yet, e.g.:

delete :: Ord a = a - BST a - BST a
delete = undefined

(The type signature is optional.)


This is a literate Haskell source file. Lines beginning with '' are Haskell
source, everything else is ignored.

module Main where

import Project
import Control.Exception (catch, ErrorCall(..), evaluate)

This section defines some trees that will be used by the test cases.

t1, t2 :: Tree Int
t1 = Fork (Leaf 5) (Fork (Leaf 3) (Leaf 2))
t2 = Fork (Fork (Leaf 0) (Leaf 2)) (Fork (Fork (Leaf (-1)) (Leaf 8)) (Leaf 13))

b1 :: BST Char
b1 = Bin (Bin Tip 'a' Tip) 'b' (Bin Tip 'c' Tip)
b2, bbad :: BST Int
b2 = Bin (Bin Tip (-1) (Bin Tip 1 Tip)) 4 (Bin (Bin Tip 5 Tip) 6 (Bin Tip 7 Tip))
bbad = Bin Tip 5 (Bin Tip 2 Tip)

Here are the test cases themselves. Each is defined using test or testBy,
and has a name, the value computed by your functions, and the expected value.

tests =
[ test "cart [1,2,3] \"ab\""
(cart [1,2,3] "ab")
, test "cart [] [5,6,7]" (cart "" [5,6,7]) []
, testBy approx "stddev [1,1,1,5]" (stddev [1,1,1,5]) (sqrt 3)
, testBy approx "stddev [12,1.5,0.66,1000]"
(stddev [12,1.5,0.66,1000]) 430.9920414578441
, test "height t1" (height t1) 2
, test "height t2" (height t2) 3
, test "minLeaf t1" (minLeaf t1) 2
, test "minLeaf t2" (minLeaf t2) (-1)
, test "inorder t1" (inorder t1) [5,3,2]
, test "inorder t2" (inorder t2) [0,2,-1,8,13]
, test "contains 'b' b1" (contains 'b' b1) True
, test "contains 2 b2" (contains 2 b2) False
, test "contains 2 bbad" (contains 2 bbad) False
, test "contains 'd' (insert 'd' b1)" (contains 'd' (insert 'd' b1)) True
, test "contains 'a' (delete 'a' b1)" (contains 'a' (delete 'a' b1)) False
, test "delete 5 b2"
(let b3 = delete 5 b2
in and
[ contains (-1) b3
, contains 1 b3
, contains 4 b3
, not (contains 5 b3)
, contains 6 b3
, contains 7 b3

The remaining functions evaluate the test cases and report whether they
succeeded. They involve features of Haskell that we have not yet discussed.

testBy :: (Show a) = (a - a - Bool) - String - a - a - IO Bool
testBy eq name got want = catch body (\(ErrorCall s) - fail "ERROR" s)
body = do
ok <- evaluate (eq got want)
if ok
then do
putStrLn $ "PASS : " ++ name
return True
else fail "FAIL " (show got)

fail msg txt = do
putStrLn $ msg ++ ": " ++ name
putStrLn $ " wanted: " ++ show want
putStrLn $ " got: " ++ txt
return False

test :: (Eq a, Show a) = String - a - a - IO Bool
test = testBy (==)

approx x y = abs (x - y) / min x y <= 0.001

runTests n f [] =
putStrLn $ "Completed " ++ show n ++ " tests. " ++ show f ++ " failures."
runTests n f (t:ts) = do
pass <- t
runTests (n+1) (if pass then f else f + 1) ts

main = runTests 0 0 tests