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Spreadsheet Projects Solution
Spreadsheet Projects Solution
Complete these projects to see how well you’ve mastered basic spreadsheet techniques.
For each one, type your name in cell A1, your class in cell A2, the project number in cell
F1, and the date in cell F2. Do not change column widths for these four labels, but allow
the longer labels to spill over into the next cell.
Project 1 Class Grades I: Create a class report with headings and columns of proper
width for STUDENT NAME, TEST 1, TEST 2, TEST 3, and AVERAGE. Type six
names into the worksheet, with three test scores each. Have the spreadsheet automatically
calculate and display in the AVERAGE column the average of the three scores for each
student. Format all numbers to show no. Save the workbook as SHEET1 and print it.
Project 2 Class Grades II: Open SHEET1. Add four names to the list of six and three
test scores for each new name. Copy the average formula so that all students show averages.
Create a class average row along the bottom. Have the worksheet calculate and display
the average for each test column and an overall average in the average column. Format
the average column (not row) to show one decimal. Save the workbook as SHEET2
and print it.
Project 3 Class Grades III: Open SHEET2. Delete the second student row. Create a
bar chart that displays each student’s name and overall average. Add titles. Label the
sheet tabs appropriately. Save the workbook as SHEET3. Print the chart only.
Project 4 Expense Report I: Create a six-month expense report as follows:
RENT 400 400 400 420 420 420
PHONE 68 75 50 48 55 65
FOOD 125 145 175 170 150 120
CLOTHES 200 75 150 50 75 100
MISC 120 50 65 100 125 60
Add a TOTAL row beneath all columns. Format all numbers to comma, zero
decimals. Add formulas for TOTAL (in the TOTAL column and row) and AVERAGE (in
the AVG column) to calculate results. Change column widths as needed to fit the spreadsheet
on one screen. Right-align the labels for month, TOTAL, and AVG to place them
over their numbers. Save the workbook as SHEET4 and print it.
Project 5 Expense Report II: Open SHEET4. Between RENT and PHONE, insert a row
labeled UTILITIES. Enter monthly values of 40, 56, 52, 80, 60, 85. Type (or copy)
formulas for the row’s total and average. Change the format to currency, zero decimals in
the RENT and bottom TOTAL rows. (All other rows remain comma, zero decimals.) Add
six column sparklines in Column J, one to the right of each expense (change colors as
desired) to display month data. Save the workbook as SHEET5 and print it.
Project 6 Expense Report III: Open SHEET5. Skip a row under TOTAL and add a row
labeled INCOME with 1000 entered for each month. Add a row beneath it labeled
SAVINGS. Create formulas that will appear under each month’s income to show how
much money remains for savings after expenses are subtracted from income. Create formulas
for row totals and averages. Save the workbook as SHEET6 and print it.
Project 7 Interest Table: Create a spreadsheet to calculate how much a deposit of $1,000
would be worth if left in a bank for ten years at 6.5 percent annual interest. Show
principal and interest for each year as follows:
Annual Interest Rate: .065
1 $1,000.00 (a)
2 (b)
At the bottom of the PRINCIPAL column, create a line sparkline to show its growth.
NOTE: Note that the interest in cell (a) is the principal to its left times the absolute
reference to the cell that contains .065. The new principal in cell (b) is the old principal
plus the interest in the row above it. Copy these formulas in the remaining cells as needed.
Save the workbook as SHEET7 and print it.
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