2.1 Create the following x and y vectors:
x= 1,2,3
y= 11,12,13,14,15,16
2.2 Calculate and display z=x+y.
2.3 Explain the results.
2.4 Create a vector of your last name.
2.5 Create a vector of your first name.
2.6 Create a vector of your student ID.
2.7 What are the length and data type of the "last name" vector? Why?
2.8 Combine your first name, last name and student id into a single
vector ("myinfo“).
2.9 Display "myinfo" in the Console.
2.10 What are the length and data type of "myinfo"?
2.11 Remove the "first_name" object.
2.12 Display "myinfo" in the Console again.
2.13 Create a dataframe "roster" using the following table:
First Last ID
fname1 lname1 1111
fname2 lname2 2222
2.14 View the “roster”.
2.15 Export the data frame “roster” to a csv file.
2.16 Import and view the following csv file:
2.17 Remove all the objects in your session.