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Assignment 3 Solution



Write  a Parser  for the  source language  that you have chosen.  The  output of the  parser  must  print the  rightmost derivation of the input  program  in a nicely formatted html file. The non-terminal being expanded  must be marked in a different color/bold-faced/underlined etc.  to make it easy to follow the  derivation.  One of the  ways to build the  assignment is to first generate  the  rightmost derivation in reverse and  then  use the  “ tac”  command  to reverse the file.





• Your implementation should read the source filename as its first command-line  parameter; it should produce its output as an html  file. For example,  for an input  program  “abc.c”, it should produce  a dot file “abc.html”.


• You must  use  your  implmentation of the lexer done as a part  of Assignment 1. You are allowed to do minor modifications  over your assignment 1 submission.


• You must  use a parser  generator like Yacc, Bison etc.


• The tool should be robust;  syntactically incorrect  programs  must  be duly reported.


• You have to submit  a zipped folder (name  the folder “asgn3”) with:


–  the source of the implementation (in a folder called “src” within  “asgn3”;

–  a Makefile to  build  the  implementation (it  should  generate  an  executable  called  “parser” in the  folder


–  a set of at least 5 test  cases that you have used to check your implementation (in a folder “asgn3/test”);

–  a README  file with a brief description for building  and running  it (within  “asgn3”).


Binaries  should  NOT  be part  of the  submission.   Clean  the  folder of all object  and  executable  files before submission.


• We will apply  the  following set  of commands  to  build  and  run  your  implementation; make  sure  that your implemantation works correctly  with these sequence of commands:


–  cd asgn3

–  make

–  bin/parser test/test1.c (to execute  the first test-case  file test1.c)

–  firefox test1.html

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