Starting from:


Assignment 1 Solution

This homework requires a number of supporting files, provided in the archive cs24hw1.tgz on the course website. You can download it from there, and then use this command to expand it in your working directory:

tar –zxvf cs24hw1.tgz

The archive contains a top-level directory cs24hw1, in which all other files are contained.

When you have completed the assignment, you must submit all of your work as a single archive file, following the instructions outlined here. Failure to do so will result in point deductions!

Do your work within the cs24hw1 directory. When you are done, you can re-archive this directory into either a zip file, or a tarball (either uncompressed, or compressed with gzip or bzip2). Make sure the filename is cs24hw1-username.ext :

username is your IMSS username, all lowercase

ext is an extension corresponding to the archive file’s type. For example, a ZIP file might be, or a gzipped tar file might be cs24hw1-donnie.tgz.

Hint: If you are generating a gzipped tarfile, it will look like this:

(From directory containing cs24hw1; replace username with your IMSS username.) tar –czvf cs24hw1-username.tgz cs24hw1

Then, submit the resulting file through the course website.

Make sure to follow the specified filenames and the above rules in your submissions. If your submission is difficult to work with, points will be deducted. If you have any questions or concerns on how to package up your submission, feel free to ask Donnie or a TA! We will be happy to help.

Part 1: Integers, and C/make Warm-Up (20 points)

This section of the assignment uses the files in the directory cs24hw1/bits of the archive available on the website.

Using C’s shift and bit-manipulation operators, write a C function that takes an unsigned integer n, and returns a count of the number of bits in n that are 1. (10 points)

There is a file onebits.c which contains some simple code to wrap your function; find the function count_onebits() and fill in the implementation.

Once you have completed this function, test your program with various values and make sure that it works correctly. You can use the make program to build your code:

[user@host:~] make

gcc –c onebits.c

gcc –o onebits onebits.c

[user@host:~] ./onebits 3 4 7



Notice that make takes care of all the steps to build your program, based on the contents of the Makefile in this directory.

Here is an interesting expression: n = n & (n – 1) (10 points)

Write answers to the following questions in the file problem2.txt (in the bits directory). Be specific in your answers.

What does this expression do to n?

How does it work?

How might it provide a faster way to count one-bits in a value?

Once you have figured out these answers, make a copy of onebits.c called

faster_onebits.c, and reimplement count_onebits() to use the above expression to count one-bits instead of using shifts and bit-masks.

Update the Makefile to also build this new source file into a binary called faster_onebits (just duplicate and modify the rules for building onebits, if you haven’t worked with makefiles before). You should also add faster_onebits to the all target so that it will build automatically.

For this section, we will be grading these files:





Part 2: Floating-Point Data Representation (30 points)

This section of the assignment uses the files in the directory cs24hw1/floats of the archive.

Work through all four parts of CS:APP3e Practice Problem 2.46, pp.111-112.1 (5 points)

This is a practice problem so the answer is in the back of the chapter, but for your own sake, don’t look at the answer until you have worked through the entire question. If you want to check your answers when you are finished, this is fine, but you need to include all your work to get full credit for the problem.

Put your answers and work in the file floats/problem1.txt

Floating-point summation (25 points)

In the floats directory you will find a program called fsum, which has a simple purpose – add up a sequence of floating point values and print out the sum. The program’s input must specify the number of floating-point values, and then the values themselves. For example:





Several data files are provided for you to use, and can be fed into this program using input redirection:

[user@host:~] ./fsum < f1.txt

... program output ...

This is where it starts to get strange. One would expect that if you are summing a sequence of numbers, the result should be independent of the order the numbers are added. However, this is not the case with floating point numbers. The fsum program demonstrates this by adding up its inputs in three different orders: the first is the order that values appear in the input, the second is in increasing order of magnitude, and the third is in decreasing order of magnitude.

In the file floats/problem2.txt, answer these questions. Be specific in your answers.

(10 points)

Why are these results different?

Of the three approaches that fsum uses, which is the most accurate, and why?

What kinds of inputs would also cause the “most accurate” approach to exhibit large errors? (Hint: think about what causes the floating-point sum to be inaccurate, and then describe the characteristics of an input data-set that would cause even the “most accurate” version to also suffer from such inaccuracies. Also, the size of the data-set can have just as much impact on the accuracy of the results as the specific values in the data-set.)

Next you must implement a more accurate methodology for computing the sum of a series of floating-point numbers. Place your implementation in the my_fsum() function of the

If you are using the first edition (CS:APP), this is Practice Problem 2.32 on pp. 82-83.

fsum.c program. Also, in the file floats/problem2.txt, explain how your approach is able to produce an accurate sum. (15 points)

Your implementation should produce the “accurate sum” value at the end of each input file.

Since Kahan summation is discussed in CS2, you may not use that approach. Rather, you should either implement the “pairwise summation” algorithm2, or the “accurate summation with partials” algorithm3, or some other such algorithm. The “pairwise summation” algorithm is by far the simpler of the two. Because of this, students who implement the “accurate summation with partials” approach will receive up to +10 bonus points on this assignment, depending on the quality of your implementation.

Your code should only use float. Do not use double; that isn’t the point of the question.

Finally, if you dynamically allocate memory, make sure you don’t have any memory leaks or other such bugs.

For this section, we will be grading these files:




Part 3: Programmable Branching Processor (50 points)

In the directory cs24hw1/proc, you will find the implementation of a simple processor similar to the one we discussed in class. ( Note that the opcode values are different from those in the lecture slides!) There are two versions of the processor, one that includes branching and one that does not. We will use the version with branching, and we will write a simple program for this processor.

There is an appendix to this assignment that describes the branching processor; please refer to it for more details about what operations are supported, how instructions are encoded, and so forth.

The first step is to build the processor on your computer. When you run make, you will see that it executes a number of commands and eventually generates a file branching_run. This is the program you will use to run code on the branching processor.

However, the implementation for this processor is not complete! You will need to fill in the missing pieces before you can use the processor.

Complete the implementation of the processor’s Arithmetic/Logic Unit. (15 points)

Find the function alu_eval() in the file alu.c. This is the function that emulates the ALU in the processor. It receives two data inputs (alu-in1 and alu-in2), as well as the operation

(aka “opcode”) of the operation to perform (alu-op). Based on these inputs, the ALU needs to compute various results and generate an output for the rest of the processor to use.

You should use a switch statement to implement this code:

switch (aluop) {


result = ... ; /* Implement ALUOP_ADD. */ break;




You can use standard C operators to implement each ALU operation. (For example, you don’t need to implement twos-complement negation as invert/increment; just use unary negate.)

Make sure to comment each case, at least briefly, as to its purpose! You don’t need to write anything detailed unless it’s really warranted, but you should comment each operation.

Make sure that if the opcode is not recognized by the ALU, then the ALU simply outputs zero. The ALU should recognize all ALUOP_* values specified in instruction.h, except for ALUOP_BNZ and ALUOP_DONE, which the ALU is simply not responsible for.

Once you have completed your implementation, you can use the testalu program to verify your work. (make testalu will build this program.)

Complete the implementation of the processor’s branching support. (10 points)

The other part of the processor to complete is the logic for performing branching in this processor. You will need to add code to these files:

branch_unit.c – complete the branch_test() function

branching_program_counter.c – complete the nextPC() function

The details of what you need to do are specified in each of these files, so just open them up and you should have all the instructions you need.

Once you have completed these functions, try out the branching processor with a simple program that computes the (i + 1)th value of the Fibonacci sequence. The instructions are contained within ifib.ibits (“.ibits” stands for “instruction bits”), and ifib_5.rbits, ifib_10.rbits, and ifib_12.rbits are three different sets of register inputs you can try with this program (“.rbits” stands for “register bits”). For this implementation of the Fibonacci sequence, fib(0) = 0, and fib(1) = 1.

Write a program for this branching processor that performs integer division on two arguments. (25 points)

The program should take two nonnegative, signed integer arguments, the dividend and the divisor, and it should produce two nonnegative, signed integer results, the quotient and the remainder. Each of these values is 32 bits. Make sure your inputs and outputs are stored in these registers:

The dividend should be in register 0

The divisor should be in register 1

The quotient should end up in register 6

The remainder should end up in register 7

You may store other constants in registers 2-5, as needed. You do not need to make your program generate these constants; just create your own .rbits input files that include the needed constants. Obviously, anything that is a “constant” had better actually be constant across all sets of inputs you create…

You can implement division any way you would like, but we would recommend using addition and subtraction for computing the result. Here is a simple and slow technique, written up as pseudocode:

function divide(dividend, divisor) begin

quotient = 0

remainder = dividend

while true do

remainder = remainder – divisor

if remainder = 0 then

quotient = quotient + 1



end if


remainder = remainder + divisor

return quotient, remainder;


Of course, this simple processor only understands unsigned values, so if you want to check if a number is negative, you will have to implement the conditions in a way supported by the processor. (Hint: Think about two’s complement and overflows, and what happens to various bits in the result.)

Store your completed program in the file divider.ibits. Then, for each of these pairs of inputs, create an input file div_a_b.rbits, run the processor to generate div_a_b.out, and check that your answers are correct:

15 5(div_15_5.rbits)

19 4(div_19_4.rbits)

9 16(div_9_16.rbits)

And finally, what happens with this pair of inputs?

10 0(div_10_0.rbits)

Briefly explain the program’s behavior with this set of inputs, in a file div_10_0.txt. (If you happened to include error-checking in your implementation, describe how your error-checking works.)

For this section, we will be grading these files:




proc/divider.ibits(Make sure to comment this file!)

• proc/div_*_*.rbits (Comment this one too!)


A Helpful Utility

One of the things you may find yourself doing is translating sequences of zeroes and ones into hexadecimal values. If you want to automate this process, check out proc/convert.c, which is designed specifically for this task. You will need to implement a little bit of code in this file (see the convert function), but it will allow you to create an input file that includes both whitespace and comments, and still generate the proper hexadecimal output. For example, if you have an input file foo.rawbits:

My cool program. Registers are:

R1 = some value

R2 = another value

1 1
# Very important instruction!
0 1
# Also very important!
1 0

1 1
# Meh.

You could do this: ./convert < foo.rawbits, and the program would output:

My cool program. Registers are:

R1 = some value

R2 = another value

# Very important instruction!

# Also very important!


ff# Meh.

(The < is used to redirect the contents of the file foo.rawbits into the standard-input of the program when it runs. If you want to store the program’s output into another file, you can do something like this: ./convert < foo.rawbits foo.ibits)

There is no build rule for this program, so you will have to compile it by hand, or you will need to add it to the makefile’s build rules.

If you decide to use this program, you will not be graded on your modifications to it.

Final Submission Note

As described at the start of this assignment, once you have completed all parts of this assignment, you should re-archive your cs24hw1 directory according to the specified instructions and then submit the archive file via Moodle. Make sure your submission also includes the answer-files specified in each question of the assignment!

Appendix: Branching Processor


The file branching_run.c is the top level for the branching processor simulator. The processor is assembled and its cycle-by-cycle execution occurs in branching_processor.c. Each component of the processor is encapsulated in its own C file (branching_program_counter.c, instruction_store.c, register_file.c, alu.c, branching_decode.c, etc.). The file branching_control.c provides the control unit, which sequences each of the components to implement one clock-step of the processor. The provided Makefile will build the branching_run simulator, as well as a helper program testalu for exercising the ALU logic.

The simulator wires up the individual units using a bus abstraction (bus.c, bus.h). Each “bus” is a memory location (an unsigned 32-bit integer) which can be set or read. Each of the functional units instantiates its own output bus, and is later given handles to the buses of all of its inputs (called “pins”).

Note: Various C/C++ primitive types vary in size, based on whether a program is built for a 32-bit processor or a 64-bit processor. C also does not specify the size of an “int” value, although nowadays it is almost always 32 bits. The “long” type, however, may be 4 bytes or 8 bytes, depending on the platform.

To work around these issues, a program may include the C standard header stdint.h, which provides types like int32_t (signed 32-bit integer), uint64_t (unsigned 64-bit integer), etc. In general, these types should only be used when a particular bit-width is required; general integer variables such as looping variables, counts, etc. should continue to be “int” to maximize compatibility.4

The file branching_processor.c performs the wiring between units. Wired in this way, each unit can simply read its inputs, perform its operation, and set its output. Note that the connect() routines used in branching_processor.c are not transitive; if you need to connect more than three things, make sure you use a single connect3() call, rather than two connect() calls.

The instruction format and encodings are defined in instruction.h, and are also described in the next section.

The branching_run program takes 3 arguments:

instruction file (read)

initial register file (read)

final register file (written)

The instruction file and register file each consist of a series of lines with one hex number per line. The ith line, should contain the value for the ith entry in the instruction store and register file, respectively.

These files can contain comments to the right of the hex-values on each line. Use this feature to clearly document both your instructions and initial data.

See for more thoughts on this topic.

Instructions and Instruction Formats

The instructions supported by the branching processor are described in this section. They fall into two main categories: ALU operations and branching operations. The ALU operations are as follows:

dst ← src1 + src2
dst ← ~src1
dst ← src1 – src2
dst ← src1 ^ src2
dst ← src1 | src2
dst ← src1 + 1
dst ← src1 & src2
dst ← src1 1; dst[31] = src1[31]
dst ← src1 1; dst[31] = 0
dst ← src1 << 1
dst ← src1 << 1
Stop execution.

All of the above instructions are encoded in this format:


The meanings of the fields are as follows:

op – operation to be performed (typically by ALU)

w – write the ALU output to register file? (1 = yes, 0 = no)

src1 – address of first ALU operand in register file

src2 – address of second ALU operand in register file

dst – address in register file into which the result should be stored

If a particular instruction does not require some of these fields, they should be set to 0.

The one other instruction supported is the “branch if not zero” operation BNZ.

if (src1 != 0) pc ← branch_addr

Unlike the other instructions, the BNZ instruction is encoded as follows:


The only difference between BNZ and the other instructions is that branch_addr occupies the bits where src2 and dst normally reside.

Branching Processor Execution

Every clock tick, the branching processor performs these tasks:

op, w, src1, src2, dst, branch_addr = instruction_store[pc]



if (w==1)

register_file[dst] ←(in1 op in2)

if (op == BNZ && src1 != 0)

pc ← branch_addr


pc ←pc +1

This logic is contained within the branching_control.c file, and the functions that the clock() function calls.

Branching Processor Diagram

Here is a schematic diagram of the components in the branching processor. The branching-control logic is highlighted in red.