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Assignment 1 Module 1: Primary functions Solution

This is Module 1 of Assignment 1. Module 2 will be much smaller, and will deal specifically with error values and error handling. It will be released after January 21. Module 2 may also contain additional submission details.


In this assignment, you need to implement a library to parse the iCalendar files. The link to the format description is posted in the Assignment 1 description. Make sure you understand the format before doing the assignment.

According to the specification (RFC 5545), an iCalendar object contains:

two specific required properties that must appear exactly once
several optional properties
one or more component of several different types

Our Assignment 1 parser will assume a somewhat simpler iCalendar file:

two specific required properties (see the format description)
multiple optional calendar properties
multiple event components, which may contain alarms

This structure is represented by the Calendar type in CalendarParser.h.

According to the specification (RFC 5545), an event component contains:

two specific required properties that must appear exactly once
an arbitrary number of optional properties
0 or more alarm components
Note: Since the METHOD property of the Calendar is optional, we will make the DTSTART property required for an our implementation of the event. Therefore we have the startDateTime property in the Event struct.

Similarly, an alarm component also contains two required properties and an arbitrary number of optional ones. These structures are represented by the Event and Alarm types in CalendarParser.h

The Property struct represents a generic property. The propName contains the property name (e.g. ORGANIZER). The propDescr contains everything else - i.e. property value(s) and the parameters (if parameters are present). Make sure that you do not include the delimiter separating the property name from the parameter list or values. For example:

If the property line contains STATUS:CONFIRMED
 propName is STATUS and propDescr is CONFIRMED

If the property line contains ORGANIZER;CN=Some Dude;
 propName is ORGANIZER and propDescr is CN=Some Dude;

The header also contains a dedicated type for representing the date-time properties DTSTART and DTSTAMP, a few headers, and a couple of other helpful definitions.

Note that the parser must handle folded lines exactly as described in the iCalendar specification.

Your assignment will be graded using an automated test suite, so you must follow all requirements exactly, or you will lose marks.

Required Functions

Read the comments in CalendarParser.h carefully. They provide additional implementation details. You must implement every function in CalendarParser.h; they are also listed below. If you do not complete any of the functions, you must provide a stub for every one them.

Applications using the parser library will include CalendarParser.h in their main program. The CalendarParser.h header has been provided for you. Do not change it in any way. CalendarParser.h is the public “face” of our calendar API. All the helper functions are internal implementation details, and should not be publicly/globally visible. When we grade your code, we will use the standard CalendarParser.h to compile and run it.

If you create additional header files, include them in the .c files that use them.

Calendar parser functions

ICalErrorCode createCalendar(char* fileName, Calendar** obj);

This function does the parsing and allocated a Calendar object. It accepts a filename and an address of a Calendar pointer (i.e. a double pointer). If the file has been parsed successfully, the calendar object is allocated and the

information is stored in it. The function then returns OK.

However, the parsing can fail for various reasons. In that case, the obj argument is set to NULL and createCalendar returns a variety of error codes to indicate this.

What ICalErrorCode value should be returned in what situation will be discussed in Module 2. For now, you can return OK if the file is successfully parsed, and INV_FILE otherwise.

char* printCalendar(const Calendar* obj);

This function returns a humanly readable string representation of the entire calendar object. It will be used mostly by you, for debugging your parser. It must not modify the calendar object in any way. The function must allocate the string dynamically.

void deleteCalendar(Calendar* obj)

This function deallocates the frees object, including all of its subcomponents.

const char* printError(ICalErrorCode err)

This function returns a string based on the ICalErrorCode value to make the output of your program easier to understand - i.e. “OK” if err is OK, “INV_FILE” or “invalid file” is INV_FILE was passed, etc.. The function must

allocate the string dynamically. For now, you can return OK if the file is successfully parsed, and INV_FILE otherwise; additional details will be provided in Module 2.

Helper functions

In addition the above functions, you must also write a number of helper functions. We will need to store the types Event, Alarm, and Property in lists. We will also need to print and delete DateTime values, and may need to compare them in future assignments:

void deleteEvent(void* toBeDeleted);

int compareEvents(const void* first, const void* second); char* printEvent(void* toBePrinted);


void deleteAlarm(void* toBeDeleted);

int compareAlarms(const void* first, const void* second); char* printAlarm(void* toBePrinted);

void deleteProperty(void* toBeDeleted);

int compareProperties(const void* first, const void* second); char* printProperty(void* toBePrinted);

void deleteDate(void* toBeDeleted);

int compareDates(const void* first, const void* second); - this function can be a stub for now, e.g. always return 0. We will flesh it out later, if/when we need it.

char* printDate(void* toBePrinted);

Additional guidelines and requirements

In addition, it is strongly recommended that you write additional helpers functions for parsing the file - e.g. parsing a property, parameter, or a date-time. You should also write delete...() functions for all the structs, since they will all be dynamically allocated.

All required functions must be in a file called CalendarParser.h. You are free to create your additional "helper functions" in a separate .c file, if you find some recurring processing steps that you would like to factor out into a single place. Do not place headers for these additional helper function in CalendarParser.h. They must be in a separate header file, since they are internal to your implementation and not for public users of the utility package.

For your own test purposes, you will also want to code a main program in another .c file that calls your functions with a variety of test cases However, you must not submit that program. Also, do not put your main() function in CalendarParser.h. Failure to do this will cause the test program will fail due to multiple definitions of main(); you will lose marks for that, and may get a 0 for the assignment.

Your functions are supposed to be robust. They will be tested with various kinds of invalid data and must detect problems without crashing. If your functions encounter a problem, they must free all memory and return.

Function naming

You are welcome to name your helper functions as you see fit. However, do not put the underscore (_) character at the start of your function names. That is reserved solely for the test harness functions. Failure to do so may result in compiler errors due to name collisions - and a grade of zero (0) as a result.

Linked list

You are expected to use a linked list for storing various calendar components. You can use the list implementation that I will use in the class examples in Week 2. You can also use your own. However, your implementation must be compliant with the List API defined in LinkedListAPI.h. Failure to do so may result in a grade deductions, up to and including a grade of zero.

(Strongly) Recommended development path:

Implement a simple parser that extracts the required properties of the Calendar (version and product ID).

Add a basic deleteCalendar functionality and test for memory leaks

Add a basic printCalendar functionality and test for memory leaks

Add handling of multiple optional properties

Update deleteCalendar and printCalendar functionality.

Test for memory leaks

Add line unfolding. Line unfolding is part of the format specification and you must implement it to receive full marks.

Test for memory leaks

Add handling of minimal Events.

Update deleteCalendar and printCalendar functionality.

Test for memory leaks

Add handling of Events with properties

Update deleteCalendar and printCalendar functionality.

Test for memory leaks

Add handling of minimal Alarms

Update deleteCalendar and printCalendar functionality.

Test for memory leaks

Add handling of Alarms with properties

Update deleteCalendar and printCalendar functionality.

Test for memory leaks

Implement proper error code returns (Module 2)

Add printError functionality

Test for memory leaks

Important points


Do be careful about upper/lower case.
Do include comments with your name and student ID at the top of every file you submit

Do not:

Do not submit CalendarParser.h or LinkedListAPI.h. If they are submitted, they will be overwritten.
Do not change the given typedefs or function prototypes CalendarParser.h
Do not hardcode any path or directory information into #include statements, e.g.

#include "../include/SomeHeader.h

Do not submit any main() functions
Do not use exit() function calls anywhere in your code. Since you're writing a library, it must always return the control to the caller using the return statement
Do not exit the program from one of the parser functions if a problem is encountered, return an error value instead.
Do not print anything to the command line.
Do not assume that your pointers are valid. Always check for NULL pointers in function arguments.

Failure to follow any of the above points may result in loss of marks, or even a zero for the assignment if they cause compiler errors with the test harness.

Submission structure

The submission must have the following directory structure:

assign1/ - contains the Makefile and README file. The README file will be discussed in Module 2.

assign1/bin - should be empty, but this is where the Makefile will place the shared lib files.

assign1/src - contains CalendarParser.h , LinkedListAPI.c, and your additional source files.

assign1/include - contains your additional headers. Do not submit CalendarParser.h and



You will need to provide a Makefile with the following functionality:

make list creates a shared library in assign1/bin
make parser creates a shared library in assign1/bin
make or make all creates and in assign1/bin
make clean removes all .o and .so files


Your code must compile, run, and have all of the specified functionality implemented. Any compiler errors will result in the automatic grade of zero for the assignment. Infinite loops will also result in a grade of zero.

Marks will be deducted for:

Incorrect and missing functionality
Deviations from the requirements
Run-time errors, including infinite loops
Compiler warnings
Memory leaks reported by valgrind
Memory errors reported by valgrind
Failure to follow submission instructions


Submit your files as a Zip archive using Moodle. File name must be 
 Late submissions: see course outline for late submission policies.

This assignment is individual work and is subject to the University Academic Misconduct Policy. See course outline for details)

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