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Assignment #4 adduser and Cloud Computing Solution


In this assignment, you will be writing a shell script wrapper for user management using usermod, userdel, and useradd as building blocks. Include a verbose option to output what is happening step by step. Alongside this, you will be writing a python script that utilizes the AWS SDK to provision a t2.micro EC2 instance. For both of your scripts, create appropriate documentation in your git repo’s file.


No webcampus submission. Follow the link provided below to create a GitHub classroom repo to push your code to. I will be checking the two scripts and the readme for documentation.


For Git repo

Follow link instructions: ​

Adduser Script:

Prompt for username, full name, and password

Create /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, and /etc/group entries

Make sure syntax is correct before you make changes to actual files

For /etc/shadow, see sample code for generating password hash

Create home directory, chmod and chown it

AWS Script

Create SSH keypair to connect to instance with via aws SDK

create_key_pair() method: ​Documentation
Save the private key in it’s return JSON object

Save to a .pem file in current directory, with permissions 400

Create an t2.micro EC2 instance
create_instances() method: ​Documentation
Use keypair that you created

Save the public IP address of the instance in it’s return JSON object

Print out the IP address of the instance, and the path to the saved .pem private key

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