Considering a Java class/interface design hierarchy shown in the following diagram,
design the following Java programs: BankAccount.java, Payable.java, SavingAccount.java, CheckingAccount.java and GiftCard.java.
* Your Java class names must follow the names specified above. Note that they are case sensitive. See our template below.
* BankAccount: an abstract class.
* SavingAccount: a concrete class that extends BankAccount.
* The constructor takes client's firstname, lastname and social security number.
* The constructor should generate a random 6-digit number as the user account number.
* The initial balance is 0 and the annual interest rate is fixed at 1.0% (0.01).
* The withdraw method signature is:
`public boolean withdraw(double amount).`
It returns true if the amount is less or equal to the balance. Otherwise, the withdraw attempt fails and outputs an error message.
* The deposit method signature is:
`public void deposit(double amount).`
* CheckingAccount: a concrete class that extends BankAccount, also implements Payable interface.
* The constructor takes client's firstname, lastname, social security number and a 4-character pin (in String type).
* Similarily, the initial balance is 0 and its interest rate is fixed at 0.1% (0.001).
* In addition, a 7-digit account number is randomly generated for a new client.
* The withdraw method signature is:
`public boolean withdraw(double amount)`.
* It deducts the corresponding amount of money on the account balance and returns true if the amount is less or equal to the balance. Otherwise, the withdraw attempt fail s and outputs an error message.
* The deposit method signature is:
`public void deposit(double amount)`
* The makePayment method signature is:
`public boolean makePayment(double amount, String name, String pin)`
* It returns true if the amount is less or equal to the balance. And a message is printed for the payment.
* It returns false if the pin check fails.
* It returns false if the balance is not sufficient to make the payment.
* GiftCard: a concrete class that implements Payable interface.
* The constructor takes the amount and a 4-character pin number.
* The makePayment method signature is:
`public boolean makePayment(double amount, String name, String pin).`
* It deducts the corresponding balance amount and returns true if the balance is sufficient and a confirmation messages is printed.
* Otherwise, an error message should show the balance is not sufficient to make the payment.
* In each concrete class, you are required to override toString() method, which is orginally provided in Object class.
Program Template
public abstract class BankAccount {
protected String firstname;
protected String lastname;
protected int ssn;
// implement your code here
public interface Payable {
public boolean makePayment(double amount, String name, String pin);
public class SavingAccount extends BankAccount {
private double interest;
private int acctNumber;
private double balance;
// implement your code here
public class CheckingAccount extends BankAccount implements Payable {
private double interest;
private int acctNumber;
private double balance;
private String pin;
// implement your code here
public class GiftCard implements Payable {
private String pin;
private double balance;
// implement your code here
A test program is given below. Your programs should work with this test program. A sample result is allow provided.
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
BankAccount[] accts = { new SavingAccount("Cody", "Allen", 3428765),
new CheckingAccount("Shane", "Bieber", 3284842, "1234"),
new SavingAccount("Adam", "Cimber", 8097423)};
Payable[] items = { new CheckingAccount("Corey", "Kluber", 79872487, "4321"),
new GiftCard(1000, "gift")};
for (int i = 0; i<accts.length; i++) {
items[0].makePayment(2000, "Alonso", "4321");
items[1].makePayment(2000, "Barnes", "gifts");
((CheckingAccount)accts[1]).makePayment(2000, "Diaz", "1234");
for (int i = 0; i<accts.length; i++)
for (int i = 0; i<items.length; i++)
Sample Execution Results:
Withdraw Failed: balance too low...
Successfully withdrew $800.0
Successfully withdrew $800.0
Paid Alonso with $2000.0
Payment Failed: wrong pin
Payment Failed: balance too low
Firstname: Cody
Lastname: Allen
Saving's Account Number: 395605
Balance: 500.0
Interest: 0.0
Firstname: Shane
Lastname: Bieber
Checking Account Number: 1797409
Balance: 400.0
Interest: 0.1
Pin: 1234
Firstname: Adam
Lastname: Cimber
Saving's Account Number: 684689
Balance: 700.0
Interest: 0.0
Firstname: Corey
Lastname: Kluber
Checking Account Number: 2877463
Balance: 0.0
Interest: 0.1
Pin: 4321
Gift Card Pin: gift
Gift Card Balance: 1000.0