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The Continental Palm Hospital Case Solution

The Continental Palm Hospital (CPH) is considering creating a database to keep track of all aspects of the hospital. Impressed by your MIS knowledge and skills, the management of CPH has decided to hire you to design a conceptual schema first.


CPH wants to store the information about employees, patients, wards, beds, and treatments in the database.


Each employee has a SSN, name, and salary. For some types of employees, additional information should be recorded. For a doctor, the highest degree obtained and where and when the degree is obtained should be recorded. For a nurse, the level of skill (1 to 5) should be recorded.


Each patient has a SSN, a name, an address (street, city, state, and zip), and several contacts (name and phone number). The patient’s disease should also be recorded.


CPH has several wards with different functions. Each ward has a number, name, main function, and number of beds.


Each ward has several beds that may contain patients. Beds are numbered within the ward. Two wards could both have a bed 123. The patient will be placed in a bed in a ward relevant to her disease.


Several nurses work in each ward and one of them is in charge of the ward. The nurse in charge of a ward must have a level of at least 4. There must be at least the same number of nurses as the number of beds in any ward.


The patient will be treated by some doctors with various treatments. Each treatment will begin at a specified date and place, and will be associated with a fee. A unique treatment number is assigned to each treatment. A doctor cannot treat more than 20 patients on any single day.




Create a class diagram that describes the classes and relationships depicted in the Continental Palm Hospital Case.


For your class diagram, make sure that you have ALL of the following considered:


-          The ABC’s of classes (Attributes, Behaviors, and Class names)

-          Relationships between classes – must be labeled (with a direction) and show multiplicity

-          Use inheritance and aggregation if it makes sense to do so

-          Any constraints that you couldn’t express using the model should be clearly written down in plain English

Note: You could use any drawing tool to develop the diagram: VISIO, MS Words, and MS PowerPoint… Please do NOT hand-draw your solution. If you use VISIO, please copy paste your final diagram into a word file. You should just submit ONE word file that contains the above required contents.


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