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Programming Assignment #6 Solution

Boiling Beetles with a Shell Script



Shell scripts  are often used to extend  the function  of a binary.  In this project,  you will be given a binary  for the beetle program  of project  one, and you will embed it in a shell script in order to add substantial capability. Note that you will not be able to modify the basic beetle program.



The boiler Script – Simple Use



Your shell script  will be named  boiler. It’s simplest  invocation  is in the form


% ./boiler -n num -i min max step


The argument num is a positive non-zero integer; it indicates  the number  of beetles to be simulated in each run  of the  beetle program  caused  by execution  of the  script.   The  three  arguments min, max, and  step are  also positive  non-zero  integers.   These  three  arguments specify a sequence  of square sizes on which the beetles’ lives are to be simulated:


• the smallest  square should be min inches on each side;


• the next  smallest  square should be min + step;


• the sequence ends if the next  square would have a side dimension  greater  than  max. Here are some concrete  examples of the simple use of the script:

% ./boiler -n 10000 -i 1 6 2


This would boil 10000 beetles on squares  of dimension  1, 3, and 5 inches.


% ./boiler -n 10000 -i 3 1 1


This would boil 10000 beetles on a 3 inch square.  Note that, regardless  of the values for step and

max, at least one run of the beetle program  will take  place. The argument sequences can be given in any order, so

% ./boiler -i 1 6 2 -n 10000


is legal, and behaves as you would expect (just  like the earlier example).


The  final output of the  script  (on  stdout) is required  to  appear  as shown below.  The  output is generated  only after all simulations  have completed.  A line of output will contain  the size of a side of the  square  as an integer  number  of inches and  a floating  point  mean  beetle  lifetime.  The  two

numbers  should be separated by whitespace.  The mean beetle lifetime should have one digit to the right of the decimal point in your output.


square_dim_1 mean_life_1 square_dim_2 mean_life_2

. . .

square_dim_n mean_life_n


Note that for a large number  of beetles and several square sizes, the script may run for a long time. Accordingly,  your script  must  respond  to several signals:


SIGINT: terminate the activity  of the script immediately  and clean up all temporary files the script may have created.


SIGUSR1: as soon as possible, output (to standard output) the square size that is currently being worked on and then  continue  with normal  operations.


SIGUSR2: dump  a restorable  image (see below) of the  current state  of your  beetle  simulation  to the file ./beetle.state, terminate the script,  and clean up any temporary files.



The boiler Script – Graphical Output



If the  optional  argument  sequence  -p filename is asserted  in addition  to  the  basic required  ar- guments  described  above,  then  your  script will generate  a  PNG  graphical  plot  of your  beetle simulations.  This  plot should display  square  size on the  x axis and  mean beetle  lifetime on the  y axis.  The  axes should  be labeled  appropriately.  The  filename designates  where the  PNG  image will be stored.


The  -p filename command  line argument  sequence  may  appear  in any  order  relative  to  the  -i

and -n argument sequences.


Your script should use the powerful gnuplot(1) program to produce the PNG plot.  There is a short manual  page for gnuplot, but more complete  documentation can be accessed with  the  command “info gnuplot.”


Here is an example:


% ./boiler -i 1 10 1 -n 10000 -p plotfile.png


In this  invocation,  ten  beetle simulations  will be run,  each with  10000 beetles,  on ten  different square sizes. The standard output will still look like it does in a basic invocation  of boiler, but  a PNG  image containing  the required  plot will be produced  in plotfile.png.


This run of the boiler script  should produce  the following on its standard output:


1 1.0

2 4.5

3 7.2

4 12.6

5 18.5

6 26.2

7 34.4

8 43.9

9 54.8

10 66.7


The image in plotfile.png should look something  like the following:


The boiler Script – Saving/Restoring

Given that the  script may run  a long time,  it is useful to be able to stop  the  execution  and  save its state  in a file. At a later  time (and  maybe on a different machine)  the file in which the script’s state  was dumped  can serve as the basis for restarting the script  at the point where it was stopped previously.  As specified above, if your script  receives a SIGUSR2 signal, it needs to stop execution and  dump  its state  into  the  file named  beetle.state in the  current working directory.   Exactly what  is meant by “state” depends  on the design of your script,  but  it would probably  include the command  line arguments used when the script  was invoked, the size of the square being simulated when the  SIGUSR2 was received,  and  perhaps  the  contents  of any  significant  temporary files.  In any case, the saved state  should be sufficient to restart the script  when the following invocation  is used (statefile is the name of the state  file in this example):


% ./boiler -r statefile

This  should  restart the  beetle  simulation  (approximately) at  the  point  where it  was interrupted by the SIGUSR2. Note that there  is no need to re-output anything  that had been sent to standard output before the SIGUSR2. After being restarted, the script  should behave  just  as if it had never been interrupted.


If the -r option is asserted  on an invocation  of boiler, no other option sequences are allowed.







The  beetle  program  operates  as specified in P1;  accordingly,  your script  can rely upon  the  argu- ment checking  of the  beetle  binary,  it  doesn’t  have  to  check that positive  non-zero  integers  are given as arguments where required.   You are  responsible  for checking  general  argument validity, however.


If a run of the beetle program  inside the script terminates abnormally, the script should terminate immediately  after  cleaning up.  A diagnostic  message and any partial output should be produced. If a plot was requested,  it should not be produced.


Your script  must  invoke the beetle binary  located  at




The first line of boiler must  be #!/bin/sh. This  is necessary  for finding the  pid of the  script so signals can be sent to it.


If you develop on your own system, please reserve time to make sure that your submission behaves as you expect on a departmental Linux system.  Software version differences can be problematic.






The  boiler program  must  be a shell script,  interpreted by /bin/sh on a departmental system. You may use awk scripts  as part  of your solution  as long as they  are embedded  in the shell script (you may only submit  a single file, boiler). No other  scripting  language  nor non-system  binary may be used in your submission.







In the directory  where you develop boiler, do the following:


• gpg -r CSCI415 --sign -e boiler


• cp boiler.gpg ~


• chmod 0644 ~/boiler.gpg

You must  create  your gpg file by the deadline  stated on the web page.


Please note that the final project  (P7)  submission  will be on April 28, the last day of classes.  You will not be able to use slip days on that submission.

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