Getting Started
Update your SVN repository.
When needed, you will find additional materials for homework x in the folder hwx. So, for the current assignment the folder is hw3.
Hint: You can check your submission to the SVN repository by viewing https://svn.seas.
wustl.edu/repositories/<yourwustlkey/cse427s_fl18 in a web browser.
all written work needs to be submitted electronically in pdf format1 via GRADESCOPE
provide the following information on every page of your pdf file:
– name
– student ID
– wustlkey (your wustlkey indicates the location (SVN repository) for your code submissions; without this information we will not be able to grade your code!)
start every problem on a new page
FOR GROUPS: make a group submission on GRADESCOPE and provide the following
information for all group members on every page of your pdf file: names, student IDs, and location of code submissions (one student’s wustlkey)2
code needs to be submitted via SVN repository commit (detailed submission instruc-tions are provided whenever code submissions are required)
make sure to always use the required file name(s) and submission format(s)
comment your code to receive maximum credit
1 Please, type your solutions or use clear hand-writing. If we cannot read your answer, we cannot give you credit nor will we be able to meet any regrade requests concerning your writing.
2It is sufficient to commit code to one SVN repository. If you do not specify the repository for your group’s code submission clearly, we will only check the first repository, sorting wustlkeys alphabetically.
Problem 1: Running a MAPREDUCE Job (40%)
If you haven’t done so, complete Lab 2 (run a MAPREDUCE job to count the number of occurrences of every word in the works of Shakespeare). Now, we will look at the result which is stored in the file part-r-00000 in the output directory you specified when submit-ting the job.
How often do the following words occur:
How many different words (you can consider every reduce() output key a word) occur in the shakespeare data? Provide the count AND a one line unix command to retireve this number directly from the results file in HDFS.
HINT: Lab0 and the cheat sheet linked on the course webpage under Resources and HowTos provide a documentation of useful Unix terminal commands.
By looking at the results of this word-count implementation, give 2 suggestions on how to improve the program if our goal is to use the results to analyze the sentiment
in Shakespeare’s work. You can read about sentiment analysis here: https://en.
Improvement can be in terms of efficiency (w.r.t. runtime or memory), or quality of the result.
Consider the MAPREDUCE execution of word-count. The RecordReader is a system provided function used in each MAPREDUCE program. What does it do? Describe RecordReader input and output.
In your output folder in HDFS you find one file with results (part-r-00000). In class we learned that this folder could contain several such results file. What do those files correspond to and which process is responsible for writing those files?
Problem 2: Skew (30%)
Suppose we execute the word-count MAPREDUCE program on a large repository of text data such as a copy of the English Wikipedia. Our cluster consists of 200 compute nodes and we shall use 100 Map tasks and some number of Reduce tasks.
Do you expect there to be significant skew in the runtime taken by the various re-duce() functions to process their value list? Why or why not?
Note: we do not use a combiner at the Map tasks.
HINT: read [MMDS] Ch2.2.5-6 pp 28-30 to learn more about skew in the MAPREDUCE job execution.
If we assign the reduce() functions to a small number of Reduce tasks, say 10 tasks, at random, do you expect the skew in the runtime taken by the Reduce Tasks to be significant? What happens if we instead assign the reduce() functions to 10; 000 Reduce tasks?
Suppose we do use a combiner at the 100 Map tasks. Do you expect the skew in the runtime taken by the various reduce() functions to be significant? Why or why not?
Note: we use the following terminology (mind the capitalization):
Map/Reduce Task or Mapper/Reducer
map()/reduce() function
Group & Sort or Shuffle & Sort
Notation used in the books:
Map task
mapper (avoid this!)
map() function
Group & Sort
Shuffle & Sort
Reduce task
reducer (avoid this!)
reduce() function
Problem 3: Job Execution (30%)
Describe the HADOOP MAPREDUCE job execution using the YARN scheduler.
Include the names of all daemons/processes that run on master and worker nodes.
Describe storage locations of input, output, and intermediate data.
When executing MAPREDUCE jobs, HADOOP performs data locality optimization. De-scribe what is meant by this term and indicate in which phases it is applicable. Also include a discussion on what happens if tasks can not be executed local to the data.
Bonus Problem (5% up to a max. of 100%) - no group work!
Write a review for this homework and store it in the file hw3_review.txt provided in your SVN repository (and commit your changes). This file should only include the review, no
other information such as name, wustlkey, etc. Remember that you are not graded for the content of your review, solely it’s completion.
Provide the star rating for hw3 via this link: https://wustl.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/ SV_aaAc0ILmBleyKzj.
You can only earn bonus points if you write a meaningful review of at least 50 words and provide the corresponding star rating. Bonus points are given to the owner of the reposi-tory only (no group work!).
Submit your review in the file hw3_review.txt provided in the hw3 folder in your SVN repos-itory. To commit the file run:
svn commit -m ’hw3 review submission’ .
Take 1 minute to provide a star rating for this homework – your star rating should match