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Hands-on Assignment 1 Solution

Ground Rules.  You may  choose to  complete  this  homework in a group  of up  to  three people; working in a group  is not  required,  but  strongly  recommended.   If you work in a group,  only one group member  should submit  a solution  each round,  listing the  names of all the  group members.   You’ll be submitting  answers in two  rounds:  by 11:55pm Central Time on Friday  September  23rd and October  7th.  When submitting, one member of your group should use the appropriate Moodle activity  to upload a tarred  and gzipped directory containing all the files mentioned as required for that  round.  You may use any written  source you can find to help with this assignment,  on paper or the Internet, but you must explicitly reference any sources other than  the lecture notes, assigned readings, and course staff.



Hackxploitation. This homework involves finding many different ways to exploit a poorly- written  program that  runs as root, to “escalate privileges” from a normal user to the super- user.  The program  we will exploit is the “Badly  Coded File Archiver,”  or BCZIP  (loosely modeled on the Unix tar program  and the cross-platform  zip).  (The  same company  pro- duced the Badly Coded Versioning System and the Badly Coded Print Server used in pre- vious years’ 5271s.)  You will be able to  download  the  (round  1) source code for BCZIP from the  course web page, at, and  (eventually)  the round 2 source code from  For its intended  mode of use, BCZIP should be installed  in a system-wide directory,  and the vulnerabilities  will be a problem when it is run  as root.  BCZIP  can create  (compress)  archive files, when invoked as bczip c, and it can extract  files from (decompress)  archive files when invoked as bczip x.  One would hope that  an archiving system would be secure even when a privileged user is decompressing an untrusted archive, so to test  this we’ve also installed  another  program, bcunzip-as-root, which is installed setuid root.  This program will take an arbitrary BCZIP archive as an argument,  and decompress it into a temporary  directory while running as root. (This  setuid  decompression  service might seem a bit  artificial,  but  you can think  of it  as simulating  a situation  where a normal user decompresses files after downloading them from shady websites.  Many of the techniques you use against root here could analogously be used to take over a user’s account,  steal credit card information,  etc.)

Because BCZIP is intended to run as root, and breaking it lets you get root, we can’t have you doing so directly  on a CSE Labs machine.  Instead,  we will provide each group with a setup to run a virtual machine, and you will have root access (e.g. using the sudo command) inside the  VM. The  VMs will run  on a CSE Labs cluster:  we’ll provide more information about  running  them  once they’re available.  You can start looking for vulnerabilities  in the BCZIP source, and even testing  many kinds of attacks,  without  a VM: BCZIP can run in a location like your home directory , and you can test attacks  that  culminate in getting a shell: it will just  be a shell with your own UID, rather  than  a root shell.  You can also recompile it if you’d like, but  don’t run make install on a real machine.

BCZIP  has a limited  set of features  compared  to a practical  archive program.   It  only

supports a few kinds of compression, and they don’t compress very well. Also, it doesn’t know

how to store or create directories,  so it works best for just archiving files from or extracting back into the current directory.  A BCZIP archive consists of a sequence of “members”,  each of which is either a normal file or a symbolic link. Normal files are stored by breaking them up into  4096-byte chunks,  and  compressing  each chunk  with  the  most  effective supported method;  if no compression  mechanism  is effective for a  chunk,  BCZIP  will just  store  it uncompressed (“raw”).  BCZIP files have a simple binary format, in which types of members and blocks are introduced  by particular bytes, and strings and block data are stored preceded by their length in bytes represented  as a 32-bit big-endian integer.  To create an archive, you run  bczip with  a first argument  of c (for “create”), a second argument  that  is the  name of the archive to create (conventionally  we use the file extension  .bcz), and any remaining arguments  are members to go in the archive.  To reverse the process and decompress all the files from an archive, run with a first argument of x (“extract”) and a second argument of the archive file.

BCZIP  also has a few other  features  that  can be used to affect the decompress process with  environment variables  (which  are  automatically passed  through  bcunzip-as-root). One danger  of extracting  from an archive is that  you might accidentally  overwrite  an im- portant file with one from the archive with the same name.  But if you set the environment variable  BACKUP FORMAT to a string  containing  %s, then  BCZIP  will rename  files it  would otherwise overwrite to a new name formed from the format  by putting  the old name in for the %s. For instance  you might use BACKUP_FORMAT=%s.bak to make backup  copies ending in .bak.  Though  BCZIP  archives  do not  store ownership  and  permission information  for their  contents,  these can be controlled with the BCZIP OWNER and BCZIP MODE environment variables:  the latter  should be an octal value prefixed with 0.

BCZIP is intentionally sloppy code; please never copy or use this code anywhere else! It is so sloppy that  when run  as root,  it is full of ways that  allow someone who controls  the archive file to become root.  The  main part  of the  assignment  is for you to find four ways to get a running  command  shell with UID 0 as a result  of sloppy coding and/or design in BCZIP.  (We  haven’t  intended  to  put  any  vulnerabilities  in bcunzip-as-root,  but  if you find any you can exploit  them  too.)   Another  way of classifying the  vulnerabilities  is that some of them are logic errors or problems with the program’s interaction with the operating system (for instance  these would arise in just  the same way if the program  were written  in Java),  while others are related to the unsafe low-level nature  of C which lead to control-flow hijacking.

Another thing to consider in planning your exploits is where the BCZIP archive files will come from. For some vulnerabilities,  you may be able to exploit them using a file produced by the normal bczip c. But for other attacks,  you may want to give an abnormal  file with bczip c would not have created,  but  causes bczip x to do something it’s not supposed to.


Patching To give you a feel for how security  vulnerabilities  evolve over time,  and  to provide a reason not  to put  all the  work off until  the  last  minute,  we run  the  assignment in a “penetrate-and-patch” format.  There will be two rounds of this format.  In round one you’ll be responsible  for finding two  vulnerabilities  in BCZIP,  and  producing  exploits  for

them;  these exploits will be due Friday,  September  23rd.  Then,  by the  following Monday, we’ll post  a new version of BCZIP  with one or more of these security  vulnerabilities  fixed (“patched”), and the cycle will repeat.  (Note that  in addition to the usual rules about partial credit  for late submissions, you will get zero credit  for an exploit if you submit  it after  we release a patch  that  fixes the same vulnerability.  Just  another  reason to submit  on time.) The more obvious or easy-to-exploit  bugs in BCZIP  are likely to be fixed after  round  one, so you will have to find more subtle bugs and more sophisticated exploits.

For each hole you find, you should submit:


(a)  A UNIX shell script  (for the  /bin/bash shell) that  exploits this  hole to open a root shell.  In fact more specifically, just  so there’s no confusion about  what’s a root shell, we’ve created  a new program  named /bin/rootshell specifically for your exploit to invoke.   If you invoke rootshell as root,  it  will give you a root  shell as the  name suggests; otherwise it will print a dismissive message.


Name your round 1 scripts and  We will test  your exploit scripts  by running  them  as an  ordinary  user named  test, starting  from that  user’s home directory  /home/test, with a fresh install  of BCZIP.  So your scripts  will need to create  any supporting  file or directory  structures they  need in order to work, and they need to run completely automatically with no user interaction.


(b)  A text  file that  explains  how the  exploit  works,  named  readme.txt. The  text  file readme.txt should identify  what  mistakes  in the source code bczip.c make the ex- ploit possible, explain how you constructed your inputs,  and explain step-by-step  what happens  when an ordinary  user runs Also, this  file shuold contain  the names of your group members.


In choosing which vulnerabilities  to patch  each round, we will start  by looking at which vulnerabilities were most commonly exploited, so there is a good chance that  your old vulner- abilities will no longer work at all after the patch.  However, even if an  old  vulnerability happens to still  work, you  still  need to submit an  exploit for  a  new  vulnerabil- ity in  the next round. How can we judge whether  two scripts,  exploit1 and exploit2, exploit different vulnerabilities?  Imagine that  you are a lazy programmer  for Badly Coded, Inc.,  and  someone shows you exploit1: a patch  is in order!  If there’s  a plausible  patch the lazy programmer  might write which would protect  against  exploit1, but  still leave the program  vulnerable  to exploit2, then  the two scripts  count as exploiting different vulner- abilities.   If there  could be any  doubt  about  whether  two  of your exploits  are too similar in this way, for instance  if they rely on the same or overlapping  line(s) of code, you should argue for why they  are distinct  in your readme files. If you’re not sure about  whether  two exploits are distinct,  please ask us before turning  the second one in. (Or of course you could also keep looking for more vulnerabilities:  there  are enough that  are clearly distinct  if you can find them.)

Because we won’t be patching  the vulnerabilities  all at once, you have some flexibility in when you spend your time on this project:  you might be able to save time later by finding a

lot of different vulnerabilities  early on. Since we’ll be patching  roughly in order of increasing difficulty, you’ll want to use your simplest exploits first.  Of course you always run a risk that vulnerabilities  will be patched  if you save them:  and even if the vulnerability  still exists in a newer version, other changes to the program  might mean that  the exploit needs to be a bit different.

You’ll probably  want some of your exploits to be control-flow hijacking attacks  as dis- cussed in lecture.   The  classic tutorial on building  such  attacks  is is ℵ1 ’s “Smashing  the stack for fun and profit,” which can be downloaded from smashstack.txt.  Though  it’s detailed,  it will still take some work to apply this tutorial  to BCZIP:  for instance  to find out the locations of things  you’d like to overwrite,  you’ll need to do something  like use GDB, add printf statements, or examine the assembly-language code.

Submission Process There  will be two rounds  of submissions.   For  each round,  one person from your group  will submit  for the  whole team.   In the  course of the  assignment there are a total  of 100 regular points.  Specifically the points are split up as follows:


• Round 1 due Friday  September  23rd



– (8 points)


–  readme1.txt (8 points)


– (8 points)


–  readme2.txt (8 points)


The  above files should be inside a tar  file named  after  your group (e.g.  group1.tar)

and submitted to Moodle.


• Round 2 due Friday  October  7th



– (14 points)


–  readme3.txt (14 points)


– (14 points)


–  readme4.txt (14 points)


–  design.txt  (12 points)


Notice, for the second round, you should also submit a document titled design.txt.  In this file you should choose three secure design principles (for instance,  among the ones discussed in lecture)  which are most blatantly violated bv BCZIP.  For these design principles, discuss how BCZIP violates them and how you would change the design of BCZIP to mitigate  these vulnerabilities.  Include pseudocode or working C to illustrate  your changes.

The  above files should  be inside a tar  file named  after  your  group  (e.g.   group1.tar) and

submitted to Moodle.



Grading A portion  of your grade  for each exploit  will depend  on the  quality  of your explanation,  to make sure you really understand what’s going on. But an exploit that  does not  run  /bin/rootshell as root  when invoked by your script  is not  an  exploit  as far as we’re concerned.  A non-working exploit will be eligible for at most 3 points of partial  credit. Make sure to test  your exploits carefully.


Nishad’s Pro Tips


• As mentioned,  certain  vulnerabilities  will be patched  after  Round  1.  Therefore,  it’s recommended  to find the easiest vulnerabilities  first.


• The codebase may seem daunting  at first, so break it up.  Make a quick scan – are there any dangerous functions or operations  being executed?  If so, trace its calls backwards until you can find a point of entry  where you can exploit it to your advantage.


• Look over the  various techniques  you’ve learned in lecture.  If you understand them, look for parts  in the code where such a technique  could be used (e.g. if you know how to perform a buffer overflow, it will be easier to find where that  might work)


• Are there  any files or programs  on the  OS that  could be valuable  if you could gain access to them?  How can you manipulate BCZIP into accessing those resources?


• Since you have the source code for BCZIP  and are able to install it on your VM, you can make a copy for yourself that  includes debug print statements or any other  edits to the code that  may be helpful. If you do make any changes, verify that  your exploit still works with a fresh install of BCZIP before submitting  your exploit.



Happy Hacking!

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