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Assignment #3: Decision trees and forests, ensembles Solution

1.  Use the MNIST data  set for this problem.  It contains  60000 images for training  and 10000 images for testing.   You can  use 10000 images for training  and  1000 images for testing  to  shorten  run times.  Ensure  that your training and test  data  sets are balanced  with respect  to class labels.

You should use the histogram  of gradients  (HoG) as your features. (a)  Build a single decision tree classifier.

(b)  Build a random  forest classifier and show variation in performance  with the number  of trees

in the forest.

(c)  Create  a  set  of weak  decision  tree  classifiers  using  different cell sizes in  the  HoG  feature generator and/or by restricting tree depth.  Now use the Adaboost  algorithm  to generate  an ensemble  classifier.  Compare  the  ‘best’ boosted  ensemble  classifier with  the  corresponding

‘best’ random  forest classifier. Best performance  for random  forest is the once error rate does not change much with the number  of trees in the forest.  Similarly, to get the best Adaboost classifier find the  right number  of trees  in the  Adaboost  ensemble by using a validation  set chosen from the MNIST training  data  set that is distinct  from the training  set used in your Adaboost  algorithm.


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