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Hands-on Assignment 1 Solution

Ground Rules.  You may  choose to  complete  this  homework in a group  of up  to  three people; working in a group  is not  required,  but  strongly  recommended.   If you work in a group, only one group member should submit  a solution each week, listing the names of all the group members.  You’ll be submitting  answers once a week, by 11:55pm Central Time on Fridays  running  from September  15th through  October  13th.  Each  week, one member of your group should use the  appropriate Moodle activity  to upload  a tarred  and  gzipped directory  containing  all the  files mentioned  as required  for that  week.  You may  use any written  source you can find to help with this assignment,  on paper or the Internet, but  you must explicitly reference any sources other  than  the  lecture  notes,  assigned readings,  and course staff.



Hackxploitation. This homework involves finding many different ways to exploit a poorly- written  program that  runs as root, to “escalate privileges” from a normal user to the super- user.  The program we will exploit is the Badly Coded Text Editor,  BCVI (it has that  name because  it  is loosely modelled on the  classic Unix text  editor  vi.).   (The  same  company produced the Badly Coded Versioning System, Badly Coded Print Server, and Badly Coded File Archiver used in previous years’ 5271s.)  You can download the source code for BCVI from the course web page near where you got this assignment.  Normal bcvi runs as the user who invokes it, but the security vulnerabilities  are a problem because there is also a mode of running the editor as sudobcvi, somewhat like the common Linux program sudoedit, which allows users to edit files they would otherwise not have permission to edit, using a setuid-root binary.  Normal bcvi can be used to edit any single file that  you have both  read and write access to (if you don’t have read access, you can’t open it, and if you don’t have write access, you won’t be able to save changes).  By comparison sudobcvi can be used to edit text  files either that  you have access to though  normal mechanisms, or that  you have access to via a special configuration file /etc/sudobcvi.conf. For instance the file /etc/issue containing a message to be printed  when users log in is owned and writeable only by root, but we have configured the  VMs so that  the  student and  test users can also edit  it,  which normally shouldn’t be a security problem.

Because BCVI is intended  to run as root, and breaking it lets you get root, we can’t have you doing so directly  on a CSE Labs machine.  Instead,  we will provide each group with a setup to run a virtual machine, and you will have root access (e.g. using the sudo command) inside the  VM. The  VMs will run  on a CSE Labs cluster:  we’ll provide more information about  running  them  once they’re available.  You can start looking for vulnerabilities  in the BCVI source, and  even testing  many kinds of attacks,  without  a VM: BCVI can run  in a location like your home directory, and you can test attacks  that  culminate in getting a shell: it will just  be a shell with your own UID, rather  than  a root shell.  You can also recompile it if you’d like, but  don’t run make install on a real machine.

BCVI has a limited set of features compared to the real vi, much less enhanced variants

like Vim. You can only edit one file in a session; the total  size and the number of lines in the

file are limited,  and BCVI doesn’t deal well with lines that  are longer than  80 columns.  In the initial command mode, you can move the cursor around the file using the arrow keys, or the letter  keys h, j, k, and l. You can jump to the beginning or end of the current line with

^ or $ respectively.  You can delete the character  before or after  the insertion  point with X

or x. To add new text,  you switch to inset mode with the command  i; in insert  mode, the characters  you type are inserted  into the file, until you type Escape to go back to command mode. There is also another set of command-line-style  commands which for historical reasons are called “ex mode”:  they all start with a colon (:) and go up to the end of the line. The command  :w saves the  current file, and  the  commands  :q or :q! quit  the  editor.   The command :%! lets you transform  the contents  of the buffer through  an external program; for instance :%!expand will expand tab characters  into spaces, and :%!tr a-z A-Z will convert the file to all uppercase.  Another  slightly unusual  feature  you’ll notice is that  newline and tab  characters  are represented  explicitly as reverse-video n and t characters  respectively.  A similar representation is also used for less common control characters.   You’ll probably  just use BCVI with ASCII text,  but  in its full generality,  it can edit files in the Windows-1252 character  set  (which  effectively includes  both  ASCII  and  ISO 8859-1 as subsets),  but  to display everything  correctly it runs best on a Unicode-capable terminal.  In a pinch you can even use BCVI like a hex editor, using the :ih command to insert a character  based on its hex code; for instance  :ihA9 inserts a copyright sign.

Another  feature  that  any self-respecting  text  editor  has is expandability via a Turing-

complete macro language:  for instance Emacs has Emacs LISP, and Vim has its own scripting language as well as supporting  several common ones. Since Badly Coded was trying to keep BCVI  from getting  too  complicated,  they  sacrificed some readability  for compactness  by allowing macros in BCVI to be written  directly in machine code. You can use the command R to execute the code after the insertion point as a function operating on the four bytes before the insertion point (passed in %eax). Of course the length of the macro and the instructions it can use are limited for security reasons.

Because BCVI is a full-screen text  editor,  it relies on the Curses (specifically, ncurses) library  to manage  putting  text  on the  screen.  In its source code you’ll see calls to Curses functions  like getch and mvaddch that  you may not have seen in other  C code.  The VMs have the Curses manual pages installed, so you can just say man getch to read about Curses functions.   You can also read  ncurses documentation on the  web1 .  Because of the  way a Curses program  takes  over the  whole screen, it  is inconvenient to  run  it  directly  under  a debugger.   Instead  it will work better  to run  BCVI in one window, GDB in another,  and use gdb’s attach command.  This is possible on the VMs, though it is disabled for security reasons  (unless  GDB  is running  as root)  on many  other  Linux  machines.   You can get a similar effect, in a somewhat more cumbersome way, using gdbserver.

Another  side-effect of BCVI being a Curses  application  is that  if BCVI crashes  in an

uncontrolled  way, it may leave your terminal  in an unusual state  that  makes other programs work strangely.  For instance,  BCVI disables the automatic insertion  of carriage returns  on terminal output, so in the output of normal batch programs like ls, you will see each new line



starting  at the column position after the end of the previous line, instead of at the left side of the terminal.   You can use the stty command  to manually  control the terminal  settings of your terminal  if this happens.  Specifically the command  stty sane is a convenient one to remember to return  the terminal  to its default settings.  You might also find manipulating other terminal  characteristics with stty to be useful in carrying out attacks.

BCVI is intentionally sloppy code; please never copy or use this code anywhere else! It

is so sloppy that  when run as root, it is full of ways that  allow someone who sends the right commands to become root.  The main part  of the assignment is for you to find four or more ways to get a running command shell with UID 0 as a result of sloppy coding and/or design in BCVI. Another  way of classifying the vulnerabilities  is that  some of them are logic errors or problems  with  the program’s interaction with  the  operating  system  (for instance  these would arise in just  the  same way if the  program  were written  in Java),  while others  are related  to the unsafe low-level nature  of C which lead to control-flow hijacking.

There’s another  aspect of BCVI’s implementation that  merits a bit more discussion.  To efficiently store the contents  of the file being editing even as you make changes to it, BCVI uses a data  structure called a gap buffer. The bytes from the file are stored inside an array that’s  larger, and they are split into two contiguous pieces: the bytes from the first part  of the file start  at  the beginning, and the bytes  from the rest  of the file go to the end of the array,  but  in between these two sections there  is a “gap”  of unused space.  The location of the gap corresponds to where the insertion point (cursor)  is in the file. When you move the cursor, bytes are copied across the gap.  The main advantage  of the gap is that  it’s efficient to insert or delete characters  at the insertion point, since only one or the other half has to be modified. An equivalent way of looking at this is that  the bytes are represented  as two stacks, which grow in opposite directions, sort of like when going through  a large pile of papers you can stack up the papers you’ve already looked at upside down.  Inserting  a character  is like pushing  it  on one of the  stacks,  deleting  one is like popping  from one of the  stacks,  and moving the  cursor  corresponds  to popping  a character  from one stack  and  the  pushing  it onto the other.  To make it easy to access the text  in the buffer by lines, BCVI also keeps a second gap buffer containing  pointers  that  point to the newlines in the main character  gap buffer; the gap in this buffer also moves in sync with the one in the main buffer when the cursor moves between lines. Some of the code that  manipulates  the gap buffer pointers may look a bit  intimidating, since it has a lot of special cases and  fencepost conditions.   That complexity might cause it to contain bugs, but if you find it hard to understand, rest assured that  BCVI also contains  many vulnerabilities  in other parts  of the code as well.

To  give you a feel for how security  vulnerabilities  evolve over time,  and  to  provide  a reason not to put  all the work off until  the last minute,  we run the assignment in a weekly “penetrate-and-patch” format.  Each week you’ll be responsible for finding one vulnerability in BCVI,  and  producing  an  exploit  for it;  this  exploit  is due  on a Friday.   Then,  by the following Monday,  we’ll post  a new version  of BCVI  with  one or more previous  security vulnerabilities  fixed (“patched”), and  the  cycle will repeat.   (Note  that  in addition  to the usual rules about  partial  credit for late submissions, you will get zero credit for an exploit if you submit it after we release a patch  that  fixes the same vulnerability. Just  another  reason

to submit  on time.)   Over time the more obvious or easy-to-exploit  bugs in BCVI will get fixed, so you will have to find more subtle bugs and more sophisticated exploits.

For each hole you find, you should submit:


(a)  A UNIX shell script  (for the  /bin/bash shell) that  exploits this  hole to open a root shell.  In fact more specifically, just  so there’s no confusion about  what’s a root shell, we’ve created  a new program  named /bin/rootshell specifically for your exploit to invoke.   If you invoke rootshell as root,  it  will give you a root  shell as the  name suggests; otherwise it will print a dismissive message.


Name your script We will test  your exploit scripts  by running  them  as an ordinary  user named  test, starting  from that  user’s home directory  /home/test, with  a fresh install  of BCVI.  So your scripts  will need to create  any supporting  file or directory  structures they  need in order to work, and they  need to run completely automatically with  no user interaction.  On the  same CSE Labs  machines  with  the VMs we will also provide you with a tool test-exploit you should use to test  your exploit scripts.


(b)  A text  file that  explains  how the  exploit  works,  named  readme.txt. The  text  file readme.txt should  identify  what  mistakes  in the  source code bcvi.c make the  ex- ploit possible, explain how you constructed your inputs,  and explain step-by-step  what happens  when an ordinary  user runs


In choosing which vulnerabilities  to patch  each week, we will start  by looking at  which vulnerabilities  were most commonly exploited,  so there  is a good chance that  your old vul- nerabilities  will no longer work at all after  the patch.  However even if an old vulnerability happens to still work, you still need to submit an exploit for a new vulnerability  each week. How can we judge whether  two  scripts,  exploit1 and  exploit2, exploit  different  vulner- abilities?   Imagine  that  you are  a lazy programmer  for Badly  Coded,  Inc.,  and  someone shows you exploit1: a patch  is in order!  If there’s a plausible patch  the lazy programmer might write which would protect  against  exploit1, but  still leave the program  vulnerable to exploit2, then the two scripts count as exploiting different vulnerabilities.  In particular, if you have an exploit that  works against  an old BCVI version, and the vulnerable  code is changed to stop some attacks,  but then you find an attack  that  works against the new “fixed” version, that  also counts  as a new exploit.  If there  could be any doubt  about  whether  two of your exploits too similar in this way, for instance  if they rely on the same or overlapping line(s) of code, you should argue for why they are distinct  in your readme files. If you’re not sure about  whether two exploits are distinct,  please ask us before turning  the second one in. (Or of course you could also keep looking for more vulnerabilities:  there are enough that  are clearly distinct  if you can find them.)

Because we won’t be patching  the vulnerabilities  all at once, you have some flexibility in when you spend your time on this project:  you might be able to save time later by finding a lot of different vulnerabilities  early on. Since we’ll be patching  roughly in order of increasing difficulty, you’ll want to use your simplest exploits first.  Of course you always run a risk that

vulnerabilities  will be patched  if you save them:  and even if the vulnerability  still exists in a newer version, other changes to the program  might mean that  the exploit needs to be a bit different.

You’ll probably  want some of your exploits to be control-flow hijacking attacks  as dis- cussed in lecture.   The  classic tutorial on building  such  attacks  is is ℵ1 ’s “Smashing  the stack for fun and profit,” which can be downloaded from smashstack.txt.  Though  it’s detailed,  it will still take some work to apply this tutorial  to BCVI: for instance  to find out  the  locations  of things  you’d like to overwrite,  you’ll need to do something  like use GDB, add printf statements, or examine the assembly-language code.

In the  course of the  assignment  there  are a total  of 100 regular  points  available  of the first four weeks, and  then  extra  credit  points  in the  fifth and  final week.  Specifically the points are split up as follows:


• Week 1: 10 points, due Friday  September  15th.


In the  first week of the assignment,  you should familiarize yourself with reading  the BCVI source code and writing automatic exploit scripts.   But  to make the searching a bit easier in the first week, we’ve included a vulnerability  that’s  particularly easy to exploit:  it’s really just a regular feature of BCVI that  would be easy to misuse to get a root shell. So once you find it, it shouldn’t take much work to figure out how to attack it.


• Week 2: 20 points, due Friday  September  22nd.


In the  first patch,  the  security  experts  at  Badly  Coded,  Inc.,  will definitely  fix the simple mentioned  in the  first week.  But  other  than  what  was patched,  you’ll have your choice among the  remaining  vulnerabilities  in the  second week; probably  some relatively simple exploits will still be possible.


• Week 3: 30 points, due Friday  September  29th.


By the  third  week the  remaining  vulnerabilities  and  attack  techniques  will become more subtle, which is part  of why we increase the points available.


• Week 4: 40 points, due Friday  October  6th.


The fourth  week exploit will again be challenging, so it’s again worth 30 points.


But  even if we fixed all of the  sloppy  coding mistakes  in BCVI,  the  design of the system leaves it vulnerable to some kinds of attacks.  So taking the white-hat  perspec- tive,  for the  remaining  10 points,  in a file called design.txt you should choose two or three  secure design principles  (for instance,  among the  ones discussed in lecture) which are most blatantly violated  by BCVI. For these design principles,  discuss how BCVI violates them and how you would change the design of BCVI to mitigate  these vulnerabilities.  If you feel it will be helpful, you can include pseudocode or working C to illustrate  your changes.

• Week 5: 10 · n points extra  credit,  due Friday  October  13th.


After  the  fourth  week we will definitely have fixed all the  easily exploitable  bugs in BCVI, and we might even re-enable some of the security hardening  mechanisms we’d earlier  removed.   But  it’s still  not  really  secure.   So if you’re enjoying  finding and exploiting  bugs,  you can keep going.   You’ll earn  10 points of extra  credit  for each additional  unique  exploit  you  find,  limited  only by  the  total  number  of remaining security  bugs  in  BCVI.  In  addition  to  the  extra  credit,  the  team(s)  that   find the largest total  number of bugs may also receive some special in-class recognition.


A portion  of your grade for each exploit will depend on the quality  of your explanation, to  make  sure  you really  understand what’s  going on.   But  an  exploit  that  does not  run

/bin/rootshell as root  when invoked by test-exploit is not  an exploit  as far as we’re concerned.  A non-working exploit will be eligible for at most 3 points of partial  credit.  Make sure to test  your exploits carefully.


Happy Hacking!

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