Part 1: Setup
• Remote connect to a EWS machine.
ssh (netid)@remlnx.ews.illinois.edu
• Load python module, this will also load pip and virtualenv.
module load python/3.4.3
• Reuse the virtual environment from previous MPs.
source ~/cs446sp_2018/bin/activate
• Copy mp5 into your svn directory, and change directory to mp5.
cd ~/(netid)
svn cp https://subversion.ews.illinois.edu/svn/sp18-cs446/_shared/mp5 . cd mp5
• Install the requirements through pip.
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
• Create data directory, download the data into the data directory, and unzip the data.
mkdir data
wget --user (netid) --ask-password \ https://courses.engr.illinois.edu/cs446/sp2018/\ secure/assignment5_data.zip -O data/assignment5_data.zip unzip data/assignment5_data.zip -d data/
• Prevent svn from checking in the data directory.
svn propset svn:ignore data .
Part 2: Exercises
In this exercise we will use SVM to recognize handwritten digits. The dataset we use is
MNIST handwritten digit database, where every handwritten digit image is represented as
28 × 28 pixels, each with value 0 to 255. We want to classify each image as one of 0 to 9.
Figure 1: MNIST examples.
In the provided version of MNIST dataset, features are flattened into 784 = 28 × 28 dimen- sional vectors. To save running time, we only use the first 50%(5000) of the original MNIST test data as our training dataset, and the next 50%(5000) of the original test data as our test dataset.
In this exercise, we will first use Scikit Learn’s built-in multiclass classification functions to train one-vs-rest(one-vs-all) and one-vs-one multiclass linear SVM models. Then we will im- plement one-vs-rest and one-vs-one multiclass classifiers ourselves, using binary SVM models.
Throughout the exercise, we will use sklearn.svm.LinearSVC as our binary SVM classi- fier, with default parameters unless specifically mentioned, and random state=12345 for reproductivity. If you are not familiar with Scikit Learn, please make sure you understand how to use fit and predict methods in the above link.
Part 2.1 Using Built-in Multiclass Functions
In this exercise, we will use Scikit Learn’s sklearn.multiclass.OneVsRestClassifier
and sklearn.multiclass.OneVsOneClassifier to perform multiclass classification. We
will also use Crammer-Singer multiclass SVM (the multiclass SVM formulation in the lec- ture), which is supported in sklearn.svm.LinearSVC .
Task 1:
Implement sklearn multiclass prediction in model/sklearn multiclass.py , which takes training and test features and labels, as well as a string mode being one of “ovr”, “ovo”, or “crammer”. The function should pick the correct classifier to train
and predict labels for both training and test data.
Thinking Questions: How would you compare OVR, OVO and Crammer-Singer, in terms of classification accuracy and time efficiency?
Part 2.2 Implementing One-vs-Rest and One-vs-One Classification
In this exercise, we will use sklearn.svm.LinearSVC only with binary labels, 0 and 1. (You can use any other two labels, but 0 and 1 are recommended.) We will implement class MulticlassSVM in model/self multiclass.py , which is constructed given mode being
one of “ovr” and “ovo”. When fit and predict methods are called, it will call the correct version of multiclass classification given mode .
Task 2:
Implement bsvm ovr student bsvm ovo student in model/self multiclass.py , which takes training data X and y , and returns a python dict with keys being la- bels for OVR, and pairs of labels for OVO, and with values being trained OVR or OVO
binary sklearn.svm.LinearSVC classifiers.
Task 3:
Implement scores ovr student scores ovo student
in model/self multiclass.py , which takes features X , and returns a numpy ndarray Score with shape (#Samples, #Labels), where Score(i, j) is the number of votes of the j-th label received for the i-th sample in OVO, and is the confidence score of the j-th label for the i-th sample in OVR (use decision function as confidence score).
Thinking Questions: Why do we need use confidence scores for OVR? Why do we not use confidence scores for OVO?
After the scoring functions are implemented, predict ovr and predict ovo will return the labels with maximum votes.
Part 2.3 Implementing Multiclass SVM
In this part, we will implement our own loss function of (Crammer-Singer) multiclass linear
SVM as:
X 2 X
1 K N
w1 ,...,wK 2
kwj k2 + C
1 − δj,yi
+ w
xi − w xi
where δj,yi = 1 if j = yi and 0 if j = yi , and optimize it via gradient descent. Your task is to compute the loss function and the gradients of the loss function w.r.t. W = [w1 , ..., wK ] ∈
RK ×d , given W , X = [x1, ..., xN ] ∈ RN ×d , Y = [y1 , ..., yN ] ∈ {0, ..., 9}
Task 4:
and C = 1.
Implement loss student grad student in model/self multiclass.py , which takes
W , X and y , and returns the loss function and its gradient w.r.t. W respectively.
1. Think some concrete cases, for example the one in the written assignment.
2. Though not required, try using matrix operations of Numpy when possible for faster performance. Some useful functions: np.sum , np.max , np.argmax .
Part 2.4 Comparing Built-in and Self-Implemented Functions
Compare the classification accuracy of self-implemented and built-in OVR and OVO. They should be almost the same. It is normal to be a little bit off for OVO, due to tie-breaking; but you should not get more than 0.5% difference. For OVR, the accuracy should be exactly the same. For Crammer-Singer multiclass SVM, it is normal that your accuracy is different from that of the built-in function, due to implementation details.
Part 3: Writing Tests
In test.py we have provided basic test-cases. Feel free to write more. To test the code, run
Part 4: Submit
Submitting the code is equivalent to committing the code. This can be done with the follow command:
svn commit -m "Some meaningful comment here."
Lastly, double check on your browser that you can see your code at
Note: The assignment will be autograded. It is important that you do not use additional libraries, or change the provided functions input and output.