A palindromic date is a date that, when written in the format MMDDYYYY, reads the same forward and backward. For example, May 2, 2050 is a palindromic date when written as 05022050.
Problem Statement
Create a Java classes (PalindromicDates.java) that identifies all palindromic dates in a given year. Your program must use the LQueue.java class that we have developed in class.
Problem Analysis
First, your program obtains a 4-digit year from the user. Then the program reports all palindromic dates in that year. Finally, the program asks the user if he or she wishes to try again.
Program Input
A 4-digit number representing a year.
Program Output
All palindromic dates in the year entered as input.
Extra Credit Option
Modify your program so that it also identifies the earliest palindromic date of the 21st century.
Submission Instructions
When you are satisfied with your implementation, and after testing it thoroughly, submit the PalindromicDates.java file via Blackboard Learn.