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Lab 1 Solution

An Intro to Node

For this lab, you will be creating and running several functions to practice JavaScript syntax.

For this lab, you will make two files: lab1.js and lab1.test.js and submit them in a zip file that's named . You should not have any folders inside the zip file.

You must submit your files with the format specified, named as specified.


In this file, you will update the content of the functions and update the firstName , lastName , and studentId with the

appropriate information. The function specifications are listed in the section below.

const questionOne = function questionOne(arr) {

// Implement question 1 here


const questionTwo = function questionTwo(num) {

// Implement question 2 here


const questionThree = function questionThree(text) {

// Implement question 3 here


const questionFour = function questionFour(num) {

// Implement question 4 here


module.exports = {

firstName: "YOUR FIRST NAME",

lastName: "YOUR LAST NAME",

studentId: "YOUR STUDENT ID",







const lab1 = require("./lab1");

console.log(lab1.questionOne([1, 2, 3]));

// should output 14


// should output 13

console.log(lab1.questionThree("Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive d blonde and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as she spent so much of her time craning over garden fences, spying on the neighbors. The Dursleys had a small son ley and in their opinion there called Du was no finer boy anywhere."));

// should output 196


// should output 3628800

unctions to implement


For your first function, you will calculate the sum of the squares of all numbers in the arrayn numbers and return that result.

That means that in lab1.test.js , running lab1.questionOne([5, 3, 10]) would return 134 .

To test this function, you will log the result of 5 calls to lab1.questionOne([x, y, z]) with different inputs, like so:

console.log(lab1.questionOne([5, 3, 10]));

// 134

console.log(lab1.questionOne([2, 1, 2]));

// 9

console.log(lab1.questionOne([5, 10, 9]));

// 206


This function should calculate the Fibonacci

index given.

( that corresponds to the

The Fibonacci value of a number is the sum of the previous two Fibonacci values; the Fibonacci of any number less than 1 is

0; the Fibonacci Value of 1 is 1; the Fibonacci value of all other numbers is the sum of the previous two Fibonacci numbers.

ndex Value


0 0 Fibonacci of anything less than 1 is 0

1 1 Fibonacci of 1 is 1

2 1 Fibonacci of 2 is Fibonacci(1) + Fibonacci(0)

3 2 Fibonacci of 3 is Fibonacci(2) + Fibonacci(1)

4 3 Fibonacci of 4 is Fibonacci(3) + Fibonacci(2)

5 5 Fibonacci of 5 is Fibonacci(4) + Fibonacci(3)

6 8 Fibonacci of 6 is Fibonacci(5) + Fibonacci(4)

7 13 Fibonacci of 7 is Fibonacci(6) + Fibonacci(5)

8 21 Fibonacci of 8 is Fibonacci(7) + Fibonacci(6)

9 34 Fibonacci of 9 is Fibonacci(8) + Fibonacci(7)

10 55 Fibonacci of 10 is Fibonacci(9) + Fibonacci(8)

11 89 Fibonacci of 11 is Fibonacci(10) + Fibonacci(9)

And so on.


This function will return the number of vowels contained in the value str . For the purposes of this exercise, we are not

counting y as a vowel.


This function will return the factorial of the number num provided.

The factorial of a number is a simple formula:

factorial(n) = n * (n - 1) * (n - 2) ... * 1

The factorial of 0 is 1. If num is less than 0 , then return NaN .

Number Factorial

-1 NaN

0 1

1 1

2 2

Number Factorial

3 6

4 24

5 120


1. You will have to write each function

2. You must submit all files, zipped up, not contained in any folders

3. You must not use any npm dependenices in this lab

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