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Introduction to Data Mining Homework 4 Solution

General Instructions

The programming assignment will be hosted on HackerRank ( as a programming contest. To participate in this contest, please open a HackerRank account with your email netid. If you already have a username in HackerRank that is di erent from your netid, please ll out your netid and username in this spreadheet ( spreadsheets/d/1AHRYivBFDm77-Xigy4jP7MZumiotqkiDJ9ZZU-DyoHA/edit?usp=sharing).

It is OK to discuss the problems with your classmates. However, it is NOT OK to work together or share code. You need to write your code independently and the TAs will not do the code debugging. Plagiarism is an academic violation to copy, to include text from other sources, including online sources, without proper citation. To get a better idea of what constitutes plagiarism, consult the CS Honor code ( on academic integrity violations, including examples, and recommended penalties. There is a zero tolerance policy on academic integrity violations. Any student found to be violating this code will be subject to disciplinary action.

Please use Piazza if you have questions about the homework.

Late policy: 10% o for one day, 20% o for two days, 40% o for three days.


In this programming assignment, you are required to implement two clustering algorithms and apply them on multiple datasets. Participate in the programming contest hosted at HackerRank:

Please read the problem description carefully.

The input will always be valid. We are mainly testing your understanding of data clustering, not your coding skills.

Please pay special attention to the output format. We will be using the HackerRank based auto-grader, and it is extremely important that your generated output satis es the requirement.

We don't have speci c constraints for this programming question. The only constrains are the standard environment constraints in HackerRank: https://www.hackerrank. com/environment.

The grading will be based on if you pass the test cases. You are provided with one sample test case to debug your code. For the nal grading, we will use additional test cases to test your code.

Programming Assignment

This assignment aims to familiarize you with the mechanism of two widely-used clustering methods: k-means and AGNES (a single-link based agglomerative nesting) algorithms.

As k-means is an iterative clustering algorithm that aims to cluster points such that every point is assigned to its nearest cluster. Please use Euclidean distance to compute the distance between any pair of points.

The input shall comprise of N points and k initial cluster centroids. The points and the clusters are 0-indexed separately. In other words, the rst point has index 0 and the second point has index 1 and so on. Similarly, the clusters are indexed from 0 to k 1.

For AGNES, you are asked to employ the hierarchical clustering algorithm to cluster N data points into k clusters. In other words, you shall always compute the agglomerative clustering via single linkage, and then stop the clustering when number of clusters reaches k, where k < N.

In the absence of external clusters in case of AGNES, we shall assign cluster-id to a cluster of points as the minimum index of the points in the cluster. For example, if a cluster is composed of points f2, 3, 8, 9g, the cluster-id of the above group of nodes will be 2.

[The following design choice in implementation purely aims to ease auto-grading on HackerRank.]

Same for the previous assignments, you are not supposed to use any package (i.e. numpy, pandas in python) in this assignment.

Since we are to use HackerRank for grading, we have to eliminate additional random-ness and generate the deterministic results. We therefore enforce the following rule in this assignment:

For the k-means algorithm, we assign the points to the smallest indexed cluster in case of ties (i.e., when the distances are same). In other words, you need to break ties by assigning a point to the cluster with the lowest index if there are several equidistant clusters.

For AGNES, we resolve the ties when merging two clusters using their cluster-ids.

For example, consider that two clusters c1 and c2 have the same link separation as the separation between clusters c3 and c4. We shall choose the smaller pair to combine in this case. We shall choose the smaller pair by the following rule:

if min(P1) < min(P2), then P1 is smaller

if min(P1) == min(P2) and max(P1) < max(P2), then P1 is smaller else P2 is smaller.

where P1 = fc1; c2g and P2 = fc3; c4g for the above example.

For all test cases in this assignment, we guarantee that deterministic results can be generated as long as the aforementioned requirements are satis ed.

Input Format and Sample

We ensure that the labels for N input points and k cluster are named by non-negative integer following zero-based numbering.

The rst line of input will be N and k (space in between). This will be followed by N input points where the points co-ordinates are space separated. The data type of the input points is oating number. The k initial cluster points for k-means method shall follow the input points.

We provide the following toy input example alongside visualization in Figure 1.

10 2

8.98320053625 -2.08946304844

2.61615632899 9.46426282022

1.60822068547 8.29785986996

8.64957587261 -0.882595891607

1.01364234605 10.0300852081

1.49172651098 8.68816850944

7.95531802235 -1.96381815529

0.527763520075 9.22731148332

6.91660822453 -3.2344537134

6.48286208351 -0.605353440895

3.35228193353 6.27493570626

6.76656276363 6.54028732984

In this example the goal of the clustering task is to nd the groups among 10 data points as illustrated in Figure 1. The k value for this example is 2, and we provide two random selected initial points at the end of the input.

Output Format and Sample

Figure 1: Visualization of the input of the toy example.

The output is the clustering results on the provided data made by k-means and AGNES.

For each method, print the cluster-id corresponding to each point on separate lines.

As an example, the outputs of the toy example are as follows. For K-Means, the sample output is:











For AGNES, the sample output is:











4Grading Rubric

There are 5 test cases in total for this programming assignment. The total credit for this assignment is 70pt, and the extra credit is 30pt.

input00 (sample): 10pt

input01: 20pt

input02: 20pt

input03: 20pt

input04 (extra): 30pt


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