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Recitation Exercise 03 Solution

One-D Arrays and functions: Complete the following program. You will mainly implement SELECTION_SORT (...), MERGE(...), and PRINT_ARRAY(...) functions!




/* 1.         Declare three integer arrays as follows */


int        a[50], b[70], c[120];


/* 2. implement a function set_array_rand(int x[], int n) and call it to generate the values in array a and b randomly. */


set_array_rand(a, 50);

set_array_rand(b, 70);


/* 3. using the SELECTION_SORT(double x[], int n) function (see ch02.ppt), sort the elements in a and b arrays. */






/* 4. implement a MERGE function and call it as follows to merge the values in arrays a and b into array c such that the values in c will be sorted after merging */


MERGE(a, 50, b, 70, c, 120);


/* 5. print the values in array c */ PRINT_ARRAY("Array c", c, 120);




void set_array_rand(int x[], int n)



/* 1. randomly generate elements of x array, e.g, */ for(int i=0; i< n; i++)


x[i] = rand_int(30, 100);




int rand_int(int a,int b)



return rand()%(b-a+1) + a;




void SELECTION_SORT(int x[], int n)


int k,j,m;

double temp;





void MERGE(int a[], int na, int b[], int nb, int c[], int nc) {


/*      merge the values in a and b into c while keeping the values sorted. For example, suppose we have the following two Arrays a = { 3, 7, 9, 12} and b = {4, 5, 10}


When we merge these two arrays, we will get c = {3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12}








PRINT_ARRAY(char *name, int x[], int nx)










1.   Create a directory called LASTNAME_Recitation03 and do all your work under that directory


2.      First implement your program which can be named as rec03.c


3.     Then compile and run it. Copy/paste the result in an output file, say out03.txt.


3.     Finally zip your LASTNAME_Recitation03 directory as a single file and Go to BB Learn to submit it as attachment before the deadline.

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