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Lab 6 Recursion I Solution


In this lab you will design and implement recursive algorithms. The primary focus in this lab will be algorithms that make a single recursive call.


Chapter 7: Recursion

Java Files

The goal is to complete a recursive method that will replace all occurrences of a given character with another character.

Compile and run the main method in TestReplace.

Checkpoint: The program will run and get a null pointer exception.

Refer to the string replace recursive design from the pre-lab exercises and complete the method replace() in

Final Checkpoint: Compile and run TestReplace. All tests should pass.

Post-Lab Follow-Ups

Develop a recursive algorithm for computing the product of a sequence of odd values. (Eg. ProdOdd(11) = 1*3*5*7*9*11.) Use that method to develop a recursive algorithm for factorial that splits the problem into a product of even values and a product of odd values.

Develop a recursive algorithm that given a and n, computes the sum

S = 1 + a + a2 + ... + an

Develop a recursive algorithm similar to string replace which works in place on an array of characters.

Develop a recursive algorithm for computing the second most significant bit of a number n.

Develop a recursive algorithm for computing the result of removing the second most significant bit from a number n.

Adapted from Dr. Hoot’s Lab Manual for Data Structures and Abstractions with Java ™

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