Starting from:


Lab 2 Writing Publisher/Subscriber Nodes in ROS Solution


By the end of this lab you should be able to:

Write ROS nodes in Python that both publish and subscribe to topics De ne custom ROS message types to exchange data between nodes

Create and build a new package with dependencies, source code, and message de nitions Write a new node that interfaces with existing ROS code

A quick note: Most of Labs 1 and 2 is borrowed from the o cial ROS tutorials at ROS/Tutorials. We’ve tried to pick out the material you’ll nd most useful later in the semester, but feel free to explore the other tutorials too if you’re interested in learning more.


Examine a publisher/subscriber pair
Write a publisher/subscriber pair

What you’ll be creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Steps to follow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.2.1 De ning a new message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Write a controller for turtlesim


In Lab 1, you were introduced to the concept of the ROS computation graph. The graph is populated with nodes, which are executables that perform some internal data processing and communicate with other nodes by publishing and subscribing to topics, or by calling services o ered by other nodes.

In this lab, you will explore how to write nodes that publish and subscribe to topics. ROS provides library code that takes care of most of the details of transmitting data via topics and services, which makes writing your own nodes quick and easy.

Developed by Aaron Bestick and Austin Buchan, Fall 2014.

Examine a publisher/subscriber pair

Often the quickest way to learn new programming concepts is to look at working example code, so let’s take a look at a publisher/subscriber pair that’s already been written for you.

If you haven’t already, download the archive from the bCourses page, and extract the contents into the ~/ros_workspaces directory you created in the previous lab. This task can be accomplished by running \unzip" from within \~/ros_workspaces". You will notice that you now have an unbuilt workspace named \lab2". Build this workspace using \catkin_make". Recall that any packages you wish to run must be under one of the directories on the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. Source the appropriate \setup.bash" le so that ROS will be able to locate the packages in the lab2 workspace. Verify that ROS can nd the newly unzipped package using \rospack find chatter".

Examine the les in the /src directory of the chatter package, and Both are Python programs that run as nodes in the ROS graph. The program generates simple text messages and publishes them on the /chatter_talk topic, while the program subscribes to this same topic and prints the received messages to the terminal. In a new terminal window start the ROS master with the \roscore" command, then, in the original terminal, try executing \rosrun chatter", which should produce an error message. In order to run a Python script as an executable, the script needs to have the executable permission. To x this, run the following command from the directory containing the example scripts:

chmod +x *.py

Now, try running the example publisher and subscriber in di erent terminal windows and examine their behavior. Study each of the les to understand how they function. Both are heavily commented. What happens if you

start multiple instances of the publisher or subscriber in di erent terminal windows?

Write a publisher/subscriber pair

3.1 What you’ll be creating

Now you’re ready to write your own publisher/subscriber pair using the example code as a template. Your new publisher and subscriber should do the following:


Prompt the user to enter a line of text (you might nd the Python function raw_input() helpful) Please enter a line of text and press <Enter:

Generate a message containing the user’s text and a timestamp of when the message was entered (you might nd the function rospy.get_time() useful)

Publish the message on the /user_messages topic

Prompt the user for input repeatedly until the node is killed with Ctrl+C


Subscribe to the /user_messages topic and wait to receive messages

When a message is received, print it to the command line using the format Message: <message, Sent at: <timestamp, Received at: <timestamp

(Note that the nal <timestamp is NOT part of the sent message; your new message type should contain only a single message and timestamp. Where does it come from?)

3. Wait for more messages until the node is killed with Ctrl+C

3.2 Steps to follow

To do this, you’ll need to complete the following steps:

Create a new package (let’s call it my_chatter) with the appropriate dependencies

De ne a new message type that can hold both the user input (a string), and the timestamp (a number), and save this in the msg folder of the new package (discussed below)

Place the Python code for your two new nodes in the src directory of the package (if you create the Python le from scratch, you will need to make the le executable by running \chmod +x")

Build the new package

Run and test both nodes

It might be interesting to see if you can detect any discrepancy between when the messages are created in the publisher and when they are received by the subscriber; this is why we ask you to print both!

3.2.1 De ning a new message

The sample publisher/subscriber from the previous section uses the primitive message type string, found in the std_msgs package. However, we need a message type that can hold both a string and a numeric (float) value, so we’ll have to de ne our own.

A ROS message de nition is a simple text le of the form

data_type1 << name_1

data_type2 << name_2

data_type3 << name_3


(Don’t include the << and in the message le.)

Each data_type is one of

int8, int16, int32, int64 float32, float64


other msg types speci ed as package/MessageName variable-length array[] and xed-length array[N]

and each name identi es each of the data elds contained in the message.

Create a new message description le called TimestampString.msg, and add the data types and names for our new message type. Save this le in the /msg subfolder of the my_chatter package. (You may need to create this directory.)

Now we need to tell catkin_make that we have a new message type that needs to be built. Do this by uncom-menting (remove the <!-- --) the following two lines in my_chatter/package.xml:



Next, update the following functions in my_chatter/CMakeLists.txt so they read exactly as follows, uncom-menting and adding information as necessary:

find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS rospy std_msgs message_generation)

add_message_files(FILES TimestampString.msg)

generate_messages(DEPENDENCIES std_msgs)

catkin_package(CATKIN_DEPENDS rospy std_msgs message_runtime)

At this point, you can build the new message type using catkin_make. You can verify that this worked by con rming the existence of the le ~/ros_workspaces/lab2/devel/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/my_chatter/ msg/ (This is the how ROS implements your high-level message descriptions as Python classes.) Inspect this le if you are curious, but do not modify it. You can con rm the contents of your new message type by running \rosmsg show TimestampString".

To use the new message, you need to add a corresponding import statement to any Python programs that use it:

from my_chatter.msg import TimestampString

Do this for the publisher and subscriber that you are writing.

Checkpoint 1

Get a TA to check your work (you may continue if a TA is unavailable). At this point you should be able to:

Explain all the contents of your lab2 workspace

Discuss the new message type you created for the user_messages topic Demonstrate that your package builds successfully

Demonstrate the functionality of your new nodes using TimestampString

Write a controller for turtlesim

For the last part of this lab, let’s write a new controller for the turtlesim node you used in the lab last week. This node will replace turtle_teleop_key. Since the turtlesim node is the subscriber in this example, you’ll only need to write a single publisher node. Create a new package lab2_turtlesim (that depends on turtlesim and other appropriate packages) to hold your node.

Your node should do the following:

Accept a command line argument specifying the name of the turtle it should control (e.g., running rosrun lab2_turtlesim turtle1

will start a controller node that controls turtle1). The Python package sys will help you get command line arguments.

Publish velocity control messages on the appropriate topic (rostopic list could be useful) whenever the user presses certain keys on the keyboard, as in the original turtle_teleop_key. (It turns out that capturing individual keystrokes from the terminal is slightly complicated | it’s a great bonus if you can gure it out, but feel free to use raw_input() instead.)

When you think you have your node working, open a turtlesim window and spawn multiple turtles in it. Then see if you can open multiple instances of your new turtle controller node, each linked to a di erent turtle. What happens if you start multiple instances of the node all controlling the same turtle?

Checkpoint 2

Get a TA to check your work. You should be able to:

Explain all the contents of your lab2_turtlesim package Show that your new package builds successfully

Demonstrate the functionality of your new turtle controller node by controlling two turtles with di erent inputs

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