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APE Lab Linked Lists and Recursion Solution

The linked list material is spread through several folders, so that difficulties in getting any single method to work will not prevent testing your knowledge of other areas. This will be a non-circular linked list with a dummy header node. (Because of the hierarchical structure, all of the linked list subclasses will also be non-circular lists with a dummy header node.) Go into each of the folders shown (which constitute a long hierarchy of superclass/subclass files) and make the indicated changes. In none of these are you allowed to change the driver file. You will be given working versions of the .class files from the superclass(es) in each of the subclasses.


Write the isEmpty(), clear(), addFirst() and listForward() methods for Check the output file LinkedList0.txt to see what should be produced from running Driver0, including the format for listForward(). If you wish, you may add helper methods to accomplish the specified public behaviors. Note: if you wish to use accessor methods (getData/setData, getNext/setNext), you may add them to the Node class and they will be available in the LinkedList0$Node.class files in the subclasses derived from the class LinkedList0 in the remaining parts of this exam.


Write the Comparable get(int index) method for LinkedList1. If index is invalid as an index [less than zero or greater than or equal to the list size], print an error diagnostic and return a null reference. Otherwise return the reference to the Comparable that occurs at the indicated index. Do NOT delete LinkedList0$Node.class, or LinkedList0.class from the folder. Check the output file LinkedList1.txt to see what should be produced from running Driver1.


Write the void addLast(Comparable element) method for LinkedList2. This is to add the indicated object (element) so that it is the last element within LinkedList2. [Note that this implementation of a linked list does not have a tail reference.] Do NOT delete LinkedList0$Node.class, LinkedList0.class, or LinkedList1.class from the folder. Check the output file LinkedList2.txt to see what should be produced from running Driver2.

LinkedList3 — Order Relationships

Write the void addOrdered(Comparable element) method for LinkedList3. This is to add the indicated Comparable object (element) into its proper position within LinkedList3. Do NOT delete LinkedList0$Node.class, LinkedList0.class, LinkedList1.class, or LinkedList2.class from the folder. Check the output file LinkedList3.txt to see what should be produced from running Driver3.


Write the boolean remove(Comparable element) method for LinkedList4. This is to find the first occurrence of element within the list, remove that node and return true. If it fails to find element, it returns a false. Do NOT delete LinkedList0$Node.class, LinkedList0.class, LinkedList1.class, LinkedList2.class, or LinkedList3.class from the folder. Check the output file LinkedList4.txt to see what should be produced from running Driver4.

LinkedList5 — Recursive Component

Write the listReverse() method for This method should print the contents of the list in REVERSE order. You must utilize recursion to accomplish this task. You are welcome to write one or more helper methods to aid your recursion. Do NOT delete LinkedList0$Node.class, LinkedList0.class, LinkedList1.class, LinkedList2.class, LinkedList3.class, or LinkedList4.class from the folder. Check the output file LinkedList5.txt to see what should be produced from running Driver5.

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